Tip revision: 7e867c1f3ae18b4869f32f42694e83e30e7e5051 authored by Timo Heister on 11 January 2021, 19:20:39 UTC
Merge pull request #3946 from gassmoeller/fix_changelog
Merge pull request #3946 from gassmoeller/fix_changelog
Tip revision: 7e867c1
pipeline {
agent {
// first build a docker image for running the tests from the repo
dockerfile {
dir 'contrib/ci'
// We mount /repos into the docker image. This allows us to cache
// the git repo by setting "advanced clone behaviors". If the
// directory does not exist, this will be ignored.
args '-v /repos:/repos:ro'
options {
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
stages {
stage ("Print Info") {
steps {
echo "PR: ${env.CHANGE_ID} - ${env.CHANGE_TITLE}"
echo "building on node ${env.NODE_NAME}"
stage ("Check Permissions") {
when {
allOf {
not {branch 'master'}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "rene.gassmoeller@mailbox.org"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "timo.heister@gmail.com"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "bangerth@colostate.edu"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "judannberg@gmail.com"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "ja3170@columbia.edu"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "jbnaliboff@ucdavis.edu"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "menno.fraters@outlook.com"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "a.c.glerum@uu.nl"}
not {changeRequest authorEmail: "myhill.bob@gmail.com"}
steps {
// For /rebuild to work you need to:
// 1) select "issue comment" to be delivered in the github webhook setting
// 2) install "GitHub PR Comment Build Plugin" on Jenkins
// 3) in project settings select "add property" "Trigger build on pr comment" with
// the phrase ".*/rebuild.*" (without quotes)
sh '''
wget -q -O - https://api.github.com/repos/geodynamics/aspect/issues/${CHANGE_ID}/labels | grep 'ready to test' || \
{ echo "This commit will only be tested when it has the label 'ready to test'. Trigger a rebuild by adding a comment that contains '/rebuild'..."; exit 1; }
stage('Check Indentation') {
steps {
sh './contrib/utilities/indent'
sh 'git diff > changes-astyle.diff'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'changes-astyle.diff', fingerprint: true
sh '''
git diff --exit-code || \
{ echo "Please check indentation, see artifacts in the top right corner!"; exit 1; }
stage('Build') {
options {
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES')
steps {
sh '''
# running cmake...
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
-G 'Ninja' \
-D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-Werror --coverage' \
sh '''
# compiling...
cd build
stage('Build Documentation') {
steps {
sh 'cd doc && ./update_parameters.sh ./build/aspect'
sh 'cd doc && make manual.pdf || touch ~/FAILED-DOC'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'doc/manual/manual.log', allowEmptyArchive: true
sh 'if [ -f ~/FAILED-DOC ]; then exit 1; fi'
stage('cookbooks') {
options {
timeout(time: 20, unit: 'MINUTES')
steps {
sh '''
export BUILDDIR=`pwd`/build
export NP=`grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo`
cd cookbooks && make -f check.mk CHECK=--validate BUILD=$BUILDDIR -j $NP
cd ..
cd benchmarks && make -f check.mk CHECK=--validate BUILD=$BUILDDIR -j $NP
stage('Test') {
options {
timeout(time: 150, unit: 'MINUTES')
environment {
COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN = credentials('Coveralls-Repo-Token-ASPECT')
steps {
// Let ninja prebuild the test libraries and run
// the tests to create the output files in parallel. We
// want this to always succeed, because it does not generate
// useful output (we do this further down using 'ctest', however
// ctest can not run ninja in parallel, so this is the
// most efficient way to build the tests).
sh '''
# prebuilding tests...
cd build/tests
ninja -k 0 tests || true
// Output the test results using ctest. Since
// the tests were prebuild in the previous shell
// command, this will be fast although it is not
// running in parallel. We use the ninja test generator, which
// does not support running ctest with -j.
sh '''
# generating test results...
cd build
ctest \
--no-compress-output \
--test-action Test \
post {
always {
// Generate the 'Tests' output page in Jenkins
xunit testTimeMargin: '3000',
thresholdMode: 1,
thresholds: [failed(), skipped()],
tools: [CTest(pattern: 'build/Testing/**/*.xml')]
// Update the reference test output with the new test results
sh '''
# generating reference output...
cd build
ninja generate_reference_output
// Generate the 'Artifacts' diff-file that can be
// used to update the test results
sh 'git diff tests > changes-test-results.diff'
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'changes-test-results.diff'
success {
// post the coverage results to coveralls if the build and testing succeeded
sh '''
cd build
coveralls -r ../ -b . -i source --gcov-options '\\-lp'
post {
cleanup {