# CNTK Pre-trained Image Models This page contains pre-trained image models either converted from other toolkits or trained from scratch with CNTK. The list of available models includes: * [AlexNet](#alexnet) * [GoogLeNet](#googlenet) * [ResNet](#resnet) * [VGG](#vgg) ## AlexNet ### CNTK Pre-trained #### AlexNet for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/AlexNet_ImageNet_CNTK.model |:---------|:--- |Training script | [AlexNet_ImageNet.cntk](../Examples/Image/Classification/AlexNet/BrainScript/AlexNet_ImageNet.cntk) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 40.106% / 17.746% ### Caffe-Converted #### AlexNet for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/AlexNet_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/master/models/bvlc_alexnet |Single crop top 5 error | 19.8% ## GoogLeNet ### CNTK Pre-trained #### InceptionV3 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/InceptionV3_ImageNet_CNTK.model (Last updated: August 11, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Training script | [InceptionV3_ImageNet_Distributed.py](../Examples/Image/Classification/GoogLeNet/InceptionV3/Python/InceptionV3_ImageNet_Distributed.py) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 21.520% / NA ### Caffe-Converted #### BN-Inception for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/BNInception_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/master/models/bvlc_googlenet |Single crop top 5 error | 11.50% ## ResNet ### CNTK Pre-trained #### ResNet18 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet18_ImageNet_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:-------|:--- |Training script | [ResNet18_ImageNet1K.cntk](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/BrainScript/ResNet18_ImageNet1K.cntk) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 28.752% / 9.700% #### ResNet34 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet34_ImageNet_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Training script | [ResNet34_ImageNet1K.cntk](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/BrainScript/ResNet34_ImageNet1K.cntk) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 26.114% / 8.386% #### ResNet50 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet50_ImageNet_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Training script | [ResNet50_ImageNet1K.cntk](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/BrainScript/ResNet50_ImageNet1K.cntk) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 23.358% / 6.740% #### ResNet101 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet101_ImageNet_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Training script | [ResNet101_ImageNet1K.cntk](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/BrainScript/ResNet101_ImageNet1K.cntk) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 21.822% / 6.042% #### ResNet152 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet152_ImageNet_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Training script | [ResNet152_ImageNet1K.cntk](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/BrainScript/ResNet152_ImageNet1K.cntk) |Single crop top 1 / top 5 error | 21.300% / 5.760% #### ResNet20 for CIFAR-10 |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet20_CIFAR10_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:-------|:--- |Training script | [TrainResNet_CIFAR10.py --network resnet20](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/Python/TrainResNet_CIFAR10.py) |Single crop top 1 error | 8.23% #### ResNet110 for CIFAR-10 |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/CNTK_Pretrained/ResNet110_CIFAR10_CNTK.model (Last updated: Nov. 16, 2017) |:-------|:--- |Training script | [TrainResNet_CIFAR10.py --network resnet110](../Examples/Image/Classification/ResNet/Python/TrainResNet_CIFAR10.py) |Single crop top 1 error | 6.24% ### Caffe-Converted #### ResNet50 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/ResNet50_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | https://github.com/KaimingHe/deep-residual-networks |Single crop top 5 error | 7.75% #### ResNet101 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/ResNet101_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | https://github.com/KaimingHe/deep-residual-networks |Single crop top 5 error | 7.12% #### ResNet152 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/ResNet152_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | https://github.com/KaimingHe/deep-residual-networks |Single crop top 5 error | 6.71% ## VGG ### Caffe-Converted #### VGG16 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/VGG16_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/very_deep/ |Single crop top 5 error | 10.11% #### VGG19 for ImageNet 1K |CNTK model download path | https://www.cntk.ai/Models/Caffe_Converted/VGG19_ImageNet_Caffe.model (Last updated: April 28, 2017) |:---------|:--- |Source Caffe model website | http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/very_deep/ |Single crop top 5 error | 10.18%