\name{nesdepth} \alias{nesdepth} \title{Nesting Depth of a Nested Archimedean Copula ("nacopula")} \description{ Compute the nesting depth of a nested Archimedean copula which is the length of the longest branch in the tree representation of the copula, and hence at least one. } \usage{ nesdepth(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{object of class \code{"\linkS4class{nacopula}"}.} } \value{an integer, the nesting depth of the nested Archimedean copula. An (unnested) Archimedean copula has depth \code{1}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[=nacopula-class]{dim}} of nacopulas. } \examples{ F2 <- onacopula("F", C(1.9, 1, C(4.5, c(2,3)))) F2 F3 <- onacopula("Clayton", C(1.5, 3:1, C(2.5, 4:5, C(15, 9:6)))) nesdepth(F2) # 2 nesdepth(F3) # 3 \dontshow{ stopifnot(identical(nesdepth(F2), 2L), identical(nesdepth(F3), 3L), identical(nesdepth(onacopula("Gumbel", C(1.5, 3:1))), 1L)) } } \keyword{utilities}