Raw File
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.

#pragma once
#include "CNTKLibrary.h"
#include "RpnUtils.h"
#include "NmsUtils.h"
#include <queue>

using namespace CNTK;

using ScoredRectangle2D = std::pair<float, Rectangle2D>;

// returns true if the left box score is greater than the right box score.
static auto cmp = [](const ScoredRectangle2D& left, const ScoredRectangle2D& right)
    if (left.first == right.first)
        return left.second.Area() > right.second.Area();

    return (left.first > right.first);

using SortedRectangle2DPriorityQueue = std::priority_queue<ScoredRectangle2D, std::vector<ScoredRectangle2D>, decltype(cmp)>;

class ProposalLayer final : public Function
    uint32_t m_featStride{16};
    std::vector<Rectangle2D> m_anchors;
    size_t m_preNMSTopN, m_postNMSTopN;
    float m_NMSThresh, m_minSize;
    bool m_trainMode;

    enum Inputs : uint32_t {
    ProposalLayer(const std::vector<Variable>& inputs, const Dictionary& attributes, const std::wstring& name = L"ProposalLayer")
        : Function(inputs, attributes, name),
        m_preNMSTopN{ 0 }, m_postNMSTopN{ 0 }, m_NMSThresh{ 0 }, m_minSize{0}, m_trainMode(true)
        if (attributes.Contains(L"feat_stride"))
            m_featStride = static_cast<uint32_t>(attributes[L"feat_stride"].Value<int>());

        std::vector<uint32_t> scales{ { 8, 16, 32 } };
        if (attributes.Contains(L"scales"))
            const auto& valueVector = attributes[L"scales"].Value<std::vector<DictionaryValue>>();
            for (const auto& value : valueVector)

        m_anchors = GenerateAnchors(scales);


    void ChangeConfiguration(bool train)
        const auto& attributes = Attributes();
        if (train)
            m_preNMSTopN = attributes[L"train_pre_nms_topN"].Value<int>();
            m_postNMSTopN = attributes[L"train_post_nms_topN"].Value<int>();
            m_NMSThresh = static_cast<float>(attributes[L"train_nms_thresh"].Value<double>());
            m_minSize = static_cast<float>(attributes[L"train_min_size"].Value<double>());
            m_preNMSTopN = attributes[L"test_pre_nms_topN"].Value<int>();
            m_postNMSTopN = attributes[L"test_post_nms_topN"].Value<int>();
            m_NMSThresh = static_cast<float>(attributes[L"test_nms_thresh"].Value<double>());
            m_minSize = static_cast<float>(attributes[L"test_min_size"].Value<double>());

    std::vector<Rectangle2D> GetAllShiftedAnchors(size_t w, size_t h)
        std::vector<Rectangle2D> anchors;
        anchors.reserve(w * h * m_anchors.size());

        for (const auto& anchor : m_anchors)
            for (size_t j = 0; j < h; j++)
                auto y = float(j * m_featStride);

                for (size_t i = 0; i < w; i++)
                    auto x = float(i * m_featStride);
                    anchors.emplace_back(anchor.xmin + x, anchor.ymin + y, anchor.xmax + x, anchor.ymax + y);

        return anchors;

    BackPropStatePtr Forward(const std::vector<ValuePtr>& inputValues,
        std::unordered_map<Variable, ValuePtr>& outputs,
        const DeviceDescriptor& computeDevice,
        const std::unordered_set<Variable>& outputsToRetainBackwardStateFor) override
        bool trainMode = outputsToRetainBackwardStateFor.size() != 0;
        if (m_trainMode != trainMode) 
            m_trainMode = trainMode;

        if (computeDevice.Type() != DeviceKind::CPU)
            throw std::runtime_error("ProposalLayer: only CPU evaluation is supported at the moment.");

        auto scoresShape = inputValues[Inputs::SCORES]->Shape();

        if (scoresShape[scoresShape.Rank() - 1] != 1)
           throw std::runtime_error("ProposalLayer: only single item batches are supported");

        auto width = scoresShape[0];
        auto height = scoresShape[1];
        // the first set of N (= m_anchors.size()) channels are bg probs
        // the second set are the fg probs, which we want
        std::vector<size_t> offsets{ 0,0,0,0 };
        offsets[2] = m_anchors.size();

        auto extent = scoresShape.Dimensions();
        extent[2] -= m_anchors.size();

        auto fgSlice = inputValues[Inputs::SCORES]->Data()->SliceView(offsets, extent, true);
        auto scores = fgSlice->DataBuffer<float>();

