Raw File
--- Software Heritage Data Types

create type content_status as enum ('absent', 'visible', 'hidden');
comment on type content_status is 'Content visibility';

create type revision_type as enum ('git', 'tar', 'dsc', 'svn', 'hg');
comment on type revision_type is 'Possible revision types';

create type object_type as enum ('content', 'directory', 'revision', 'release', 'snapshot');
comment on type object_type is 'Data object types stored in data model';

create type snapshot_target as enum ('content', 'directory', 'revision', 'release', 'snapshot', 'alias');
comment on type snapshot_target is 'Types of targets for snapshot branches';

create type origin_visit_state as enum (
comment on type origin_visit_state IS 'Possible origin visit values';
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