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Tip revision: b35963963ae64a4a374bde12feed8dd092f9082a authored by J. O. Ramsay on 16 December 2020, 18:40:02 UTC
version 5.1.9
Tip revision: b359639
  Plot a Linear Differential Operator Object
  Plot the coefficents of the terms of order 0 through \code{m-1} of an
  object of class \code{Lfd} and length \code{m}.
\method{plot}{Lfd}(x, axes=NULL, ...)
    a linear differential operator object to be plotted.
    Either a logical or a list or \code{NULL} passed to \code{plot.fd}.

	whether axes should be drawn on the plot
	a list used to create custom \code{axes} used to create axes via
	\code{x$axes[[1]]} and  \code{x$axes[-1]}.  The primary example of
	this uses \code{list("axesIntervals", ...)}, e.g., with
	\code{Fourier} bases to create \code{CanadianWeather} plots
  \item{\dots }{
    additional plotting arguments that can be used with function
%\details{ }
\section{Side Effects}{
  a plot of the linear differential operator object.
  \code{\link{Lfd}}, \code{\link{plot.fd}}
#  Set up the harmonic acceleration operator
dayrange  <- c(0,365)
Lbasis  <- create.constant.basis(dayrange,
Lcoef   <- matrix(c(0,(2*pi/365)^2,0),1,3)
bfdobj  <- fd(Lcoef,Lbasis)
bwtlist <- fd2list(bfdobj)
harmaccelLfd <- Lfd(3, bwtlist)
% docclass is function
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