\section{File puma\_namelist} \subsection{Namelist INP} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline {\bf Name }&Def.&Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf column }& 0 & int & 1: initialize PLASIM for column runs \\ {\bf kick }& 1 & int & 0: no noise initialization ($p_s$ = const.) \\ {\bf }& & & 1: random white noise \\ {\bf }& & & 2: Equator symmetric random white noise \\ {\bf }& & & 3: mode (1,2) no random initialization \\ {\bf mars }& 0 & int & 1: initialize PLASIM for planet Mars \\ {\bf mpstep }& 45 & int & minutes per step (lenghth of timestep) \\ {\bf nadv }& 1 & int & 1: switches horizontal advection on \\ {\bf ncoeff }& 0 & int & spectral coefficients to print in {\bf wrspam}\\ {\bf ndel(NLEV)}&all 2& int & order of hyperdiffusion for each level (2*h)\\ {\bf ndiag }& 12 & int & output interval for diagnostics [timesteps] \\ {\bf ndiagcf }& 0 & int & 1: turn on cloud forcing diagnostic \\ {\bf ndiaggp }& 0 & int & 1: process franks gp-diagnostic arrays \\ {\bf ndiaggp2d }& 0 & int & number of additional 2-d gp-diagnostic arrays \\ {\bf ndiaggp3d }& 0 & int & number of additional 3-d gp-diagnostic arrays \\ {\bf ndiagsp }& 0 & int & 1: process franks sp-diagnostic arrays \\ {\bf ndiagsp2d }& 0 & int & number of additional 2-d sp-diagnostic arrays \\ {\bf ndiagsp3d }& 0 & int & number of additional 3-d sp-diagnostic arrays \\ {\bf ndl(NLEV) }&all 0& int & 1: activate spectral printouts for this level \\ {\bf neqsig }& 1 & int & 1: use equidistant sigma levels \\ {\bf nflux }& 1 & int & 1: switches vertical diffusion on \\ {\bf ngui }& 0 & int & 1: run with active GUI \\ {\bf nhdiff }& 15 & int & critical wavenumber for horizontal diffusion \\ {\bf nhordif }& 1 & int & 1: switches horizontal diffusion on \\ {\bf nkits }& 3 & int & number of short initial timesteps \\ {\bf noutput }& 1 & int & enables (1) or disables (0) output file \\ {\bf npackgp }& 1 & int & 1: pack gridpoint fields on output \\ {\bf npacksp }& 1 & int & 1: pack spectral fields on output \\ {\bf nperpetual}& 0 & int & radiation day for perpetual integration \\ {\bf nprhor }& 0 & int & 1: grid point for print out (only for checks!) \\ {\bf nprint }& 0 & int & 1: comprehensive print out (only for checks!) \\ {\bf nrad }& 1 & int & 1: switches radiation on \\ {\bf ntime }& 0 & int & 1: turn on time use diagnostics \\ {\bf nwpd }& 1 & int & number of writes per day (to puma\_output) \\ \hline \end{tabular} \newpage Namelist INP continued \vspace{3mm} \\ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline {\bf Name }&Def.&Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf n\_days\_per\_month} & 30 & int & length of month for simple calendar \\ {\bf n\_days\_per\_year} & 360 & int & length of year for simple calendar or 365 \\ {\bf n\_run\_days} & -1 & int & Simulation time (days to run) \\ {\bf n\_run\_months} & 0 & int & Simulation time (months to run) \\ {\bf n\_run\_years} & 1 & int & Simulation time (years to run) \\ {\bf n\_start\_month} & 1 & int & Starting month \\ {\bf n\_start\_year} & 1 & int & Starting year \\ {\bf psurf }&101100.0&real& global mean surface pressure [Pa] \\ {\bf restim(NLEV)}&all 15.0 & real & restoration timescale for each level \\ {\bf sigh(NLEV)} & all 0.0 & real & user definable sigmah array \\ {\bf sellon} & 0.0 & real & longitude of soundings in the GUI \\ {\bf