#pragma once
#include "Sampler.h"
#include "NanoKdTree.h"
class SpherePackSampling{
static std::vector<Vector3d> sample(SurfaceMesh::Model * m, int randomSampleCount, double r)
std::vector<Vector3d> gridPoints = std::vector<Vector3d>();
return sample(m,randomSampleCount,r,gridPoints);
static std::vector<Vector3d> sample(SurfaceMesh::Model * m, int randomSampleCount, double r,
std::vector<Vector3d> & gridPoints, int density = 1)
std::vector<Vector3d> samples, centers, rndSamples;
// Centers of packed spheres
centers = spheres(r, m->bbox().min(), m->bbox().max(), density);
// Get a lot of random samples
foreach(SamplePoint sp, Sampler(m).getSamples(randomSampleCount)){
// Initialize KD-tree
NanoKdTree tree;
foreach(Vector3d p, rndSamples) tree.addPoint(p);
foreach(Vector3d center, centers)
// Collect neighbors
KDResults matches;
int n = tree.ball_search( center, r, matches );
if(n < 1) continue;
// Record center
Vector3d centerGroup (0,0,0);
foreach(KDResultPair i, matches)
centerGroup += rndSamples[i.first];
centerGroup /= matches.size();
return samples;
/* Hexagonal close packing of spheres (HCP lattice) */
static std::vector<Vector3d> spheres(double r, Vector3d bbmin, Vector3d bbmax, int density = 1)
std::vector<Vector3d> samples;
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3d> > grid;
double d = r * 2;
double width = bbmax.x() - bbmin.x();
double length = bbmax.y() - bbmin.y();
double height = bbmax.z() - bbmin.z();
Vector3d corner(bbmin.x()-r, bbmin.y()-r, bbmin.z());
int dx = (width / r) + 1;
int dy = (length / r) + 1;
int dz = (height / r) + 1;
Vector3d delta(r, sqrt(3.0) * r , 0);
Vector3d center(0,0,0);
for(int x = 0; x < dx; x++)
grid[0].push_back(corner + Vector3d(x * d, 0, 0));
for(int y = 0; y < dy; y++){
std::vector<Vector3d> row = grid.back();
for(int x = 0; x < (int)row.size(); x++) row[x] += delta;
delta.x() = -delta.x();
Vector3d omega(r, r, sqrt(6.0) * (2.0/3.0) * r);
for(int z = 0; z < dz; z += density){
for(int y = 0; y < dy; y += density)
for(int x = 0; x < dx; x += density)
samples.push_back(grid[y][x] + center);
omega.x() *= -1;
omega.y() *= -1;
center += omega;
return samples;
static std::vector<double> toKDPoint(const SurfaceMesh::Point & from){
std::vector<double> p(3, 0.0);
p[0] = from.x(); p[1] = from.y(); p[2] = from.z();
return p;