import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs'; import { ScrollSpyInfo, ScrollSpyService } from 'app/shared/scroll-spy.service'; export interface TocItem { content: SafeHtml; href: string; isSecondary?: boolean; level: string; title: string; } @Injectable() export class TocService { tocList = new ReplaySubject(1); activeItemIndex = new ReplaySubject(1); private scrollSpyInfo: ScrollSpyInfo | null = null; constructor( @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document: any, private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer, private scrollSpyService: ScrollSpyService) { } genToc(docElement?: Element, docId = '') { this.resetScrollSpyInfo(); if (!docElement) {[]); return; } const headings = this.findTocHeadings(docElement); const idMap = new Map(); const tocList = => { const {title, content} = this.extractHeadingSafeHtml(heading); return { level: heading.tagName.toLowerCase(), href: `${docId}#${this.getId(heading, idMap)}`, title, content, }; });; this.scrollSpyInfo = this.scrollSpyService.spyOn(headings); => && item.index)); } reset() { this.resetScrollSpyInfo();[]); } // Transform the HTML content to be safe to use in the ToC: // - Strip off certain auto-generated elements (such as GitHub links and heading anchor links). // - Strip off any anchor links (but keep their content) // - Mark the HTML as trusted to be used with `[innerHTML]`. private extractHeadingSafeHtml(heading: HTMLHeadingElement) { const div: HTMLDivElement = this.document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = heading.innerHTML; // Remove any `.github-links` or `.header-link` elements (along with their content). querySelectorAll(div, '.github-links, .header-link').forEach(removeNode); // Remove any remaining `a` elements (but keep their content). querySelectorAll(div, 'a').forEach(anchorLink => { // We want to keep the content of this anchor, so move it into its parent. const parent = anchorLink.parentNode as Node; while (anchorLink.childNodes.length) { parent.insertBefore(anchorLink.childNodes[0], anchorLink); } // Now, remove the anchor. removeNode(anchorLink); }); return { // Security: The document element which provides this heading content is always authored by // the documentation team and is considered to be safe. content: this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(div.innerHTML.trim()), title: (div.textContent || '').trim(), }; } private findTocHeadings(docElement: Element): HTMLHeadingElement[] { // const headings = querySelectorAll(docElement, 'h1,h2,h3'); const headings = querySelectorAll(docElement, 'h1,h2,h3'); const skipNoTocHeadings = (heading: HTMLHeadingElement) => !/(?:no-toc|notoc)/i.test(heading.className); return headings.filter(skipNoTocHeadings); } private resetScrollSpyInfo() { if (this.scrollSpyInfo) { this.scrollSpyInfo.unspy(); this.scrollSpyInfo = null; }; } // Extract the id from the heading; create one if necessary // Is it possible for a heading to lack an id? private getId(h: HTMLHeadingElement, idMap: Map) { let id =; if (id) { addToMap(id); } else { id = (h.textContent || '').trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\W+/g, '-'); id = addToMap(id); = id; } return id; // Map guards against duplicate id creation. function addToMap(key: string) { const oldCount = idMap.get(key) || 0; const count = oldCount + 1; idMap.set(key, count); return count === 1 ? key : `${key}-${count}`; } } } // Helpers function querySelectorAll(parent: Element, selector: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K][]; function querySelectorAll(parent: Element, selector: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K][]; function querySelectorAll(parent: Element, selector: string): E[]; function querySelectorAll(parent: Element, selector: string) { // Wrap the `NodeList` as a regular `Array` to have access to array methods. // NOTE: IE11 does not even support some methods of `NodeList`, such as // [NodeList#forEach()]( return Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll(selector)); } function removeNode(node: Node): void { if (node.parentNode !== null) { // We cannot use `Node.remove()` because of IE11. node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }