Tip revision: 157c7953dbed176a65f2c55db7ad48ebfa7f3f5d authored by Maarten Paul on 19 July 2021, 11:03:25 UTC
Update plot_cellprofiler_data_for_publication.R
Update plot_cellprofiler_data_for_publication.R
Tip revision: 157c795
CellProfiler Pipeline: http://www.cellprofiler.org
Images:[module_num:1|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:2|show_window:False|notes:['This analysis pipe line is based on the ExampleSpeckles script on the Cell profiler website (https://cellprofiler.org/examples/#speckle-counting).', '', 'Images are tiff stack maximum intensity projections. Files are names by date of acquisition, position, cell line and condition']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Filter images?:Images only
Select the rule criteria:and (extension does isimage) (directory doesnot containregexp "[\\\\/]\\.")
Metadata:[module_num:2|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:6|show_window:False|notes:['Metadata is extracted using regular expression from file name']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Extract metadata?:Yes
Metadata data type:Text
Metadata types:{}
Extraction method count:1
Metadata extraction method:Extract from file/folder names
Metadata source:File name
Regular expression to extract from file name:^(?P<date>.*)_p(?P<position>.*)_(?P<protein>.*)_(?P<condition>.*).tif
Regular expression to extract from folder name:(?P<Date>[0-9]{4}_[0-9]{2}_[0-9]{2})$
Extract metadata from:All images
Select the filtering criteria:and (file does contain "")
Metadata file location:Elsewhere...|
Match file and image metadata:[]
Use case insensitive matching?:No
Metadata file name:
Does cached metadata exist?:No
NamesAndTypes:[module_num:3|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:8|show_window:False|notes:['']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Assign a name to:All images
Select the image type:Color image
Name to assign these images:Cells
Match metadata:[]
Image set matching method:Order
Set intensity range from:Image bit-depth
Assignments count:2
Single images count:0
Maximum intensity:255.0
Process as 3D?:No
Relative pixel spacing in X:1.0
Relative pixel spacing in Y:1.0
Relative pixel spacing in Z:1.0
Select the rule criteria:and (file does contain "hoe")
Name to assign these images:OrigBlue
Name to assign these objects:Cell
Select the image type:Color image
Set intensity range from:Image metadata
Maximum intensity:255.0
Select the rule criteria:and (file does contain "h2ax")
Name to assign these images:OrigGreen
Name to assign these objects:Nucleus
Select the image type:Grayscale image
Set intensity range from:Image metadata
Maximum intensity:255.0
Groups:[module_num:4|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:2|show_window:False|notes:['']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Do you want to group your images?:No
grouping metadata count:1
Metadata category:None
ColorToGray:[module_num:5|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:4|show_window:True|notes:['Image stacks are split into grayscale of the different channels']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the input image:Cells
Conversion method:Split
Image type:Channels
Name the output image:OrigGray
Relative weight of the red channel:1.0
Relative weight of the green channel:1.0
Relative weight of the blue channel:1.0
Convert red to gray?:Yes
Name the output image:OrigRed
Convert green to gray?:Yes
Name the output image:OrigGreen
Convert blue to gray?:Yes
Name the output image:OrigBlue
Convert hue to gray?:Yes
Name the output image:OrigHue
Convert saturation to gray?:Yes
Name the output image:OrigSaturation
Convert value to gray?:Yes
Name the output image:OrigValue
Channel count:3
Channel number:1
Relative weight of the channel:1.0
Image name:DAPI
Channel number:2
Relative weight of the channel:1.0
Image name:EdU
Channel number:3
Relative weight of the channel:1.0
Image name:BRCA2
IdentifyPrimaryObjects:[module_num:6|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:14|show_window:True|notes:['Identify the nuclei from the nuclear stain image. ']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the input image:DAPI
Name the primary objects to be identified:Nuclei
Typical diameter of objects, in pixel units (Min,Max):50,200
Discard objects outside the diameter range?:Yes
Discard objects touching the border of the image?:Yes
Method to distinguish clumped objects:Shape
Method to draw dividing lines between clumped objects:Shape
Size of smoothing filter:10
Suppress local maxima that are closer than this minimum allowed distance:7.0
Speed up by using lower-resolution image to find local maxima?:Yes
Fill holes in identified objects?:After both thresholding and declumping
Automatically calculate size of smoothing filter for declumping?:Yes
Automatically calculate minimum allowed distance between local maxima?:Yes
Handling of objects if excessive number of objects identified:Continue
Maximum number of objects:500
Display accepted local maxima?:No
Select maxima color:Blue
Use advanced settings?:Yes
Threshold setting version:11
