Raw File
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <functional>
#include "Basics.h"
#include "MPIWrapper.h"
#include "CNTKLibrary.h"
#include "DistributedCommunicator.h"
#include "CUDAPageLockedMemAllocator.h"
#include "MatrixQuantizerImpl.h"
#include "GPUDataTransferer.h"

using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;

namespace CNTK
    void Recreate(const std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& values, std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& output)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
            const auto inputView = values[i];
            output[i] = MakeSharedObject<NDArrayView>(inputView->GetDataType(), inputView->Shape(), inputView->Device());

    DistributedCommunicatorPtr MPICommunicator()
        return std::make_shared<MPICommunicatorImpl>();

    void DistributedCommunicator::Finalize()

    MPICommunicatorImpl::Buffer MPICommunicatorImpl::AllocateIntermediateBuffer(int deviceID, size_t totalSize)
        assert(deviceID >= 0);
        Buffer buffer;
        buffer.totalSize = totalSize;
        buffer.data = std::shared_ptr<void>(
            CUDAPageLockedMemAllocator::Malloc(totalSize, deviceID),
            [deviceID](void* p) { CUDAPageLockedMemAllocator::Free(p, deviceID); });
        return buffer;

    inline size_t GetBufferSize(const NDArrayViewPtr& viewPtr)
        return viewPtr->Shape().TotalSize() * DataTypeSize(viewPtr->GetDataType());

    inline void* GetDataBuffer(const NDArrayViewPtr& viewPtr)
        if (viewPtr->GetDataType() == DataType::Float)
            return viewPtr->WritableDataBuffer<float>();
        if (viewPtr->GetDataType() == DataType::Double)
            return viewPtr->WritableDataBuffer<double>();
        LogicError("Unknown DataType");
        return nullptr; // Make compiler happy.

        m_mpi = MPIWrapper::GetInstance();
        if (m_mpi == nullptr)
            m_mpi = MPIWrapper::GetInstance(true /*create*/);
        m_currentWorker.m_globalRank = m_mpi->CurrentNodeRank();
        m_currentWorker.m_hostId = std::wstring(m_mpi->CurrentNodeName());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_mpi->NumNodesInUse(); ++i)
            if (i == m_currentWorker.m_globalRank)
                // TOOD: Nodes have to exchange their names.
                m_workers.insert({ i,  L"" });

    void MPICommunicatorImpl::Initialize(const std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& values)
        assert(CPUDEVICE < 0); // just in case somebody decides to change CPUDEVICE macro.
        DeviceDescriptor lastGpuDevice = DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice();
        for (auto i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
            auto view = values[i];
            auto device = view->Device();

            // Make sure none of the values are sparse - we currently do not support aggregation of sparse matrices
            if (view->GetStorageFormat() != StorageFormat::Dense)
                RuntimeError("Aggregation for sparse matrices is currently not supported!");

            // TODO: device.Type should be called Kind.
            if (device.Type() != DeviceKind::GPU)
                m_intermediateCPUBuffers[i] = Buffer();
                m_gpuDataTransferers[i] = nullptr;
                if (lastGpuDevice.Type() == DeviceKind::CPU)
                    lastGpuDevice = device;
                else if (device.Id() != lastGpuDevice.Id()) // For the time being, assume all devices have the same id.
                    LogicError("Not all values are on the same GPU device id");

                auto requiredSize = GetBufferSize(view);
                m_gpuDataTransferers[i] = std::make_shared<GPUDataTransferer>(device.Id(), true);
                if (m_intermediateCPUBuffers[i].totalSize < requiredSize)
                    m_intermediateCPUBuffers[i] = AllocateIntermediateBuffer(device.Id(), requiredSize);

    const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>& MPICommunicatorImpl::Workers() const
        return m_workers;

    const DistributedWorkerDescriptor& MPICommunicatorImpl::CurrentWorker() const
        return m_currentWorker;

    void MPICommunicatorImpl::CheckWorkers(const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>& sendToWorkers)
        // Currently all operations should be executed on all workers, we do not support subgroups.
        if (sendToWorkers != m_workers)

    void MPICommunicatorImpl::Aggregate(const std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& values,
        std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& outputValues,
        const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>& sendToWorkers)
        if (outputValues.empty())
            Recreate(values, outputValues);
        else if (outputValues.size() != values.size())

        auto device = GetNonCPUDevice(values);
        if (device.Type() != DeviceKind::CPU)
            // Since we will be copying the gradients asynchronously, let us
            // ensure that the gradient matrices have been computed before starting to aggregate
            // them asynchronously on another thread. This essentially means that when we are using
            // a GPU device, we will synchronize on the main GPU compute stream before starting
            // the gradient aggregation asynchronously on a separate stream
            std::unique_ptr<MatrixComputeStreamEvent> mainStreamSyncEvent(MatrixComputeStreamEvent::Create(device.Id()));
        AggregateImpl(values, outputValues, sendToWorkers);

