function Counts(list); // {returns a dictionary containing the counts of all elements in the list // // Input: a list // // Output: a dictionay d such that d[i] is equal to the number of times that i occors in the list // } if #list eq 0 then; return AssociativeArray(); end if; list := Sort(list); counts := AssociativeArray(); old := list[1]; counts[old]=1; list := Remove(list,1); for i in list do; if i eq old then; counts[i] +:= 1; else; counts[i] := 1; old := i; end if; end for; return counts; end function; function DegreeTypes_of_Degree(degree,curve) //{A degree type of degree d is a list of pairs of integers [(n1,d1),...,(nk,dk)] such that //The sum n1*d1+...+nk*dk is d. The values of di are restriced to the numbers for which the curve //has a place of that degree. And the tuples are also sorted such that di >= d(i+1) and if di = d(i+1) then ni >= n(i+1). //This function returns all degree types satisfying the above restrictions. //} occurring_degrees := [i : i in [] | HasPlace(curve,i) ]; degree_types_old:= [<[<0,0>],degree>]; degree_types_new:= [<[<0,0>],degree>]; degree_types_done := []; for d in Reverse(occurring_degrees) do for n in Reverse([1..Floor(degree/d)]) do for degree_type in degree_types_old do for i in [1..Floor(degree_type[2]/(n*d))] do d_t := : j in [1..i]],degree_type[2]-n*d*i>; degree_types_new := Append(degree_types_new, d_t); end for; end for; degree_types_done := degree_types_done cat [d_t[1][2..#d_t[1]] : d_t in degree_types_new | d_t[2] eq 0]; degree_types_new := [d_t : d_t in degree_types_new | d_t[2] gt 0]; degree_types_old := degree_types_new; end for; end for; return degree_types_done; end function; function Divisors_of_DegreeType(degree_type,curve) divisors_old:={}; divisors_new:=divisors_old; for d in degree_type do; divisors_new:={ : D1 in divisors_old, D2 in Places(curve,d[2]) | D2 notin D1[2]}; //divisors_new:={D1+D2 : D1 in divisors_old, D2 in Places(curve,d)}; divisors_old:=divisors_new; end for; return divisors_new; end function; //function DominatingDegreeTypes_naive() //{Returns //} //end function; function Gonality_lowerbound(curve,bound : verbose:=false) //{Computes the gonality of a curve. // Input: curve - a projective curve over a finite field // bound - an integer // // Output: True,bound - if the gonality of the curve is >= bound, // False, gon - where gon is the gonality of the curve otherwise // // Note this is horribly slow, so it only works in practice over very small finite fields and very small gonalities. //} for degree in [1..bound-1] do; if verbose then; print "Checking divisors of degree:",degree; end if; for degree_type in DegreeTypes_of_Degree(degree,curve) do; for divisor in Divisors_of_DegreeType(degree_type,curve) do; if Dimension(divisor[1]) gt 1 then; return false,degree; end if; end for; end for; end for; return true,bound; end function; function Gonality_naive(curve : verbose := false) //{Computes the gonality of a curve. // Input: a projective curve over a finite field // Output: the gonality // // Note this is horribly slow, so it only works in practice over very small finite fields and very small gonalities. //} dummy,gonality:=Gonality_lowerbound(curve,2*Genus(curve)+4 : verbose:=verbose); return gonality; end function; function Gonality(curve : search_bound := 129, gonality_bound := 0, verbose := false, fall_back_to_naive := true) //{Computes the gonality of a curve. // Input: a projective curve over a finite field // Output: the gonality // // Note this is slow, so it only works in practice over very small finite fields and reasonably small gonalities. //} Fp := BaseRing(curve); p := Characteristic(Fp); g := Genus(curve); plc1 := Places(curve,1); sum_plc1 := &+ plc1; n := Ceiling(#plc1/(p+1)); if verbose then print "p,#places,#places/(p+1)",p,#plc1,n; end if; if n lt 4 and fall_back_to_naive then if verbose then print "falling back to naive algorithm"; end if; return Gonality_naive(curve : verbose :=verbose ); end if; for degree in [0..2*g+1] do; if degree+n eq gonality_bound then return degree+n; end if; if verbose then print "Checking if there are functions of degree",degree+n; end if; for degree_type in DegreeTypes_of_Degree(degree,curve) do; for divisor in Divisors_of_DegreeType(degree_type,curve) do; divisor2 := divisor[1] + sum_plc1; H,m:=RiemannRochSpace(divisor2); if p^Dimension(H) gt search_bound then return "fail"; end if; if Dimension(H) gt 1 then d := Min(FunctionDegrees(divisor2)); if d eq degree+n then return d; end if; assert d gt degree+n; end if; end for; end for; end for; end function;