# purrr 0.3.0 ## Breaking changes * `modify()` and variants are now wrapping `[[<-` instead of `[<-`. This change increases the genericity of these functions but might cause different behaviour in some cases. For instance, the `[[<-` for data frames is stricter than the `[<-` method and might throw errors instead of warnings. This is the case when assigning a longer vector than the number of rows. `[<-` truncates the vector with a warning, `[[<-` fails with an error (as is appropriate). * `modify()` and variants now return the same type as the input when the input is an atomic vector. * All functionals taking predicate functions (like `keep()`, `detect()`, `some()`) got stricter. Predicate functions must now return a single `TRUE` or `FALSE`. This change is meant to detect problems early with a more meaningful error message. ## Plucking * New `chuck()` function. This is a strict variant of `pluck()` that throws errors when an element does not exist instead of returning `NULL` (@daniel-barnett, #482). * New `assign_in()` and `pluck<-` functions. They modify a data structure at an existing pluck location. * New `modify_in()` function to map a function at a pluck location. * `pluck()` now dispatches properly with S3 vectors. The vector class must implement a `length()` method for numeric indexing and a `names()` method for string indexing. * `pluck()` now supports primitive functions (#404). ## Mapping * New `.else` argument for `map_if()` and `modify_if()`. They take an alternative function that is mapped over elements of the input for which the predicate function returns `FALSE` (#324). * `reduce()`, `reduce2()`, `accumulate()`, and `accumulate2()` now terminate early when the function returns a value wrapped with `done()` (#253). When an empty `done()` is returned, the value at the last iteration is returned instead. * Functions taking predicates (`map_if()`, `keep()`, `some()`, `every()`, `keep()`, etc) now fail with an informative message when the return value is not `TRUE` or `FALSE` (#470). This is a breaking change for `every()` and `some()` which were documented to be more liberal in the values they accepted as logical (any vector was considered `TRUE` if not a single `FALSE` value, no matter its length). These functions signal soft-deprecation warnings instead of a hard failure. * `modify()` and variants are now implemented using `length()`, `[[`, and `[[<-` methods. This implementation should be compatible with most vector classes. * New `modify2()` and `imodify()` functions. These work like `map()` and `imap()` but preserve the type of `.x` in the return value. * `pmap()` and `pwalk()` now preserve class for inputs of `factor`, `Date`, `POSIXct` and other atomic S3 classes with an appropriate `[[` method (#358, @mikmart). * `modify()`, `modify_if()` and `modify_at()` now preserve the class of atomic vectors instead of promoting them to lists. New S3 methods are provided for character, logical, double, and integer classes (@t-kalinowski, #417). * By popular request, `at_depth()` has been brought back as `map_depth()`. Like `modify_depth()`, it applies a function at a specified level of a data structure. However, it transforms all traversed vectors up to `.depth` to bare lists (#381). * `map_at()`, `modify_at()` and `lmap_at()` accept negative values for `.at`, ignoring elements at those positions. * `map()` and `modify()` now work with calls and pairlists (#412). * `modify_depth()` now modifies atomic leaves as well. This makes `modify_depth(x, 1, fn)` equivalent to `modify(x, fn)` (#359). * New `accumulate2()` function which is to `accumulate()` what `reduce2()` is to `reduce()`. ## Rates * New `rate_backoff()` and `rate_delay()` functions to create rate objects. You can pass rates to `insistently()`, `slowly()`, or the lower level function `rate_sleep()`. This will cause a function to wait for a given amount of time with exponential backoff (increasingly larger waiting times) or for a constant delay. * `insistently(f)` modifies a function, `f`, so that it is repeatedly called until it succeeds (@richierocks, @ijlyttle). `slowly()` modifies a function so that it waits for a given amount of time between calls. ## `partial()` The interface of `partial()` has been simplified. It now supports quasiquotation to control the timing of evaluation, and the `rlang::call_modify()` syntax to control the position of partialised arguments. * `partial()` now supports empty `... = ` argument to specify the position of future arguments, relative to partialised ones. This syntax is borrowed from (and implemented with) `rlang::call_modify()`. To prevent partial matching of `...