\name{supportsExpat} \alias{supportsExpat} \alias{supportsLibxml} \title{ Determines which native XML parsers are being used.} \description{ Use of the Gnome libxml and Expat parsers is supported in this R/S XML package, but both need not be used when compiling the package. These functions determine whether each is available in the underlying native code. } \usage{ supportsExpat() supportsLibxml() } \details{ One might to use different parsers to test validity of a document in different ways and to get different error messages. Additionally, one parser may be more efficient than the other. These methods allow one to write code in such a way that one parser is preferred and is used if it is available, but the other is used if the first is not available. } \value{ Returns \code{TRUE} if the corresponding library has been linked into the package. } \references{\url{http://www.w3.org/XML}, \url{http://www.jclark.com/xml}, \url{http://www.omegahat.org} } \author{ Duncan Temple Lang } \seealso{ \code{\link{xmlEventParse}} } \examples{ # use Expat if possible, otherwise libxml fileName <- system.file("exampleData", "mtcars.xml", package="XML") xmlEventParse(fileName, useExpat = supportsExpat()) } \keyword{file}