t0(NLEV) }&all 250.0&real& reference $T_R$-temperature profile \\ {\bf tfrc(NLEV)}& 0,0,0,.. ,1 & int & Rayleigh friction timescale $\tau_F$ in days \\ {\bf tdissd }& 0.2 & real & diffusion time scale for divergence [days] \\ {\bf tdissq }& 5.6 & real & diffusion time scale for specific humidity [days] \\ {\bf tdisst }& 5.6 & real & diffusion time scale for temperature [days] \\ {\bf tdissz }& 1.1 & real & diffusion time scale for vorticity [days] \\ {\bf time0 }& 0.0 & real & start time (for performance estimates) \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Namelist PLANET} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline {\bf Name }&Def.&Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf akap } & 0.286 & real & kappa \\ {\bf alr } & 0.0065 & real & lapse rate \\ {\bf eccen } & 0.0 & real & eccentricity for fixed orbits \\ {\bf ga } & 9.81 & real & gravity \\ {\bf gascon } & 287.0 & real & gas constant \\ {\bf mvelp } & 0.0 & real & longitude of vernal equinox for fixed orbits (deg) \\ {\bf nfixorb } & 0 & int & 1: fix the planetary orbit \\ {\bf obliq } & 0.0 & real & obliquity for fixed orbits (deg) \\ {\bf plarad } & 6371000.0 & real & planetary radius \\ {\bf pnu } & 0.1 & real & time filter \\ {\bf ra1 } & 610.78 & real & parameter in Magnus-Teten formula \\ {\bf ra2 } & 17.269 & real & parameter in Magnus-Teten formula \\ {\bf ra4 } & 35.86 & real & parameter in Magnus-Teten formula \\ {\bf solar\_day } & 86400.0 & real & length of solar day \\ {\bf siderial\_day} & 86164.0 & real & length of siderial day \\ {\bf ww } & 7.29e-5 & real & $ 2 \pi / siderial day $ \\ {\bf yplanet } & "Earth" & char & name of planet \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Namelist MISCPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf nfixer} & 1 & int & 1: correct negative moisture \\ {\bf nudge } & 0 & int & 1: temperature relaxation in the uppermost level \\ {\bf tnudge} & 10.0 & real & Time scale [d] of the temperature relaxation \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Namelist FLUXPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf nevap }& 1 & int & 1: turn on surface evaporation \\ {\bf nshfl }& 1 & int & 1: turn on surface sensible heat flux \\ {\bf nstress }& 1 & int & 1: turn on surface wind stress \\ {\bf nvdiff }& 1 & int & 1: turn on vertical diffusion \\ {\bf vdiff\_lamm }& 160.0 & real & tuning parameter for vert. diff. \\ {\bf vdiff\_b }& 5.0 & real & tuning parameter for vert. diff. \\ {\bf vdiff\_c }& 5.0 & real & tuning parameter for vert. diff. \\ {\bf vdiff\_d }& 5.0 & real & tuning parameter for vert. diff. \\ {\bf zumin }& 1.0 & real & minimum surface wind speed (m/s) \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Namelist RADPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf acl2(3) } & 0.05,0.1,0.2 & real & cloud absorptivities spectral range 2 \\ {\bf acllwr } & 0.1 & real & mass absorption coefficient for clouds (lwr) \\ {\bf clgray } & -1.0 & real & cloud grayness \\ {\bf co2 } & 360.0 & real & co2 concentration (ppmv) \\ {\bf dawn } & 0.0 & real & zenith angle threshhold for night \\ {\bf gsol0 } & 1365.0 & real & solar constant (w/m2) \\ {\bf iyrbp } & -50 & int & Year before present (1950 AD); default = 2000 AD \\ {\bf ndcycle } & 0 & int & switch for daily cycle 1=on/0=off \\ {\bf nlwr } & 1 & int & switch for long wave radiation (dbug) 1=on/0=off \\ {\bf no3 } & 1 & int & switch for ozon 1=on/0=off \\ {\bf nrscat } & 1 & int & switch for rayleigh scattering (dbug) 1=on/0=off \\ {\bf nsol } & 1 & int & switch for solar insolation (dbug) 1=on/0=off \\ {\bf nswr } & 1 & int & switch for short wave radiation (dbug) 1=on/0=off \\ {\bf nswrcl } & 1 & int & switch for computed or prescribed cloud props. 