` on `...f`, the latter has been renamed to `.f`, which is more consistent with other purrr function signatures. * `partial()` now supports quasiquotation. When you unquote an argument, it is evaluated only once at function creation time. This is more flexible than the `.lazy` argument since you can control the timing of evaluation for each argument. Consequently, `.lazy` is soft-deprecated (#457). * Fixed an infinite loop when partialised function is given the same name as the original function (#387). * `partial()` now calls `as_closure()` on primitive functions to ensure argument matching (#360). * The `.lazy` argument of `partial()` is soft-deprecated in favour of quasiquotation: ```r # Before partial(fn, u = runif(1), n = rnorm(1), .lazy = FALSE) # After partial(fn, u = !!runif(1), n = !!rnorm(1)) # All constant partial(fn, u = !!runif(1), n = rnorm(1)) # First constant ``` ## Minor improvements and fixes * The tibble package is now in Suggests rather than Imports. This brings the hard dependency of purrr to just rlang and magrittr. * `compose()` now returns an identity function when called without inputs. * Functions created with `compose()` now have the same formal parameters as the first function to be called. They also feature a more informative print method that prints all composed functions in turn (@egnha, #366). * New `.dir` argument in `compose()`. When set to `"forward"`, the functions are composed from left to right rather than right to left. * `list_modify()` now supports the `zap()` sentinel (reexported from rlang) to remove elements from lists. Consequently, removing elements with the ambiguous sentinel `NULL` is soft-deprecated. * The requirements of `list_modify()` and `list_merge()` have been relaxed. Previously it required both the modified lists and the inputs to be either named or unnamed. This restriction now only applies to inputs in `...`. When inputs are all named, they are matched to the list by name. When they are all unnamed, they are matched positionally. Otherwise, this is an error. * Fixed ordering of names returned by `accumulate_right()` output. They now correspond to the order of inputs. * Fixed names of `accumulate()` output when `.init` is supplied. * `compose()` now supports composition with lambdas (@ColinFay, #556) * Fixed a `pmap()` crash with empty lists on the Win32 platform (#565). * `modify_depth` now has `.ragged` argument evaluates correctly to `TRUE` by default when `.depth < 0` (@cderv, #530). * `accumulate()` now inherits names from their first input (@AshesITR, #446). * `attr_getter()` no longer uses partial matching. For example, if an `x` object has a `labels` attribute but no `label` attribute, `attr_getter("label")(x)` will no longer extract the `labels` attribute (#460, @huftis). * `flatten_dfr()` and `flatten_dfc()` now aborts if dplyr is not installed. (#454) * `imap_dfr()` now works with `.id` argument is provided (#429) * `list_modify()`, `update_list()` and `list_merge()` now handle duplicate duplicate argument names correctly (#441, @mgirlich). * `map_raw`, `imap_raw`, `flatten_raw`, `invoke_map_raw`, `map2_raw` and `pmap_raw` added to support raw vectors. (#455, @romainfrancois) * `flatten()` now supports raw and complex elements. * `array_branch()` and `array_tree()` now retain the `dimnames()` of the input array (#584, @flying-sheep) * `pluck()` no longer flattens lists of arguments. You can still do it manually with `!!!`. This change is for consistency with other dots-collecting functions of the tidyverse. * `map_at()`, `lmap_at()` and `modify_at()` now supports selection using `vars()` and `tidyselect` (@ColinFay, #608). Note that for now you need to import `vars()` from dplyr or call it qualified like `dplyr::vars()`. It will be reexported from rlang in a future release. * `detect()` now has a .default argument to specify the value returned when nothing is detected (#622, @ColinFay). ## Life cycle ### `.dir` arguments We have standardised the purrr API for reverse iteration with a common `.dir` argument. * `reduce_right()` is soft-deprecated and replaced by a new `.dir` argument of `reduce()`: ```{r} # Before: reduce_right(1:3, f) # After: reduce(1:3, f, .dir = "backward") ``` Note that the details of the computation have changed. Whereas `reduce_right()` computed `f(f(3, 2), 1)`, it now computes `f(1, f(2, 3))`. This is the standard way of reducing from the right. To produce the exact same reduction as `reduce_right()`, simply reverse your vector and use a left reduction: ```{r} # Before: reduce_right(1:3, f) # After: reduce(rev(1:3), f) ``` * `reduce2_right()` is soft-deprecated without replacement. It is not clear what algorithmic properties should a right reduction have in this case. Please reach out if you know about a use case for a right reduction with a ternary function. * `accumulate_right()` is soft-deprecated and replaced by the new `.dir` argument of `accumulate()`. Note that the algorithm has slightly changed: the accumulated value is passed to the right rather than the left, which is consistent with a right reduction. ```{r} # Before: accumulate_right(1:3, f) # After: