# Installation Guide Below, we detail how to install Darts using either `conda` or `pip`. ## From PyPI Install Darts with all models except the ones from optional dependencies (Prophet, LightGBM, CatBoost, see more on that [here](#enabling-optional-dependencies)): `pip install darts`. If this fails on your platform, please follow the official installation guide for [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/), then try installing Darts again. As some dependencies are relatively big or involve non-Python dependencies, we also maintain the `u8darts` package, which provides the following alternate lighter install options: * Install Darts with all available models: `pip install "u8darts[all]"` * Install core only (without neural networks, Prophet, LightGBM and Catboost): `pip install u8darts` * Install core + Prophet + LightGBM + CatBoost: `pip install "u8darts[notorch]"` * Install core + neural networks (PyTorch): `pip install "u8darts[torch]"` (equivalent to `pip install darts`) ## From conda-forge Create a conda environment (e.g., for Python 3.10): (after installing [conda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html)): conda create --name python=3.10 Activate the environment conda activate As some models have relatively heavy dependencies, we provide four conda-forge packages: * Install Darts with all available models: `conda install -c conda-forge -c pytorch u8darts-all` * Install core only (without neural networks, Prophet, LightGBM and Catboost): `conda install -c conda-forge u8darts` * Install core + Prophet + LightGBM + CatBoost: `conda install -c conda-forge u8darts-notorch` * Install core + neural networks (PyTorch): `conda install -c conda-forge -c pytorch u8darts-torch` ## Other Information ### Enabling Optional Dependencies As of version 0.25.0, the default `darts` package does not install Prophet, CatBoost, and LightGBM dependencies anymore, because their build processes were too often causing issues. We continue supporting the model wrappers `Prophet`, `CatBoostModel`, and `LightGBMModel` in Darts though. If you want to use any of them, you will need to manually install the corresponding packages (or install a Darts flavor as described above). #### Prophet Install the `prophet` package (version 1.1.1 or more recent) using the [Prophet install guide](https://facebook.github.io/prophet/docs/installation.html#python) #### CatBoostModel Install the `catboost` package (version 1.0.6 or more recent) using the [CatBoost install guide](https://catboost.ai/en/docs/concepts/python-installation) #### LightGBMModel Install the `lightgbm` package (version 3.2.0 or more recent) using the [LightGBM install guide](https://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installation-Guide.html) ### Enabling GPU support Darts relies on PyTorch for the neural network models. For GPU support, please follow the instructions to install CUDA in the [PyTorch installation guide](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/). ### From Docker: We also provide a Docker image with everything set up for you. For this setup to work you need to have a Docker service installed. You can get it at [Docker website](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/). Pull the latest Darts image. ```bash docker pull unit8/darts:latest ``` To run it in interactive mode: ```bash docker run -it -p 8888:8888 unit8/darts:latest bash ``` After that, you can also launch a Jupyter lab / notebook session: ```bash jupyter lab --ip --no-browser --allow-root ``` Then copy and paste the URL provided by the docker container into your browser to access Jupyter notebook. ## Tests The gradle setup works best when used in a python environment, but the only requirement is to have `pip` installed for Python 3+ To run all tests at once just run ```bash ./gradlew test_all ``` alternatively you can run ```bash ./gradlew unitTest_all # to run only unittests ./gradlew coverageTest # to run coverage ./gradlew lint # to run linter ``` To run the tests for specific flavours of the library, replace `_all` with `_core`, `_prophet`, `_pmdarima` or `_torch`. ## Documentation To build documentation locally just run ```bash ./gradlew buildDocs ``` After that docs will be available in `./docs/build/html` directory. You can just open `./docs/build/html/index.html` using your favourite browser.