\name{ranMvnXch} \alias{ranMvnXch} \title{ Multivariate Normal Data } \description{ Generates multivariate normal data based on an EXCHANGEABLE correlation matrix. } \usage{ ranMvnXch(rho, n, nRep = 1, seed = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{rho}{ correlation } \item{n}{ cluster size } \item{nRep}{ number of clusters (replications)s } \item{seed}{ initializes the random number generator } } \details{ This is more efficient than \code{ranMVN} and \code{ranMVN2} for exchangeable correlation. The returned matrix of responses, call it Y, has mean 0. We require that \code{rho} is greater than zero. } \value{ Returns a matrix of response variates of dimension \code{nRep} by \code{n} } \seealso{ See Also \code{\link{ranMVN}}, \code{\link{ranMVN2}}, \code{\link{ep}} } \keyword{ datagen } \keyword{ distribution } \keyword{ multivariate }