EDIT contentslist ED contentslist (EDIT) (ED) command. If invoked with an input, EDIT writes the definitions of the named items into a temporary file and edits that file, using an editor that depends on the platform you're using. In wxWidgets, and in the MacOS Classic version, there is an editor built into Logo. In the non-wxWidgets versions for Unix, MacOS X, Windows, and DOS, Logo uses your favorite editor as determined by the EDITOR environment variable. If you don't have an EDITOR variable, edits the definitions using jove. If invoked without an input, EDIT edits the same file left over from a previous EDIT or EDITFILE instruction. When you leave the editor, Logo reads the revised definitions and modifies the workspace accordingly. It is not an error if the input includes names for which there is no previous definition. If there is a variable LOADNOISILY whose value is TRUE, then, after leaving the editor, TO commands in the temporary file print "PROCNAME defined" (where PROCNAME is the name of the procedure being defined); if LOADNOISILY is FALSE or undefined, TO commands in the file are carried out silently. If there is an environment variable called TEMP, then Logo uses its value as the directory in which to write the temporary file used for editing. Exceptionally, the EDIT command can be used without its default input and without parentheses provided that nothing follows it on the instruction line.