accumulate(1:3, f, .dir = "backward") ``` * The `.right` argument of `detect()` and `detect_index()` is soft-deprecated and renamed to `.dir` for consistency with other functions and clarity of the interface. ```{r} # Before detect(x, f, .right = TRUE) # After detect(x, f, .dir = "backward") ``` ### Simplification of `partial()` The interface of `partial()` has been simplified (see more about `partial()` below): * The `.lazy` argument of `partial()` is soft-deprecated in favour of quasiquotation. * We had to rename `...f` to `.f` in `partial()` in order to support `... = ` argument (which would otherwise partial-match on `...f`). This also makes `partial()` more consistent with other purrr function signatures. ### Retirement of `invoke()` `invoke()` and `invoke_map()` are retired in favour of `exec()`. Note that retired functions are no longer under active development, but continue to be maintained undefinitely in the package. * `invoke()` is retired in favour of the `exec()` function, reexported from rlang. `exec()` evaluates a function call built from its inputs and supports tidy dots: ```r # Before: invoke(mean, list(na.rm = TRUE), x = 1:10) # After exec(mean, 1:10, !!!list(na.rm = TRUE)) ``` Note that retired functions are not removed from the package and will be maintained undefinitely. * `invoke_map()` is retired without replacement because it is more complex to understand than the corresponding code using `map()`, `map2()` and `exec()`: ```r # Before: invoke_map(fns, list(args)) invoke_map(fns, list(args1, args2)) # After: map(fns, exec, !!!args) map2(fns, list(args1, args2), function(fn, args) exec(fn, !!!args)) ``` ### Other lifecycle changes * `%@%` is soft-deprecated, please use the operator exported in rlang instead. The latter features an interface more consistent with `@` as it uses NSE, supports S4 fields, and has an assignment variant. * Removing elements from lists using `NULL` in `list_modify()` is soft-deprecated. Please use the new `zap()` sentinel reexported from rlang instead: ```{r} # Before: list_modify(x, foo = NULL) # After: list_modify(x, foo = zap()) ``` This change is motivated by the ambiguity of `NULL` as a deletion sentinel because `NULL` is also a valid value in lists. In the future, `NULL` will set an element to `NULL` rather than removing the element. * `rerun()` is now in the questioning stage because we are no longer convinced NSE functions are a good fit for purrr. Also, `rerun(n, x)` can just as easily be expressed as `map(1:n, ~ x)` (with the added benefit of being passed the current index as argument to the lambda). * `map_call()` is defunct. # purrr 0.2.5 * This is a maintenance release following the release of dplyr 0.7.5. # purrr 0.2.4 * Fixes for R 3.1. # purrr 0.2.3 ## Breaking changes We noticed the following issues during reverse dependencies checks: * If `reduce()` fails with this message: ``Error: `.x` is empty, and no `.init` supplied``, this is because `reduce()` now returns `.init` when `.x` is empty. Fix the problem by supplying an appropriate argument to `.init`, or by providing special behaviour when `.x` has length 0. * The type predicates have been migrated to rlang. Consequently the `bare-type-predicates` documentation topic is no longer in purrr, which might cause a warning if you cross-reference it. ## Dependencies purrr no longer depends on lazyeval or Rcpp (or dplyr, as of the previous version). This makes the dependency graph of the tidyverse simpler, and makes purrr more suitable as a dependency of lower-level packages. There have also been two changes to eliminate name conflicts between purrr and dplyr: * `order_by()`, `sort_by()` and `split_by()` have been removed. `order_by()` conflicted with `dplyr::order_by()` and the complete family doesn't feel that useful. Use tibbles instead (#217). * `contains()` has been renamed to `has_element()` to avoid conflicts with dplyr (#217). ## pluck() The plucking mechanism used for indexing into data structures with `map()` has been extracted into the function `pluck()`. Plucking is often more readable to extract an element buried in a deep data structure. Compare this syntax-heavy extraction which reads non-linearly: ``` accessor(x[[1]])$foo ``` to the equivalent pluck: ``` x %>% pluck(1, accessor, "foo") ``` ## Map helpers * `as_function()` is now `as_mapper()` because it is a tranformation that makes sense primarily for mapping functions, not in general (#298). `.null` has been renamed to `.default` to better reflect its intent (#298). `.default` is returned whenever an element is absent or empty (#231, #254). `as_mapper()` sanitises primitive functions by transforming them to closures with standardised argument names (using `rlang::as_closure()`). For instance `+` is transformed to `function(.x, .y) .x + .y`. This results in proper argument matching so that `map(1:10, partial(`-`, .x = 5))` produces `list(5 - 1, 5 - 2, ...)