Tip revision: a71f4aa5dd65c9b8bf679213700c009a498c3ce7 authored by S M T Chua on 02 March 2022, 04:59:20 UTC
Merge pull request #381 from GeoscienceAustralia/sc/ghpages
Merge pull request #381 from GeoscienceAustralia/sc/ghpages
Tip revision: a71f4aa
This is an installation guide to get `PyRate` running on various platforms.
Follow the instructions to install `PyRate` and run a small toy example using
the test dataset included in the repository.
.. include:: dependencies.rst
`PyRate` and its Python dependencies can be installed directly from the
Python Package Index (PyPI_)::
pip install Py-Rate
.. _PyPI:
.. include:: ubuntu.rst
.. include:: docker.rst
.. include:: hpc.rst
Verify Installation
To verify `PyRate` has been successfully installed, run the full processing
workflow with the example config file and the small dataset included
in the repository. If you compiled the ``pyrate`` executable program::
pyrate workflow -f input_parameters.conf
If you installed from the Python Package Index (PyPI_), you won't have a
``pyrate`` executable program. Instead use::
python3 pyrate/ workflow -f input_parameters.conf
If the installation has been successful, this workflow will complete without
errors and output geotiff files will be generated in::