\name{armadillo_set_seed} \alias{armadillo_set_seed} \title{Set the Armadillo Random Number Generator to the given value} \usage{ armadillo_set_seed(val) } \arguments{ \item{val}{The seed used to initialize Armadillo's random number generator.} } \value{ The function is invoked for its side effect and has no return value. } \description{ Set the Armadillo Random Number Generator to the given value } \details{ Depending on whether RcppArmadillo was compiled for the C++98 standard (currently the default) or for C++11 (optional), two different RNGs may be used. This function resets either. For C++98, the system library RNG is used. It may have poor performance, particularly on older versions of Windows. For C++11, the RNG included in its library is used. } \note{ This has been found to not work as espected in \pkg{RStudio} as its code also uses the system RNG library. You may have to either not run within \pkg{RStudio} or change your code to use a different RNG such as the one from R. } \seealso{ The R documentation on its RNGs all of which are accessible via \pkg{Rcpp}. }