1=com/0=pres \\ {\bf rcl1(3) } & 0.15,0.3,0.6 & real & cloud albedos spectral range 1 \\ {\bf rcl2(3) } & 0.15,0.3,0.6 & real & cloud albedos spectral range 2 \\ {\bf th2oc } & 0.04 & real & absorption coefficient for h2o continuum \\ {\bf tpofmt } & 1.0 & real & tuning of point of mean (lwr) transmissivity in layer \\ {\bf tswr1 } & 0.04 & real & tuning of cloud albedo range1 \\ {\bf tswr2 } & 0.048 & real & tuning of cloud back scattering c. range2 \\ {\bf tswr3 } & 0.004 & real & tuning of cloud s. scattering alb. range2 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Namelist RAINPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf clwcrit1 } & -0.1 & real & 1st critical vertical velocity for clouds \\ {\bf clwcrit2 } & 0.0 & real & 2nd critical vertical velocity for clouds \\ {\bf kbetta } & 1 & int & switch for betta in kuo (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf ncsurf } & 1 & int & conv. starts from surface (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf ndca } & 1 & int & dry convective adjustment (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf nmoment } & 0 & int & momentum mixing (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf nshallow } & 0 & int & switch for shallow convection (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf nprc } & 1 & int & large convective precip (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf nprl } & 1 & int & switch for large scale precip (1/0=yes/no) \\ {\bf rcrit(NLEV)} & & real & critical relative hum. for non conv. clouds \\ \hline \end{tabular} \subsection{Namelist SURFPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf noromax }& model resolution (NTRU) & int & resolution of orography \\ {\bf nsurf }& not active & int & debug switch \\ {\bf oroscale }& 1.0 & real & scaling factor for orography \\ \hline \end{tabular} \section{File land\_namelist} \subsection{Namelist LANDPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf albgmax } & 0.8 & real & max. albedo for glaciers \\ {\bf albgmin } & 0.6 & real & min. albedo for glaciers \\ {\bf albland } & 0.2 & real & albedo for land \\ {\bf albsmax } & 0.8 & real & max. albedo for snow \\ {\bf albsmaxf } & 0.4 & real & max. albedo for snow (with forest) \\ {\bf albsmin } & 0.4 & real & min. albedo for snow \\ {\bf albsminf } & 0.3 & real & min. albedo for snow (with forest) \\ {\bf co2conv } & 14.0 & real & co2 conversion factor \\ {\bf drhsfull } & 0.4 & real & threshold above which drhs=1 [frac. of wsmax] \\ {\bf drhsland } & 0.25 & real & wetness factor land \\ {\bf dsmax } & 5.00 & real & maximum snow depth (m-h20; -1 = no limit) \\ {\bf dsoilz(NLSOIL)} & & real & soil layer thickness \\ {\bf dwatcini} & 0.0 & real & soil water content (m) for manual initialization \\ & & & (nwatcini=1) \\ {\bf dz0land } & 2.0 & real & roughness length land \\ {\bf dzglac } & -1. & real & threshold of orography to be glacier (-1=none) \\ {\bf dztop } & 0.20 & real & thickness of the uppermost soil