Threshold strategy:Global
Thresholding method:Minimum Cross-Entropy
Threshold smoothing scale:2.5
Threshold correction factor:1.0
Lower and upper bounds on threshold:0.0,1.0
Manual threshold:0.0
Select the measurement to threshold with:None
Two-class or three-class thresholding?:Two classes
Assign pixels in the middle intensity class to the foreground or the background?:Foreground
Size of adaptive window:50
Lower outlier fraction:0.05
Upper outlier fraction:0.05
Averaging method:Mean
Variance method:Standard deviation
# of deviations:2.0
Thresholding method:Otsu
EnhanceOrSuppressFeatures:[module_num:7|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:7|show_window:True|notes:['Use filtering to enhance the foci in the image. The feature size setting should be specified to be at least as large as the largest feature to be enhanced.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the input image:BRCA2
Name the output image:EnhancedBRCA2
Select the operation:Enhance
Feature size:10
Feature type:Speckles
Range of hole sizes:1,10
Smoothing scale:2.0
Shear angle:0.0
Enhancement method:Tubeness
Speed and accuracy:Fast
Rescale result image:Yes
MaskImage:[module_num:8|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:3|show_window:True|notes:['Mask the foci image using the nuclei objects.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the input image:EnhancedBRCA2
Name the output image:MaskedBRCA2
Use objects or an image as a mask?:Objects
Select object for mask:Nuclei
Select image for mask:None
Invert the mask?:No
OverlayObjects:[module_num:9|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:1|show_window:True|notes:['Create an overlay that of foci on the nuclei, which is used as output image']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Name the output image:DAPI_overlay
IdentifyPrimaryObjects:[module_num:10|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:14|show_window:True|notes:['Identify the foci using per-object thresholding to compute a threshold for each individual nuclei object. Some manual adjustment of the smoothing filter size and maxima supression distance is required to optimize segmentation.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the input image:MaskedBRCA2
Name the primary objects to be identified:BRCA2
Typical diameter of objects, in pixel units (Min,Max):4,35
Discard objects outside the diameter range?:Yes
Discard objects touching the border of the image?:Yes
Method to distinguish clumped objects:Intensity
Method to draw dividing lines between clumped objects:Intensity
Size of smoothing filter:4
Suppress local maxima that are closer than this minimum allowed distance:4
Speed up by using lower-resolution image to find local maxima?:Yes
Fill holes in identified objects?:After both thresholding and declumping
Automatically calculate size of smoothing filter for declumping?:No
Automatically calculate minimum allowed distance between local maxima?:No
Handling of objects if excessive number of objects identified:Continue
Maximum number of objects:200
Display accepted local maxima?:No
Select maxima color:Blue
Use advanced settings?:Yes
Threshold setting version:11
Threshold strategy:Global
Thresholding method:Robust Background
Threshold smoothing scale:1.3488
Threshold correction factor:1.0
Lower and upper bounds on threshold:0.0,1.0
Manual threshold:0.0
Select the measurement to threshold with:None
Two-class or three-class thresholding?:Two classes
Assign pixels in the middle intensity class to the foreground or the background?:Foreground
Size of adaptive window:50
Lower outlier fraction:0.05
Upper outlier fraction:0.05
Averaging method:Mean
Variance method:Standard deviation
# of deviations:2.0
Thresholding method:Otsu
MeasureObjectIntensity:[module_num:11|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:4|show_window:True|notes:['Measure the intensity of the nuclei against the nuclei image.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select images to measure:BRCA2, DAPI, EdU
Select objects to measure:Nuclei
MeasureObjectIntensity:[module_num:12|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:4|show_window:True|notes:['Measure the intensity of the foci against the rad51 image.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select images to measure:BRCA2
Select objects to measure:BRCA2
MeasureColocalization:[module_num:13|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:5|show_window:True|notes:[]|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:False|wants_pause:False]
Select images to measure:EdU, BRCA2
Set threshold as percentage of maximum intensity for the images:15.0
Select where to measure correlation:Within objects
Select objects to measure:Nuclei
Run all metrics?:No
Calculate correlation and slope metrics?:Yes
Calculate the Manders coefficients?:Yes
Calculate the Rank Weighted Colocalization coefficients?:Yes
Calculate the Overlap coefficients?:Yes
Calculate the Manders coefficients using Costes auto threshold?:Yes
Method for Costes thresholding:Accurate
