% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/cycle_hire.R \docType{data} \name{cycle_hire} \alias{cycle_hire} \title{Cycle hire points in London} \format{FORMAT: \itemize{ \item{id} {Id of the hire point} \item{name} {Name of the point} \item{area} {Area they are in} \item{nbikes} {The number of bikes currently parked there} \item{nempty} {The number of empty places} \item{geometry} {sfc_POINT} }} \source{ \url{cyclehireapp.com/cyclehirelive/cyclehire.csv} } \usage{ cycle_hire } \description{ Points representing cycle hire points accross London. } \examples{ if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) { library(sf) data(cycle_hire) # or cycle_hire <- st_read(system.file("shapes/cycle_hire.geojson", package="spData")) plot(cycle_hire) } \dontrun{ # Download the data cycle_hire = readr::read_csv("http://cyclehireapp.com/cyclehirelive/cyclehire.csv", col_names = FALSE, skip = TRUE) cycle_hire = cycle_hire[c_names] c_names = c("id", "name", "area", "lat", "lon", "nbikes", "nempty") cycle_hire = st_sf(cycle_hire, st_multipoint(c_names[c("lon", "lat")])) } } \keyword{datasets} \keyword{sf}