#Note: html notation like NAME for subscript and NAME for superscript #can be used in axes labels and spectrum hover information (slha blocks, BRs, ctau,...), #but not in the SModelS hover information. #Plot title plot_title = 'interactive plot example from a small pMSSM scan' #Label*, block and code number for the variables you want to plot, e.g. ['MASS', 1000021]. These will be your x and y axes. variable_x = ['MASS', 1000021] variable_y =['MASS', 1000022] #Alternatively, you can add custom names as: #variable_x = {'mgluino': ['MASS', 1000021]} #variable_y = {'mχ10': ['MASS', 1000022]} #SLHA hover information: In a dictionary form, give the name* of your variable, the block and code number to find it in the SLHA file. slha_hover_information =[ ['MASS', 1000021], ['MASS', 1000006], ['MASS', 1000022]] #You can provide custom names as: #slha_hover_information = {'m(gluino)': ['MASS', 1000021], 'm(stop1)': ['MASS', 1000006], 'm(chi10)': ['MASS', 1000022]} #For which particles you want to get the mean decay length. ctau_hover_information = [1000024] #You can provide custom names as: #ctau_hover_information = {'ctau(chi1+)': 1000024} #For which particles you want to display the decay channels and branching ratios. BR_hover_information = [1000021,1000024] #You can provide custom names as: #BR_hover_information = {'BR(gluino)': 1000021, 'BR(chi1+)': 1000024} #The output is written in the form '.25[1000022,1,-1]', where the first number (0.25) is the branching ratio, and the numbers in [,] are the PDG codes of the decay products. #WARNING: Lists of branching ratios lists can be very long, so the may not fit in the hover box. #You can tell how many entries you want to print with min_BR, e.g. min_BR = .05 (default 'all'). min_BR = .05 #SModelS hover information; options are: # #SModelS_status -> prints whether the point is excluded or not by SModelS. #r_max -> shows the highest r-value for each parameter point. #chi2 -> shows the chi^2 value which corresponds to r_max, if available (if not, the output is 'False'). #Tx -> shows the topology/ies which give r_max #Analysis -> shows the experimental analysis from which the strongest constraint (r_max) comes from. #MT_max -> shows the missing topology with the largest cross section (in SModelS bracket notation). #MT_max_xsec -> shows the cross section of MT_max. #MT_total_xsec -> shows the total missing cross section (i.e. the sum of all missing topologies cross sections) . #MT_prompt_xsec->Extracts the total cross section from missing prompt topologies #MT_displaced_xsec->Extracts the total cross section from missing displaced topologies #MT_outgrid_xsec -> shows the total missing cross section outside the mass grids of the experimental results. #file -> shows the name of the input spectrum file. SModelS_hover_information = ['SModelS_status', 'r_max', 'Tx', 'Analysis','chi2', 'MT_max','MT_max_xsec', 'MT_total_xsec', 'MT_outgrid_xsec','MT_prompt_xsec','MT_displaced_xsec', 'file'] #Set which plots do you want # choice for plot data: all, non-excluded, excluded points. plot_data = ['all', 'non-excluded', 'excluded'] # choice for plot list: same options as for SModels hover information (except 'file'). plot_list = ['SModelS_status','r_max', 'Tx', 'Analysis','chi2', 'MT_max', 'MT_max_xsec', 'MT_total_xsec','MT_outgrid_xsec','MT_prompt_xsec','MT_displaced_xsec']