Raw File
module prep_aoflux_mod

  use shr_kind_mod,     only: r8 => SHR_KIND_R8
  use shr_kind_mod,     only: cs => SHR_KIND_CS
  use shr_kind_mod,     only: cl => SHR_KIND_CL
  use shr_sys_mod,      only: shr_sys_abort, shr_sys_flush
  use seq_comm_mct,     only: num_inst_xao, num_inst_frc, num_inst_ocn
  use seq_comm_mct,     only: CPLID, logunit
  use seq_comm_mct,     only: seq_comm_getData=>seq_comm_setptrs
  use seq_infodata_mod, only: seq_infodata_getdata, seq_infodata_type
  use seq_map_type_mod
  use seq_map_mod
  use seq_flds_mod
  use t_drv_timers_mod
  use mct_mod
  use perf_mod
  use component_type_mod, only: component_get_x2c_cx, component_get_c2x_cx
  use component_type_mod, only: atm, ocn

  implicit none
  private ! except

  ! Public interfaces

  public :: prep_aoflux_init

  public :: prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ox
  public :: prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ax

  public :: prep_aoflux_get_xao_ox
  public :: prep_aoflux_get_xao_ax

  ! Private data

  ! attribute vectors
  type(mct_aVect), pointer :: xao_ox(:)   ! Atm-ocn fluxes, ocn grid, cpl pes
  type(mct_aVect), pointer :: xao_ax(:)   ! Atm-ocn fluxes, atm grid, cpl pes

  ! seq_comm_getData variables
  logical :: iamroot_CPLID                ! .true. => CPLID masterproc
  integer :: mpicom_CPLID                 ! MPI cpl communicator

  ! seq_infodata_getData variables



  subroutine prep_aoflux_init (infodata, fractions_ox, fractions_ax)

    ! Description
    ! Initialize atm/ocn flux component and compute ocean albedos
    ! module variables
    ! Arguments
    type (seq_infodata_type) , intent(inout) :: infodata
    type(mct_aVect)          , intent(in)    :: fractions_ox(:)
    type(mct_aVect)          , intent(in)    :: fractions_ax(:)
    ! Local Variables
    integer                     :: exi
    integer                     :: lsize_o
    integer                     :: lsize_a
    character(CS)      :: aoflux_grid ! grid for atm ocn flux calc
    type(mct_avect) , pointer   :: a2x_ax
    type(mct_avect) , pointer   :: o2x_ox
    character(*)    , parameter :: subname = '(prep_aoflux_init)'

    call seq_infodata_getdata(infodata,  &

    call seq_comm_getdata(CPLID, &
         mpicom=mpicom_CPLID, iamroot=iamroot_CPLID)

    a2x_ax => component_get_c2x_cx(atm(1))
    if (associated(a2x_ax)) then
       lsize_a = mct_aVect_lsize(a2x_ax)
       lsize_a = 0
    end if

    o2x_ox => component_get_c2x_cx(ocn(1))
    if (associated(o2x_ox)) then
       lsize_o = mct_aVect_lsize(o2x_ox)
       lsize_o = 0
    end if

    do exi = 1,num_inst_xao
       call mct_aVect_init(xao_ax(exi), rList=seq_flds_xao_fields, lsize=lsize_a)
       call mct_aVect_zero(xao_ax(exi))
    end do
    do exi = 1,num_inst_xao
       call mct_aVect_init(xao_ox(exi), rList=seq_flds_xao_fields, lsize=lsize_o)
       call mct_aVect_zero(xao_ox(exi))

  end subroutine prep_aoflux_init


  subroutine prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ax(fractions_ox, flds, timer)
    ! Description
    ! Create xao_ox
    ! Uses
    use prep_atm_mod, only: prep_atm_get_mapper_So2a
    use prep_atm_mod, only: prep_atm_get_mapper_Fo2a
    ! Arguments
    type(mct_aVect) , intent(in)    :: fractions_ox(:)
    character(len=*), intent(in)    :: flds
    character(len=*), intent(in)    :: timer
    ! Local Variables
    type(seq_map)   , pointer :: mapper_So2a
    type(seq_map)   , pointer :: mapper_Fo2a
    integer :: exi, efi
    character(*), parameter :: subname = '(prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ax)'
    character(*), parameter :: F00 = "('"//subname//" : ', 4A )"

    call t_drvstartf (trim(timer),barrier=mpicom_CPLID)
    if (trim(flds) == 'albedos') then
       do exi = 1,num_inst_xao
          efi = mod((exi-1),num_inst_frc) + 1

          mapper_So2a => prep_atm_get_mapper_So2a()
          call seq_map_map(mapper_So2a, xao_ox(exi), xao_ax(exi), &
               fldlist=seq_flds_xao_albedo, norm=.true., &
    end if

    if (trim(flds) == 'states_and_fluxes') then
       do exi = 1,num_inst_xao
          efi = mod((exi-1),num_inst_frc) + 1

          mapper_So2a => prep_atm_get_mapper_So2a()
          call seq_map_map(mapper_So2a, xao_ox(exi), xao_ax(exi), &
               fldlist=seq_flds_xao_states, norm=.true., &

          mapper_Fo2a => prep_atm_get_mapper_Fo2a()
          call seq_map_map(mapper_Fo2a, xao_ox(exi), xao_ax(exi),&
               fldlist=seq_flds_xao_fluxes, norm=.true., &
    end if
    call t_drvstopf  (trim(timer))

  end subroutine prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ax


  subroutine prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ox(timer)
    ! Description
    ! Create xao_ox
    ! Uses
    use prep_ocn_mod, only: prep_ocn_get_mapper_Fa2o
    ! Arguments
    character(len=*), intent(in)    :: timer
    ! Local Variables
    type(seq_map), pointer :: mapper_Fa2o
    integer :: exi
    character(*), parameter :: subname = '(prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ax)'
    character(*), parameter :: F00 = "('"//subname//" : ', 4A )"

    ! this mapping has to be done with area overlap mapping for all fields
    ! due to the masking of the xao_ax data and the fact that a2oS is bilinear

    call t_drvstartf (trim(timer),barrier=mpicom_CPLID)
    do exi = 1,num_inst_xao
       !       if (iamroot_CPLID .and. exi == 1) then
       !          write(logunit,F00) 'Calling map_atm2ocn_mct for mapping xao_ax to xao_ox'
       !       end if

       mapper_Fa2o => prep_ocn_get_mapper_Fa2o()
       call seq_map_map(mapper_Fa2o, xao_ax(exi), xao_ox(exi), norm=.true.)
    call t_drvstopf  (trim(timer))

  end subroutine prep_aoflux_calc_xao_ox


  function prep_aoflux_get_xao_ox()
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: prep_aoflux_get_xao_ox(:)
    prep_aoflux_get_xao_ox => xao_ox(:)
  end function prep_aoflux_get_xao_ox

  function prep_aoflux_get_xao_ax()
    type(mct_aVect), pointer :: prep_aoflux_get_xao_ax(:)
    prep_aoflux_get_xao_ax => xao_ax(:)
  end function prep_aoflux_get_xao_ax

end module prep_aoflux_mod
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