Raw File
# distutils: language=c++

from cython.operator import dereference, preincrement
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libcpp cimport bool as bool_t
from libcpp.string cimport string

from .base cimport _Algorithm, Algorithm
from .graph cimport _Graph, Graph
from .structures cimport index, node
from .helpers import stdstring

cdef extern from "cython_helper.h":
	void throw_runtime_error(string message)

cdef cppclass NodeVectorCallbackWrapper:
	void* callback
	__init__(object callback):
		this.callback = <void*>callback
	# This is called within the run() method which is nogil!
	void cython_call_operator(const vector[node]& nodes) nogil:
		cdef bool_t error = False
		cdef string message
		# Acquire gil to allow Python code!
		with gil:
			except Exception as e:
				error = True
				message = stdstring("An Exception occurred, aborting execution of iterator: {0}".format(e))
			if (error):

cdef extern from "<networkit/clique/MaximalCliques.hpp>":

	cdef cppclass _MaximalCliques "NetworKit::MaximalCliques"(_Algorithm):
		_MaximalCliques(_Graph G, bool_t maximumOnly) except +
		_MaximalCliques(_Graph G, NodeVectorCallbackWrapper callback) except +
		vector[vector[node]] getCliques() except +

cdef class MaximalCliques(Algorithm):
	MaximalCliques(G, maximumOnly=False, callback=None)

	Algorithm for listing all maximal cliques.

	The implementation is based on the "hybrid" algorithm described in

	Eppstein, D., & Strash, D. (2011).
	Listing All Maximal Cliques in Large Sparse Real-World Graphs.
	In P. M. Pardalos & S. Rebennack (Eds.),
	Experimental Algorithms (pp. 364375). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
	Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-20662-7_31

	The running time of this algorithm should be in :math:`O(d^2 * n * 3^{d/3})`
	where f is the degeneracy of the graph, i.e., the maximum core number.
	The running time in practive depends on the structure of the graph. In
	particular for complex networks it is usually quite fast, even graphs with
	millions of edges can usually be processed in less than a minute.

	G : networkit.Graph
		The graph to list the cliques for
	maximumOnly : bool, optional
		A value of True denotes that only one maximum clique is desired. This enables
		further optimizations of the algorithm to skip smaller cliques more
		efficiently. This parameter is only considered when no callback is given. Default: False
	callback : callable, optional
		If a callable Python object is given, it will be called once for each
		maximal clique. Then no cliques will be stored. The callback must accept
		one parameter which is a list of nodes. Default: None
	cdef NodeVectorCallbackWrapper* _callback
	cdef Graph _G
	cdef object _py_callback

	def __cinit__(self, Graph G not None, bool_t maximumOnly = False, object callback = None):
		self._G = G

		if callable(callback):
			# Make sure the callback is not de-allocated!
			self._py_callback = callback
			self._callback = new NodeVectorCallbackWrapper(callback)
				self._this = new _MaximalCliques(self._G._this, dereference(self._callback))
			except BaseException as e:
				del self._callback
				self._callback = NULL
				raise e
			self._callback = NULL
			self._this = new _MaximalCliques(self._G._this, maximumOnly)

	def __dealloc__(self):
		if not self._callback == NULL:
			del self._callback
			self._callback = NULL

	def getCliques(self):

		Return all found cliques unless a callback was given.

		This method will throw if a callback was given and thus the cliques were not stored.
		If only the maximum clique was stored, it will return exactly one clique unless the graph
		is empty.

			A list of cliques, each being represented as a list of nodes.
		return (<_MaximalCliques*>(self._this)).getCliques()
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