\name{xline} \alias{xline} \title{ Draw a vertical line } \description{ Adds vertical lines in the plot region. } \usage{ xline(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Values on x axis specifying location of vertical lines. } \item{\dots}{ Any ploting options for abline. } } \seealso{ yline, abline } \examples{ plot( 1:10) xline( 6.5, col=2) world( col=3) yline( seq( -80,80,10),col=4, lty=2) xline( seq( -180,180,10),col=4,lty=2) yline( 0, lwd=2, col=4) } \keyword{aplot} % docclass is function % Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.