        // Enumerate all shifted anchors, which will produce (A * H * W) anchors
        auto anchors = std::move(GetAllShiftedAnchors(width, height));
        // Convert anchors into proposals via bbox transformations,
        // input bbox deltas are stored as (H, W, 4 * A, 1) 
        const float* bboxDeltas = inputValues[Inputs::BBOX_DELTAS]->Data()->DataBuffer<float>();
        auto proposals = std::move(TransformBboxInv(anchors, bboxDeltas, width * height));

        // 2. clip predicted boxes to image
        const float* imInfo = inputValues[Inputs::IM_INFO]->Data()->DataBuffer<float>();
        ClipBoxes(proposals, imInfo);

        m_preNMSTopN = (m_preNMSTopN > 0) ? std::min(proposals.size(), m_preNMSTopN) : proposals.size();

        // 3. remove predicted boxes with either height or width < threshold
        // (NOTE: convert min_size to input image scale. Original size = im_info[4:6], scaled size = im_info[2:4])

        // 4. Take top pre_nms_topN(e.g. 6000) proposals with highest scores. 
        // Priority queue here is effectively a min heap, the top of the pq has the lowest score 
        // among the top-N elements.

        SortedRectangle2DPriorityQueue pq(cmp);

        auto cntkImageScale = imInfo[2] / imInfo[4];
        auto minSize = m_minSize * cntkImageScale;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < proposals.size(); i++) 
            const auto& box = proposals[i];
            if (box.Width() < minSize || box.Height() < minSize)

            pq.emplace(scores[i], box);
            if (pq.size() > m_preNMSTopN)

        proposals.erase(proposals.begin() + pq.size(), proposals.end());

        for (size_t i = 0; !pq.empty(); i++) 
            proposals[pq.size()-1] = std::move(pq.top().second);

        // at this point, proposals contains m_preNMSTopN boxes sorted in the descending order of 
        // their scores (from the highest to lowest).

        // 5. apply nms(e.g.threshold = 0.7), take after_nms_topN(e.g. 300) top proposals.
        m_postNMSTopN = (m_postNMSTopN > 0) ? std::min(proposals.size(), m_postNMSTopN) : proposals.size();
        proposals = NonMaximumSupression(proposals, m_NMSThresh, m_postNMSTopN);
        auto numFoundProposals = proposals.size();

        // 6. pad with zeros if too few rois were found
        if (numFoundProposals < m_postNMSTopN)
            proposals.resize(numFoundProposals, Rectangle2D(0, 0, 0, 0));

        // 7. create the output value and copy the data.
        NDArrayView outputData(DataType::Float, NDShape({ 4, numFoundProposals }),
            proposals.data(), numFoundProposals * 4 * sizeof(float), computeDevice);

        auto outputValue = MakeSharedObject<Value>(
            MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(DataType::Float, NDShape({ 4, numFoundProposals }), computeDevice));


        // Output rois blob
        outputs[this->Output()] = outputValue;

        return nullptr;

    void Backward(const BackPropStatePtr& state,
        const std::unordered_map<Variable, ValuePtr>& rootGradientValues,
        std::unordered_map<Variable, ValuePtr>& backPropagatedGradientValuesForInputs) override
        state; rootGradientValues; backPropagatedGradientValuesForInputs;

    const std::wstring& OpName() const override
        static const std::wstring opName = L"ProposalLayerOp";
        return opName;

    size_t CurrentVersion() const override { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }

    void InferOutputs(std::vector<Variable>& outputs) override
        auto firstOperand = Function::Inputs()[0];
        auto proposalShape = NDShape({ 4, NDShape::FreeDimension });
        auto dtype = firstOperand.GetDataType();
        auto dynamicAxes = firstOperand.DynamicAxes();
        outputs.push_back(OutputVariable(proposalShape, dtype, dynamicAxes , false, L"rpn_rois_raw"));

    FunctionPtr Clone(const std::vector<Variable>& clonedInputs) override
        return AsComposite(MakeSharedObject<ProposalLayer>(clonedInputs, this->Attributes(), this->Name()));
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