`. * Recursive indexing can now extract objects out of environments (#213) and S4 objects (#200), as well as lists. * `attr_getter()` makes it possible to extract from attributes like `map(list(iris, mtcars), attr_getter("row.names"))`. * The argument list for formula-functions has been tweaked so that you can refer to arguments by position with `..1`, `..2`, and so on. This makes it possible to use the formula shorthand for functions with more than two arguments (#289). * `possibly()`, `safely()` and friends no longer capture interrupts: this means that you can now terminate a mapper using one of these with Escape or Ctrl + C (#314) ## Map functions * All map functions now treat `NULL` the same way as an empty vector (#199), and return an empty vector if any input is an empty vector. * All `map()` functions now force their arguments in the same way that base R does for `lapply()` (#191). This makes `map()` etc easier to use when generating functions. * A new family of "indexed" map functions, `imap()`, `imap_lgl()` etc, provide a short-hand for `map2(x, names(x))` or `map2(x, seq_along(x))` (#240). * The data frame suffix `_df` has been (soft) deprecated in favour of `_dfr` to more clearly indicate that it's a row-bind. All variants now also have a `_dfc` for column binding (#167). (These will not be terribly useful until `dplyr::bind_rows()`/`dplyr::bind_cols()` have better semantics for vectors.) ## Modify functions A new `modify()` family returns the same output of the type as the input `.x`. This is in contrast to the `map()` family which always returns a list, regardless of the input type. The modify functions are S3 generics. However their default methods should be sufficient for most classes since they rely on the semantics of `[<-`. `modify.default()` is thus a shorthand for `x[] <- map(x, f)`. * `at_depth()` has been renamed to `modify_depth()`. * `modify_depth()` gains new `.ragged` argument, and negative depths are now computed relative to the deepest component of the list (#236). ## New functions * `auto_browse(f)` returns a new function that automatically calls `browser()` if `f` throws an error (#281). * `vec_depth()` computes the depth (i.e. the number of levels of indexing) or a vector (#243). * `reduce2()` and `reduce2_right()` make it possible to reduce with a 3 argument function where the first argument is the accumulated value, the second argument is `.x`, and the third argument is `.y` (#163). * `list_modify()` extends `stats::modifyList()` to replace by position if the list is not named.(#201). `list_merge()` operates similarly to `list_modify()` but combines instead of replacing (#322). * The legacy function `update_list()` is basically a version of `list_modify` that evaluates formulas within the list. It is likely to be deprecated in the future in favour of a tidyeval interface such as a list method for `dplyr::mutate()`. ## Minor improvements and bug fixes * Thanks to @dchiu911, the unit test coverage of purrr is now much greater. * All predicate functions are re-exported from rlang (#124). * `compact()` now works with standard mapper conventions (#282). * `cross_n()` has been renamed to `cross()`. The `_n` suffix was removed for consistency with `pmap()` (originally called `map_n()` at the start of the project) and `transpose()` (originally called `zip_n()`). Similarly, `cross_d()` has been renamed to `cross_df()` for consistency with `map_df()`. * `every()` and `some()` now return `NA` if present in the input (#174). * `invoke()` uses a more robust approach to generate the argument list (#249) It no longer uses lazyeval to figure out which enviroment a character `f` comes from. * `is_numeric()` and `is_scalar_numeric()` are deprecated because they don't test for what you might expect at first sight. * `reduce()` now throws an error if `.x` is empty and `.init` is not supplied. * Deprecated functions `flatmap()`, `map3()`, `map_n()`, `walk3()`, `walk_n()`, `zip2()`, `zip3()`, `zip_n()` have been removed. * `pmap()` coerces data frames to lists to avoid the expensive `[.data.frame` which provides security that is unneeded here (#220). * `rdunif()` checks its inputs for validity (#211). * `set_names()` can now take a function to tranform the names programmatically (#276), and you can supply names in `...