    DistributedCommunicatorPtr MPICommunicatorImpl::SubGroup(const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>&) const

    void MPICommunicatorImpl::Concatenate(const std::vector<ValuePtr>&, std::vector<ValuePtr>&, const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>&)

    void MPICommunicatorImpl::AggregateInPlace(
        const std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& values,
        const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>& sendToWorkers)
        auto device = GetNonCPUDevice(values);
        if (device.Type() != DeviceKind::CPU)
            // Since we will be copying the gradients asynchronously, let us
            // ensure that the gradient matrices have been computed before starting to aggregate
            // them asynchronously on another thread. This essentially means that when we are using
            // a GPU device, we will synchronize on the main GPU compute stream before starting
            // the gradient aggregation asynchronously on a separate stream
            std::unique_ptr<MatrixComputeStreamEvent> mainStreamSyncEvent(MatrixComputeStreamEvent::Create(device.Id()));
        AggregateImpl(values, values, sendToWorkers);

    void  MPICommunicatorImpl::AggregateImpl(
        const std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& inputValues,
        const std::vector<NDArrayViewPtr>& outputValues,
        const std::unordered_set<DistributedWorkerDescriptor>& sendToWorkers)

        if (m_mpi->NumNodesInUse() == 1) // No need to aggregate anything.

        assert(inputValues.size() == outputValues.size());

        auto numValues = inputValues.size();
        if (numValues == 0)


        // for all values residing on GPU initiate async transfer to CPU buffers.
        for (auto i = 0; i < numValues; ++i)
            auto view = inputValues[i];
            if (view->Device() != DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice())
                auto& transferer = m_gpuDataTransferers[i];
                auto& buffer = m_intermediateCPUBuffers[i];
                transferer->CopyGPUToCPUAsync(GetDataBuffer(view), GetBufferSize(view), buffer.data.get());

        std::vector<MPI_Request> allReduceRequests(numValues);
        for (auto i = 0; i < numValues; ++i)
            auto inputValue = inputValues[i];

            if (inputValue->Device() != DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice())
                // TODO: actually, we can start reducing all cpu values first, and then wait for the gpu->cpu transfer to finish.

            auto numElements = inputValue->Shape().TotalSize();
            auto dataType = inputValue->GetDataType();

            auto& outputValue = outputValues[i];

            assert(numElements == outputValue->Shape().TotalSize());
            assert(dataType == outputValue->GetDataType());
            assert(inputValue->Device() == outputValue->Device());

            void* inputData = (inputValue->Device() != DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice()) ? m_intermediateCPUBuffers[i].data.get() : GetDataBuffer(inputValue);
            void* outputData = (inputValue->Device() != DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice()) ? m_intermediateCPUBuffers[i].data.get() : GetDataBuffer(outputValue);

            if (dataType == DataType::Float)
                if (inputData == outputData)
                    m_mpi->AllReduceAsync<float>(static_cast<float*>(outputData), numElements, &allReduceRequests[i]);
                    m_mpi->AllReduceAsync<float>(static_cast<float*>(inputData), static_cast<float*>(outputData), numElements, &allReduceRequests[i]);
            else if (dataType == DataType::Double)
                if (inputData == outputData)
                    m_mpi->AllReduceAsync<double>(static_cast<double*>(outputData), numElements, &allReduceRequests[i]);
                    m_mpi->AllReduceAsync<double>(static_cast<double*>(inputData), static_cast<double*>(outputData), numElements, &allReduceRequests[i]);
                LogicError("Unknown DataType");

        // wait for async all reduce to complete. As soon as one of the requests is finished,
        // check if corresponding value is gpu bound and, if it is the case, initiate a cpu-to-gpu transfer.
        size_t numAllReduceRequestsCompleted = 0;
        while (numAllReduceRequestsCompleted < numValues)
            int idx = MPI_UNDEFINED;
            m_mpi->WaitAny(allReduceRequests.data(), (int)allReduceRequests.size(), &idx);
            if (idx == MPI_UNDEFINED)


            assert(idx < inputValues.size());
            auto value = inputValues[idx];

            if (value->Device() != DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice())
                auto view = outputValues[idx];
                auto size = GetBufferSize(view);
                auto& transferer = m_gpuDataTransferers[idx];
                auto& buffer = m_intermediateCPUBuffers[idx];
                transferer->CopyCPUToGPUAsync(buffer.data.get(), size, GetDataBuffer(view));

        // TODO: Should not wait, simply publishing event on the compute stream should be sufficient.
        for (auto i = 0; i < numValues; ++i)
            if (inputValues[i]->Device() != DeviceDescriptor::CPUDevice())

    void  MPICommunicatorImpl::Barrier()
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