Raw File
# planets-task

Authors: Jessica C. Lee & Shi Xian Liew

Code repo for the planets + pirates task. Participants can click on two planets to receive probabilistic rewards. Clicking on a planet sometimes results in a ship (CS) appearing that either leads to a pirate attack (+) or nothing (-).

Parameters for the planet-response plugin:

 - `stimulus` - Image files for the planets. Img file array. Default: `undefined`
 - `stimulus_height` - Height of image file (in px). Integer. Default: `null`
 - `stimulus_width` - Width of image file (in px). Integer. Default: `null`
 - `maintain-aspect-ratio` - Maintain aspect ratio of image. Boolean. Default: `true`
 - `stimulus_select` - Stimulus selection image on mouseover. Img file. Default: `undefined`
 - `prompt` - Text labels for each choice. String array. Default: `['Planet A','Planet B']`
 - `show_total_points` - Toggle presentation of total points on the top of the screen. Boolean. Default: `true`
 - `ship_space` - Space between stimuli (and consequently the width of ship div) in px. Integer. Default: `300`
 - `block_duration` - Duration of each continuous block in ms. Integer. Default: `240*1000`
 - `feedback_duration` - Duration of trade(planet) and ship feedback. Integer. Default: `3000`
 - `end_trial_wait` - How long before the block ends after some final action, in ms. Integer. Default: `1000`
 - `signal_time` - Duration of trade signal before reward delivery in ms. Integer. Default: `2000`
 - `signal_height` - Height of signal image in px. Integer. Default: `100`
 - `signal_width` - Width of signal image in px. Integer. Default: `80`
 - `signal_padding` - Blank space (padding) around signal image. Integer. Default: `10`
 - `probability_win` - Probability of successful trade for each planet. Integer array. Default: `[.5, .5]`
 - `rewards` - Rewards for each successful trade for each planet in points. Integer array. Default: `[100, 100]`
 - `show_ship` - Toggle ship appearance on this block. Boolean. Default: `false`
 - `show_ship_delay` - Duration between trade attempt mouseclick and appearance of ship in ms. Integer. Default: `2000`
 - `probability_ship` - Probability of ship appearing after trade attempt on respective planet. Float array. Default: `[.2, .2]`
 - `ship_stimulus` - Image files for each ship. Img file array. Default: `null`
 - `ship_height` - Height of ship image in px. Integer. Default: `200`
 - `ship_width` - Width of ship image in px. Integer. Default: `300`
 - `ship_attack_time` - Time between ship appearance and ship encounter (attack or passing by) in ms. Integer. Default: `400`
 - `ship_attack_damage` - Proportion of total points an undefended ship attack removes. Float. Default: `.2`
 - `ship_hostile_idx` - Specifies index of hostile ship, can be 0 (left) or 1 (right). Integer. Default: `0`
 - `shield_charging_time` - Time it takes for shield to charge in ms. Integer. Default: `2000`
 - `probability_shield` - Probability of shield availability after charging. Float. Default: `.5`
 - `shield_prevent_trading` - Toggle prevention of trading when shield is active. Boolean. Default: `true`
 - `shield_cost_toggle` - Toggle shield activation cost. Boolean. Default: `true`
 - `shield_cost_amount` - Shield activation cost in points. Integer. Default: 50
 - `cursor` - Cursor image files, [default cursor, mousedown cursor]. Img file array. Default: `['img/cursor.png','img/cursordark.png']`
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