` to reduce typing even more more (#316). `set_names()` is now powered by `rlang::set_names()`. * `safely()` now actually uses the `quiet` argument (#296). * `transpose()` now matches by name if available (#164). You can override the default choice with the new `.names` argument. * The function argument of `detect()` and `detect_index()` have been renamed from `.p` to `.f`. This is because they have mapper semantics rather than predicate semantics. # purrr This is a compatibility release with dplyr 0.6.0. * All data-frame based mappers have been removed in favour of new functions and idioms in the tidyverse. `dmap()`, `dmap_at()`, `dmap_if()`, `invoke_rows()`, `slice_rows()`, `map_rows()`, `by_slice()`, `by_row()`, and `unslice()` have been moved to purrrlyr. This is a bit of an aggresive change but it allows us to make the dependencies much lighter. # purrr 0.2.2 * Fix for dev tibble support. * `as_function()` now supports list arguments which allow recursive indexing using either names or positions. They now always stop when encountering the first NULL (#173). * `accumulate` and `reduce` correctly pass extra arguments to the worker function. # purrr 0.2.1 * `as_function()` gains a `.null` argument that for character and numeric values allows you to specify what to return for null/absent elements (#110). This can be used with any map function, e.g. `map_int(x, 1, .null = NA)` * `as_function()` is now generic. * New `is_function()` that returns `TRUE` only for regular functions. * Fix crash on GCC triggered by `invoke_rows()`. # purrr 0.2.0 ## New functions * There are two handy infix functions: * `x %||% y` is shorthand for `if (is.null(x)) y else x` (#109). * `x %@% "a"` is shorthand for `attr(x, "a", exact = TRUE)` (#69). * `accumulate()` has been added to handle recursive folding. It is shortand for `Reduce(f, .x, accumulate = TRUE)` and follows a similar syntax to `reduce()` (#145). A right-hand version `accumulate_right()` was also added. * `map_df()` row-binds output together. It's the equivalent of `plyr::ldply()` (#127) * `flatten()` is now type-stable and always returns a list. To return a simpler vector, use `flatten_lgl()`, `flatten_int()`, `flatten_dbl()`, `flatten_chr()`, or `flatten_df()`. * `invoke()` has been overhauled to be more useful: it now works similarly to `map_call()` when `.x` is NULL, and hence `map_call()` has been deprecated. `invoke_map()` is a vectorised complement to `invoke()` (#125), and comes with typed variants `invoke_map_lgl()`, `invoke_map_int()`, `invoke_map_dbl()`, `invoke_map_chr()`, and `invoke_map_df()`. * `transpose()` replaces `zip2()`, `zip3()`, and `zip_n()` (#128). The name more clearly reflects the intent (transposing the first and second levels of list). It no longer has fields argument or the `.simplify` argument; instead use the new `simplify_all()` function. * `safely()`, `quietly()`, and `possibly()` are experimental functions for working with functions with side-effects (e.g. printed output, messages, warnings, and errors) (#120). `safely()` is a version of `try()` that modifies a function (rather than an expression), and always returns a list with two components, `result` and `error`. * `list_along()` and `rep_along()` generalise the idea of `seq_along()`. (#122). * `is_null()` is the snake-case version of `is.null()`. * `pmap()` (parallel map) replaces `map_n()` (#132), and has typed-variants suffixed `pmap_lgl()`, `pmap_int()`, `pmap_dbl()`, `pmap_chr()`, and `pmap_df()`. * `set_names()` is a snake-case alternative to `setNames()` with stricter equality checking, and more convenient defaults for pipes: `x %>% set_names()` is equivalent to `setNames(x, x)` (#119). ## Row based functionals We are still figuring out what belongs in dplyr and what belongs in purrr. Expect much experimentation and many changes with these functions. * `map()` now always returns a list. Data frame support has been moved to `map_df()` and `dmap()`. The latter supports sliced data frames as a shortcut for the combination of `by_slice()` and `dmap()`: `x %>% by_slice(dmap, fun, .collate = "rows")`. The conditional variants `dmap_at()` and `dmap_if()` also support sliced data frames and will recycle scalar results to the slice size. * `map_rows()` has been renamed to `invoke_rows()`. As other rows-based functionals, it collates results inside lists by default, but with column collation this function is equivalent to `plyr::mdply()`. * The rows-based functionals gain a `.to` option to name the output column as well as a `.collate` argument. The latter allows to collate the output in lists (by default), on columns or on rows. This makes these functions more flexible and more predictable. ## Bug fixes and minor changes * `as_function()`, which converts formulas etc to functions, is now exported (#123). * `rerun()` is correctly scoped (#95) * `update_list()` can now modify an element called `x` (#98). * `map*()` now use custom C code, rather than relying on `lapply()`, `mapply()` etc. The performance characteristcs are very similar, but it allows us greater control over the output (#118). * `map_lgl()` now has second argument `.f`, not `.p` (#134). ## Deprecated functions * `flatmap()` -> use `map()` followed by the appropriate `flatten()`. * `map_call()` -> `invoke()`. * `map_n()` -> `pmap()`; `walk_n()` -> `pwalk()`. * `map3(x, y, z)` -> `map_n(list(x, y, z))`; `walk3(x, y, z) -> `pwalk(list(x, y, z))`