% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/ternaryDiag.R \name{ternaryDiag} \alias{ternaryDiag} \title{Ternary diagram} \usage{ ternaryDiag( x, name = colnames(x), text = NULL, grid = TRUE, gridCol = grey(0.6), mcex = 1.2, line = "none", robust = TRUE, group = NULL, tol = 0.975, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{x}{matrix or data.frame with 3 columns} \item{name}{names of the variables} \item{text}{default NULL, text for each point can be provided} \item{grid}{if TRUE a grid is plotted additionally in the ternary diagram} \item{gridCol}{color for the grid lines} \item{mcex}{label size} \item{line}{may be set to \dQuote{none}, \dQuote{pca}, \dQuote{regression}, \dQuote{regressionconf}, \dQuote{regressionpred}, \dQuote{ellipse}, \dQuote{lda}} \item{robust}{if line equals TRUE, it dedicates if a robust estimation is applied or not.} \item{group}{if line equals \dQuote{da}, it determines the grouping variable} \item{tol}{if line equals \dQuote{ellipse}, it determines the parameter for the tolerance ellipse} \item{\dots}{further parameters, see, e.g., \code{par()}} } \description{ This plot shows the relative proportions of three variables (compositional parts) in one diagramm. Before plotting, the data are scaled. } \details{ The relative proportions of each variable are plotted. } \examples{ data(arcticLake) ternaryDiag(arcticLake) data(coffee) x <- coffee[,2:4] grp <- as.integer(coffee[,1]) ternaryDiag(x, col=grp, pch=grp) ternaryDiag(x, grid=FALSE, col=grp, pch=grp) legend("topright", legend=unique(coffee[,4]), pch=1:2, col=1:2) ternaryDiag(x, grid=FALSE, col=grp, pch=grp, line="ellipse", tol=c(0.975,0.9), lty=2) ternaryDiag(x, grid=FALSE, line="pca") ternaryDiag(x, grid=FALSE, col=grp, pch=grp, line="pca", lty=2, lwd=2) } \references{ Reimann, C., Filzmoser, P., Garrett, R.G., Dutter, R. (2008) \emph{Statistical Data Analysis Explained. Applied Environmental Statistics with R}. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. } \seealso{ \code{\link[StatDA]{ternary}} } \author{ Peter Filzmoser <\email{P.Filzmoser@tuwien.ac.at}>, Matthias Templ } \keyword{aplot} \keyword{multivariate}