\name{Dev} \alias{Dev} \title{Choosing the device} \description{ \code{Dev} chooses between the graphical devices screen, postscript and pdf } \usage{ Dev(on, dev, ps=NULL, cur.cex=TRUE, paper="special", width=5, height=5, quiet=FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{on}{logical. Indicates whether \code{dev} should be switched on or off} \item{dev}{see Details} \item{ps}{name of the pdf or postscript file} \item{cur.cex}{logical. If \code{TRUE} the par parameters of the current device are used, not the standard parameters} \item{paper}{kind of paper. Postscript parameter} \item{width}{width of figure. Postscript and pdf parameter} \item{height}{height of figure. Postscript and pdf parameter} \item{quiet}{logical. If \code{FALSE} additional information is given.} \item{...}{further parameters for pdf or postscript} } \details{ The parameter \code{dev} might be \describe{ \item{logical}{If suffix of \code{ps} is either "eps", "ps" or "pdf" the respective file is created. Otherwise, a postscript file ending with suffix "eps" is created if \code{dev=TRUE} and a pdf file with suffix "pdf" if \code{dev=FALSE}} \item{character}{A function with name \code{dev} is called, and the suffix \code{dev} is added to \code{ps}} \item{numeric}{\code{Dev} switches to the device with number \code{dev}; if such a device does not exist, a new X11 device is created. If \code{dev<2} the device opened by \code{Dev(on=TRUE,...)} is closed by \code{Dev(on=FALSE)}; otherwise only \code{par(new=F)} is applied to the device. } The parameters \code{dev}, \code{ps}, \code{cur.cex}, \code{paper}, \code{width}, \code{height} and \code{...} are ignored if \code{on=FALSE}. } } \value{ \code{NULL}. Side effect is that the global variable \code{.dev.orig} is created when \code{Dev(on=TRUE,...)} is called. } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlath@hsu-hh.de} \url{http://www.unibw-hamburg.de/WWEB/math/schlath/schlather.html}} \examples{ ## first an eps-file test.eps is created, then a jpeg-file, ## finally the figure is plotted on the screen dir(pattern="test*") for (dev in list(TRUE, "jpeg", 1)) { print(dev) size <- if (dev=="jpeg") 450 else 5 Dev(TRUE, dev, ps="test", height=size, width=size) plot(0, 0, main=paste("dev=", dev)) # readline("press return") Dev(FALSE) } dir(pattern="test*") } \keyword{device} \keyword{utilities}