layer (m) \\ {\bf forgrow } & 1.0 & real & growth factor initialization \\ {\bf gs } & 1.0 & real & stomatal conductance initialization \\ {\bf nbiome } & 0 & int & switch for vegetation model (1/0 : prog./clim) \\ {\bf ncveg } & 1 & int & compute new dcveg (0=keep initial state) \\ {\bf newsurf } & 0 & int & (dtcl,dwcl) 1: update from file, 2:reset \\ {\bf nlandt } & 1 & int & switch for land model (1/0 : prog./clim) \\ {\bf nlandw } & 1 & int & switch for soil model (1/0 : prog./clim) \\ {\bf nwatcini } & 0 & int & switch for manual soil water setting (1/0 : on/off) \\ {\bf rinisoil } & 0.0 & real & soil carbon initialization \\ {\bf riniveg } & 0.0 & real & biomass carbon initialization \\ {\bf rlaigrow } & 0.5 & real & above ground growth factor initialization \\ {\bf rlue } & 8.0E-10 & real & \\ {\bf rnbiocats} & 0.0 & real & \\ {\bf tau\_soil } & 42.0 & real & [years] - in landini scaled to seconds \\ {\bf tau\_veg } & 10.0 & real & [years] - in landini scaled to seconds \\ {\bf wsmax } & WSMAX\_EARTH & real & max field capacity of soil water (m) \\ {\bf z0\_max } & 2.0 & real & maximum roughness length for vegetation \\ \hline \end{tabular} \section{File sea\_namelist} \subsection{Namelist SEAPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf ncpl\_atmos\_ice }& 32 & int & atmosphere ice coupling time steps \\ {\bf albsea }& 0.069 & real & albedo for open water \\ {\bf albice }& 0.7 & real & max. albedo for sea ice \\ {\bf dz0sea }& $1.5\cdot 10^{-5}$ & real & roughness length sea [m]\\ {\bf dz0ice }& $1.0\cdot 10^{-3}$ & real & roughness length ice [m]\\ {\bf drhssea }& 1.0 & real & wetness factor sea \\ {\bf drhsice }& 1.0 & real & wetness factor ice \\ \hline \end{tabular} \section{File ocean\_namelist} \subsection{Namelist OCEANPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf dlayer(NLEV\_OCE)} & 50.0 & real & layer depth (m) \\ {\bf ndiag} & 480 & int & diagnostics each ndiag timestep \\ {\bf newsurf}& 0 & int & 1: read surface data after restart \\ {\bf nfluko}& 0 & int & switch for flux correction \\ {\bf nocean }& 1 & int & ocean model (1) or climatology (0) \\ {\bf nperpetual\_ocean}& 0 & int & perpetual climate conditions (day) \\ {\bf nprhor}& 0 & int & gridpoint for debug printout \\ {\bf nprint}& 0 & int & switch for debug printout \\ {\bf taunc}& 0.0 & real & time scale for newtonian cooling \\ {\bf vdiffk}& 1.0e-4 & real & vertikal diffusion coeff. [m**2/s] \\ \hline \end{tabular} \section{File ice\_namelist} \subsection{Namelist ICEPAR} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline Name & Def. & Type & Description \\ \hline {\bf newsurf}& 0 & int & 1: read surface data after restart \\ {\bf nfluko}& 0 & int & switch for flux correction \\ {\bf nice }& 1 & int & sea ice model (1) or climatology (0) \\ {\bf nout }& 32 & int & model data output every {\bf nout} time steps \\ {\bf nperpetual\_ice}& 0 & int & perpetual climate conditions (day) \\ {\bf nprhor}& 0 & int & gridpoint for debug printout \\ {\bf nprint}& 0 & int & switch for debug printout \\ {\bf nsnow}& 1 & int & allow snow on ice yes/no (1/0) \\ {\bf ntskin}& 1 & int & compute skin temperature (0=clim. \\ {\bf ncpl\_ice\_ocean }& 1 & int & ice ocean coupling time steps \\ {\bf taunc}& 0.0 & real & time scale for newtonian cooling \\ {\bf xmind}& 0.1 & real & minimal ice thickness (m) \\ \hline \end{tabular}