# STiMCON This repository describes the scripts from the paper Ten Oever & Martin (2021), An oscillating computational model can track pseudo-rhythmic speech by using linguistic predictions, Elife, 10:e68066. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.68066 ## Explanation The repository consists of scripts belonging to the Corpus Gesproken Nederlands (CGN), simulations and fitting with STiMCON ### CGN related files: CGN_Fig2.py:\ This script extracts and plot the basic temporal variation in the syllables and words of the CGN related to Figure 2 of the main manuscript. CGN_Tab1_Fig3_Fig7.py:\ The ordinary least square and related figures. RNN_Model.py:\ The RNN model RNN_subFun.py:\ Subfunctions to use the RNN_Model ### STiMCON related files: STiMCON_Fig4_Fig5_Fig8A.py\ Shows the basic behavior of STiMCON (Figure 4), the threshold/timing of activation (Figure 5) and ambiguous daga overall simulations (Figure 8A) STiMCON_Fig6.py\ Shows how acoustic time and model time is not the same in STiMCON (Figure 6) STiMCON_Fig8C.py\ Fitting of the da/ga data using the first active node as output (Figure 8C) STiMCON_Fig8D.py\ Fitting of the da/ga data using the relative node activation as output (Figure 8D) STiMCON_core.py\ Core script for the STiMCON model which has all the low-level code STiMCON_plot.py\ Plotting output of the STiMCON STiMCON_sen.py\ Creating sensory input going into the STiMCON