/* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: */ /* plfit.h * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Tamas Nepusz * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __PLFIT_H__ #define __PLFIT_H__ #include #include "plfit_mt.h" #include "plfit_version.h" #undef __BEGIN_DECLS #undef __END_DECLS #ifdef __cplusplus # define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" { # define __END_DECLS } #else # define __BEGIN_DECLS /* empty */ # define __END_DECLS /* empty */ #endif __BEGIN_DECLS typedef unsigned short int plfit_bool_t; typedef enum { PLFIT_LINEAR_ONLY, PLFIT_STRATIFIED_SAMPLING, PLFIT_GSS_OR_LINEAR, PLFIT_DEFAULT_CONTINUOUS_METHOD = PLFIT_STRATIFIED_SAMPLING } plfit_continuous_method_t; typedef enum { PLFIT_LBFGS, PLFIT_LINEAR_SCAN, PLFIT_PRETEND_CONTINUOUS, PLFIT_DEFAULT_DISCRETE_METHOD = PLFIT_LBFGS } plfit_discrete_method_t; typedef enum { PLFIT_P_VALUE_SKIP, PLFIT_P_VALUE_APPROXIMATE, PLFIT_P_VALUE_EXACT, PLFIT_DEFAULT_P_VALUE_METHOD = PLFIT_P_VALUE_EXACT } plfit_p_value_method_t; typedef struct _plfit_result_t { double alpha; /* fitted power-law exponent */ double xmin; /* cutoff where the power-law behaviour kicks in */ double L; /* log-likelihood of the sample */ double D; /* test statistic for the KS test */ double p; /* p-value of the KS test */ } plfit_result_t; /********** structure that holds the options of plfit **********/ typedef struct _plfit_continuous_options_t { plfit_bool_t finite_size_correction; plfit_continuous_method_t xmin_method; plfit_p_value_method_t p_value_method; double p_value_precision; plfit_mt_rng_t* rng; } plfit_continuous_options_t; typedef struct _plfit_discrete_options_t { plfit_bool_t finite_size_correction; plfit_discrete_method_t alpha_method; struct { double min; double max; double step; } alpha; plfit_p_value_method_t p_value_method; double p_value_precision; plfit_mt_rng_t* rng; } plfit_discrete_options_t; int plfit_continuous_options_init(plfit_continuous_options_t* options); int plfit_discrete_options_init(plfit_discrete_options_t* options); extern const plfit_continuous_options_t plfit_continuous_default_options; extern const plfit_discrete_options_t plfit_discrete_default_options; /********** continuous power law distribution fitting **********/ int plfit_log_likelihood_continuous(double* xs, size_t n, double alpha, double xmin, double* l); int plfit_estimate_alpha_continuous(double* xs, size_t n, double xmin, const plfit_continuous_options_t* options, plfit_result_t* result); int plfit_continuous(double* xs, size_t n, const plfit_continuous_options_t* options, plfit_result_t* result); /*********** discrete power law distribution fitting ***********/ int plfit_estimate_alpha_discrete(double* xs, size_t n, double xmin, const plfit_discrete_options_t* options, plfit_result_t *result); int plfit_log_likelihood_discrete(double* xs, size_t n, double alpha, double xmin, double* l); int plfit_discrete(double* xs, size_t n, const plfit_discrete_options_t* options, plfit_result_t* result); /***** resampling routines to generate synthetic replicates ****/ int plfit_resample_continuous(double* xs, size_t n, double alpha, double xmin, size_t num_samples, plfit_mt_rng_t* rng, double* result); int plfit_resample_discrete(double* xs, size_t n, double alpha, double xmin, size_t num_samples, plfit_mt_rng_t* rng, double* result); /******** calculating the p-value of a fitted model only *******/ int plfit_calculate_p_value_continuous(double* xs, size_t n, const plfit_continuous_options_t* options, plfit_bool_t xmin_fixed, plfit_result_t *result); int plfit_calculate_p_value_discrete(double* xs, size_t n, const plfit_discrete_options_t* options, plfit_bool_t xmin_fixed, plfit_result_t *result); /************* calculating descriptive statistics **************/ int plfit_moments(double* data, size_t n, double* mean, double* variance, double* skewness, double* kurtosis); __END_DECLS #endif /* __PLFIT_H__ */