MeasureObjectSizeShape:[module_num:14|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:3|show_window:True|notes:['Measure size and shape discriptors from the RAD51 foci']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select object sets to measure:BRCA2
Calculate the Zernike features?:No
Calculate the advanced features?:No
RelateObjects:[module_num:15|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:5|show_window:True|notes:['Establish a parent-child between the foci (âx80x9cchildrenâx80x9d) and the nuclei (âx80x9cparentsâx80x9d) in order to determine which foci belong to which nuclei. Then, calculate mean foci measurements for each nucleus.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Parent objects:Nuclei
Child objects:BRCA2
Calculate child-parent distances?:Both
Calculate per-parent means for all child measurements?:Yes
Calculate distances to other parents?:No
Do you want to save the children with parents as a new object set?:Yes
Name the output object:RelateObjects
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
Parent name:None
ExportToSpreadsheet:[module_num:16|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:13|show_window:True|notes:['Export any measurements to a comma-delimited file (.csv). The measurements made for the nuclei and foci objects will be saved to separate .csv files.']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the column delimiter:Comma (",")
Add image metadata columns to your object data file?:Yes
Add image file and folder names to your object data file?:No
Select the measurements to export:No
Calculate the per-image mean values for object measurements?:No
Calculate the per-image median values for object measurements?:No
Calculate the per-image standard deviation values for object measurements?:No
Output file location:Elsewhere...|D:\\OneDrive\\Data2\\190822 ExpMP1908_05 BRCA2 foci
Create a GenePattern GCT file?:No
Select source of sample row name:Metadata
Select the image to use as the identifier:None
Select the metadata to use as the identifier:None
Export all measurement types?:No
Press button to select measurements:
Representation of Nan/Inf:NaN
Add a prefix to file names?:Yes
Filename prefix:DAPI_BRCA2_Foci_
Overwrite existing files without warning?:Yes
Data to export:Image
Combine these object measurements with those of the previous object?:No
File name:DATA.csv
Use the object name for the file name?:Yes
Data to export:Nuclei
Combine these object measurements with those of the previous object?:No
File name:DATA.csv
Use the object name for the file name?:Yes
Data to export:BRCA2
Combine these object measurements with those of the previous object?:No
File name:DATA.csv
Use the object name for the file name?:Yes
Data to export:RelateObjects
Combine these object measurements with those of the previous object?:No
File name:DATA.csv
Use the object name for the file name?:Yes
DisplayDataOnImage:[module_num:17|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:6|show_window:True|notes:[]|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Display object or image measurements?:Object
Select the input objects:Nuclei
Measurement to display:Children_BRCA2_Count
Select the image on which to display the measurements:DAPI_overlay
Text color:red
Name the output image that has the measurements displayed:RAD51_count_DAPI
Font size (points):10
Number of decimals:2
Image elements to save:Image
Annotation offset (in pixels):0
Display mode:Text
Color map:Default
Display background image?:Yes
Color map scale:Use this image's measurement range
Color map range:0.0,1.0
DisplayDataOnImage:[module_num:18|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:6|show_window:True|notes:[]|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Display object or image measurements?:Object
Select the input objects:Nuclei
Measurement to display:Intensity_IntegratedIntensity_EdU
Select the image on which to display the measurements:EdU
Text color:red
Name the output image that has the measurements displayed:DisplayImage
Font size (points):10
Number of decimals:2
Image elements to save:Image
Annotation offset (in pixels):0
Display mode:Text
Color map:Default
Display background image?:Yes
Color map scale:Use this image's measurement range
Color map range:0.0,1.0
SaveImages:[module_num:19|svn_version:'Unknown'|variable_revision_number:15|show_window:False|notes:['Save image with RAD51 foci count per nucleus']|batch_state:array([], dtype=uint8)|enabled:True|wants_pause:False]
Select the type of image to save:Image
Select the image to save:RAD51_count_DAPI
Select method for constructing file names:From image filename
Select image name for file prefix:Cells
Enter single file name:OrigBlue
Number of digits:4
Append a suffix to the image file name?:Yes
Text to append to the image name:DAPI_RAD51_count
Saved file format:tiff
Output file location:Same folder as image|
Image bit depth:8-bit integer
Overwrite existing files without warning?:Yes
When to save:Every cycle
Record the file and path information to the saved image?:No
Create subfolders in the output folder?:No
Base image folder:Elsewhere...|
How to save the series:T (Time)