getIndicesVector <- function(current, neededLength) { if (length(current) == 0) { current <- 0:(neededLength - 1) } current + 1 } #' Subsets es, if rows or columns are not specified, all are retained #' @param es ExpressionSet object.#' #' @param columns List of specified columns' indices (optional), indices start from 0#' #' @param rows List of specified rows' indices (optional), indices start from 0 #' @return `es`'s subset #' subsetES <- function(es, columns = c(), rows=c()) { rows <- getIndicesVector(rows, nrow(exprs(es))) columns <- getIndicesVector(columns, ncol(exprs(es))) es[rows, columns] } prepareData <- function(es, columns = c(), rows = c(), replacena = "mean") { rows <- getIndicesVector(rows, nrow(exprs(es))) columns <- getIndicesVector(columns, ncol(exprs(es))) data <- replacenas(data.frame(exprs(es[rows, columns])), replacena) rows <- getIndicesVector(c(), nrow(data)) data <- t(scale(t(data))) while (sum( > 0) { message("need to filter rows") rows <- filternaRows(data, rows) message(length(rows)) message(rows[length(rows)]) data <- data[rows, ] data <- replacenas(data, replacena) data <- t(scale(t(data))) } data } replacenas <- function(data, replacena) { ind <- which(, arr.ind = TRUE) if (nrow(ind) > 0) { data[ind] <- apply(data, 1, replacena, na.rm = TRUE)[ind[, 1]] } ind1 <- which(!is.nan(as.matrix(data)), arr.ind = TRUE) left.rows <- unique(ind1[, "row"]) data <- data[left.rows, ] data } filternaRows <- function(data, currentRows) { sums <- rowSums(data) rows <- currentRows[!(currentRows %in% which(] rows } #' Reads ExpressionSet from a GCT file. #' #' Only versions 1.2 and 1.3 are supported. #' #' @param gct Path to gct file #' #' @param ... additional options for read.csv #' #' @return ExpressionSet object #' #' @examples #' read.gct(system.file("extdata", "centers.gct", package = "phantasus")) #' @export read.gct <- function(gct, ...) { meta <- readLines(gct, n = 3) version <- meta[1] size <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(meta[2], "\t"))) if (grepl("^#1.3", version)) { # number of column annotations = number of additional rows ann.col <- size[4] # number of row annotations = number of additional columns ann.row <- size[3] } else if (grepl("^#1.2", version)) { ann.col <- 0 ann.row <- 1 } else { stop("Unsupported version of gct: use 1.2 or 1.3") } t <- read.tsv(gct, skip = 2 + 1 + ann.col, nrows = size[1], col.names = unlist(strsplit(meta[3], "\t")), row.names = 1, header = FALSE, ...) exp <- as.matrix(t[, (ann.row + 1):ncol(t)]) fdata <- makeAnnotated(t[, seq_len(ann.row), drop = FALSE]) if (ann.col > 0) { pdata.raw <- t(read.tsv(gct, skip = 2 + 1, nrows = ann.col, header = FALSE)) pdata <- data.frame(pdata.raw[seq_len(ncol(exp)) + 1 + ann.row, , drop = FALSE]) colnames(pdata) <- pdata.raw[1, ] rownames(pdata) <- colnames(exp) pdata <- makeAnnotated(pdata) res <- ExpressionSet(exp, featureData = fdata, phenoData = pdata) } else { res <- ExpressionSet(exp, featureData = fdata) } res } read.tsv <- function(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = "", comment.char = "", check.names = FALSE, ...) { args <- list(...) res <- utils::read.table(file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, comment.char = comment.char, check.names = check.names, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, ...) if ( (!"row.names" %in% names(args)) && (colnames(res)[1] == "") ) { rownames(res) <- res[, 1] res[[1]] <- NULL } res } #' Saves ExpressionSet to a GCT file (version 1.3). #' #' @param es ExpresionSet obeject to save #' @param file Path to output gct file #' @param gzip Whether to gzip apply gzip-compression for the output file#' #' @param ... additional options for read.csv #' @return Result of the closing file (as in `close()` function`) #' @examples #' es <- read.gct(system.file("extdata", "centers.gct", package = "phantasus")) #' out <- tempfile(fileext = ".gct.gz") #' write.gct(es, out, gzip=TRUE) #' @import Biobase #' @export write.gct <- function(es, file, gzip=FALSE) { if (gzip) { con <- gzfile(file) } else { con <- file(file) } open(con, open="w") writeLines("#1.3", con) ann.col <- ncol(pData(es)) ann.row <- ncol(fData(es)) writeLines(sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s", nrow(es), ncol(es), ann.row, ann.col), con) writeLines(paste0(c("ID", colnames(fData(es)), colnames(es)), collapse="\t"), con) ann.col.table <- t(as.matrix(pData(es))) ann.col.table <- cbind(matrix(rep(NA, ann.row*ann.col), nrow=ann.col), ann.col.table) write.table(ann.col.table, file=con, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=FALSE) write.table(cbind(fData(es), exprs(es)), file=con, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=FALSE) close(con) } makeAnnotated <- function(data) { meta <- data.frame(labelDescription = colnames(data)) rownames(meta) <- colnames(data) methods::new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data, varMeta = meta) } take <- function(x, n) { sapply(x, function(x) { x[[n]] }) } writeToList <- function(es) { data <- as.matrix(exprs(es)) colnames(data) <- NULL row.names(data) <- NULL pdata <- as.matrix(pData(es)) colnames(pdata) <- NULL row.names(pdata) <- NULL rownames <- rownames(es) fdata <- as.matrix(fData(es)) colnames(fdata) <- NULL row.names(fdata) <- NULL res <- list(data = data, pdata = pdata, fdata = fdata, rownames = rownames, colMetaNames = varLabels(es), rowMetaNames = fvarLabels(es)) res }