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Tip revision: d93e7a5e311f839fd00eed0643bd99241441f0c8 authored by Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong on 28 September 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
Tip revision: d93e7a5
\title{Two-way tabulation}
\description{Two-way tabulation with automatic mosaic plot}
tabpct (row, col, ..., decimal = 1, percent = c("both", "col", "row"), 
graph = TRUE, las = 0)  
	\item{row, col}{variables}
	\item{...}{additional arguments for 'table'}
	\item{decimal}{number of decimals for the percentage in the table}
	\item{percent}{orientation of the percentage in the table}
	\item{graph}{automatic graphing}
	\item{las}{orientation of group labelling, 

0: always parallel to axis

1: always horizontal,

2: always perpendicular to the axis,

3: always vertical.
\details{'tabpct' gives column and row percent cross-tabulation as well as mosaic plot. 

The width of the bar in the plot denotes the relative proportion of the row variable.

Inside each bar, the relative proportion denotes the distribution of column variables within each row variable.

Note that 'row' and 'col' arguments of this function are for the table, not the mosaic plot and the default value for the 'percent' orientation is "both".}
\value{Tables of row and column percentage}
\author{Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong
	\email{ <>}
\seealso{'tab1', 'table', 'mosaicplot'}
.data <- Oswego

# The above commands generate a data frame. 
# In reality, one just exploits 'use("Oswego.rec")', if the file is available.
agegr <- cut(age, breaks=c(0,20,40,60,80))
label.var(agegr, "age group")
tabpct(agegr, ill)
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