Raw File
  Make Predictions From a Recursively Partitioned Point Process Model
  Given a model which has been fitted to point pattern data
  by recursive partitioning, compute the predicted intensity
  of the model.
\method{predict}{rppm}(object, \dots)

\method{fitted}{rppm}(object, \dots)
    Fitted point process model of class \code{"rppm"}
    produced by the function \code{\link{rppm}}.
    Optional arguments passed to \code{\link{predict.ppm}}
    to specify the locations where prediction is required.
    (Ignored by \code{fitted.rppm})
  These functions are methods for the generic functions
  \code{\link[stats]{fitted}} and \code{\link[stats]{predict}}.
  They compute the fitted intensity of a point process model.
  The argument \code{object} should be a fitted point process model
  of class \code{"rppm"} produced by the function \code{\link{rppm}}.

  The \code{fitted} method computes the fitted intensity at the original data
  points, yielding a numeric vector with one entry for each data point.

  The \code{predict} method computes the fitted intensity at
  any locations. By default, predictions are
  calculated at a regular grid of spatial locations, and the result
  is a pixel image giving the predicted intensity values at these

  Alternatively, predictions can be performed at other
  locations, or a finer grid of locations, or only at certain specified
  locations, using additional arguments \code{\dots}
  which will be interpreted by \code{\link{predict.ppm}}.
  Common arguments are \code{ngrid} to increase the grid resolution,
  \code{window} to specify the prediction region, and \code{locations}
  to specify the exact locations of predictions.
  See \code{\link{predict.ppm}} for details of these arguments.

  Predictions are computed by evaluating the explanatory covariates at
  each desired location, and applying the recursive partitioning rule
  to each set of covariate values.
  The result of \code{fitted.rppm} is a numeric vector.

  The result of \code{predict.rppm} is a pixel image, a list of pixel images,
  or a numeric vector.
    fit <- rppm(unmark(gorillas) ~ vegetation, data=gorillas.extra)
    lambdaX <- fitted(fit)
    # Mondriaan pictures
    plot(predict(rppm(redwoodfull ~ x + y)))
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