GetRegisterInfo <- function(register, # only for internal debugging information! .Call("GetExtKeyInfo", as.integer(register), as.logical(, PACKAGE="RandomFields") GetPracticalRange <- function(model, kappas=NULL) { covnr <- as.integer(.C("GetModelNr", as.character(model), as.integer(1), nr = integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr) if (covnr < 0) { .C("PrintModelList", PACKAGE="RandomFields") stop("given model cannot be (uniquely) identified from the above list") } if (length(kappas)!=.C("GetNrParameters", covnr, as.integer(1), k = integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE)$k) stop("incorrect number of parameters!") nat.scl <- double(1) error <- integer(1) .C("GetNaturalScaling", as.integer(covnr), as.double(kappas), ## not stable w.r.t. to changings !! as.integer(11), nat.scl, error, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) if (error) stop("natural scaling could not be obtained") return(1.0 / nat.scl) } GetMethodNames <- function() { assign(".p", .C("GetrfParameters", covmaxchar=integer(1), methodmaxchar=integer(1), distrmaxchar=integer(1), covnr=integer(1), methodnr=integer(1), distrnr=integer(1), maxdim=integer(1), maxmodels=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")) l <- character(.p$methodnr) for (i in 1:.p$methodnr) { l[i] <- .C("GetMethodName", as.integer(i-1), n=paste(rep(" ", .p$methodmaxchar), collapse=""), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$n } return(l) } GetDistributionNames <- function() { assign(".p", .C("GetrfParameters", covmaxchar=integer(1), methodmaxchar=integer(1), distrmaxchar=integer(1), covnr=integer(1), methodnr=integer(1), distrnr=integer(1), maxdim=integer(1), maxmodels=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")) l <- character(.p$distrnr) for (i in 1:.p$distrnr) { l[i] <- .C("GetDistrName", as.integer(i-1), n=paste(rep(" ",.p$distrmaxchar), collapse=""), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$n } return(l) } GetModelNames <- function() { assign(".p", .C("GetrfParameters", covmaxchar=integer(1), methodmaxchar=integer(1), distrmaxchar=integer(1), covnr=integer(1), methodnr=integer(1), distrnr=integer(1), maxdim=integer(1), maxmodels=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")) l <- character(.p$covnr) for (i in 1:.p$covnr) { l[i] <- .C("GetModelName",as.integer(i-1), n=paste(rep(" ",.p$covmaxchar), collapse=""), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$n } return(l) } GetModelList <- function(abbr=TRUE) { names <- GetModelNames() methods <- GetMethodNames() if (abbr) methods <- substr(methods, 1, if (is.logical(abbr)) 5 else abbr) idx <- integer(length(names) * length(methods)) .C("GetModelList", idx, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) t(matrix(as.logical(idx), ncol=length(names), dimnames=list(methods, names))) } parampositions <- function(model, param, print=TRUE) { type <- if (!missing(param) && !is.null(param)) if (is.matrix(param)) "n" else "s" else "l" old.model <- PrepareModel(model, param) model <- PrepareModel( if (length(old.model$param) != length(model$param)) stop("The model should be simplified beforehand") model$param <- 1:length(model$param) model$mean <- NA model <-, allowed=type) model$method <- model$trend <- NULL if (type=="l") { if (print) str(model) } else { if (print) cat("model:", model$model, "\nparam: ") if (type=="s") { # standard NUGGET <- 3 if (is.finite(param[NUGGET]) && param[NUGGET]==0) model$param[NUGGET] <- NA if (print) cat(model$param, "\n") } else { # nested model$param[model$param==0] <- NA if (length(model$param) != length(, allow="n")$param)) stop("Model is too complex to be identified") if (print) { cat("\n") print(model$param) } } } invisible(model) } "RFparameters" <- function (..., no.readonly=FALSE) { assign(".p", .C("GetrfParameters", covmaxchar=integer(1), methodmaxchar=integer(1), distrmaxchar=integer(1), covnr=integer(1), methodnr=integer(1), distrnr=integer(1), maxdim=integer(1), maxmodels=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")) assign(".methods", GetMethodNames()) ## do not add any temporary variable til ## ** ## do not remove leading "." from .maxdim Storing <- integer(1) PrintLevel <- integer(1) PracticalRange <- integer(1) ## always logical returned ## PracticalRange also allows for being set to ## 0 : no practical range ## 1,11 : practical range, evaluated exactly (if given in ## 2,12 : approximative value (if given in ## 3,13 : rough guess (good enough for MLE) (if given in ## >10: and if nothing appropriate given in then numerical approx. pch <- as.character(" ") stationary.only <- integer(1) exactness <- integer(1) CE.force <- integer(1) CE.tolRe <- double(1) CE.tolIm <- double(1) CE.trials <- integer(1) CE.mmin <- integer(.p$maxdim) CE.userfft <- integer(1) CE.strategy <- integer(1) CE.maxmem <- double(1) cutoff.a <- double(1) intrinsic.r <- double(1) TBMCE.force <- integer(1) TBMCE.tolRe <- double(1) TBMCE.tolIm <- double(1) TBMCE.trials <- integer(1) TBMCE.mmin <- integer(.p$maxdim) TBMCE.userfft <- integer(1) TBMCE.strategy <- integer(1) TBMCE.maxmem <- double(1) TBM.method <- integer(1) TBM2.lines <- integer(1) TBM2.linesimufactor <- double(1) TBM2.linesimustep <- double(1) TBM2.every <- integer(1) TBM2.num <- integer(1) TBM3D2.lines <- integer(1) TBM3D2.linesimufactor <- double(1) TBM3D2.linesimustep <- double(1) TBM3D2.every <- integer(1) TBM3D3.lines <- integer(1) TBM3D3.linesimufactor <- double(1) TBM3D3.linesimustep <- double(1) TBM3D3.every <- integer(1) spectral.lines <- integer(1) spectral.grid <- integer(1) direct.method <- integer(1) direct.checkprecision <- integer(1) direct.requiredprecision <- double(1) direct.bestvariables <- integer(1) direct.maxvariables <- integer(1) MPP.approxzero <- double(1) add.MPP.realisations <- double(1) MPP.radius <- double(1) hyper.superpos <- integer(1) hyper.maxlines <- integer(1) hyper.mar.distr <- integer(1) hyper.mar.param <- double(1) maxstable.maxGauss <- double(1) arg.list <- ls() ## ** ## first element is the function name parameters <- list(...) for (m in 1:0) { # m = 1 reading parameters # m = 0 storing parameters storage.mode(m) <- "integer" ## "SetParam" more complicated since pch is of character type x <- .C("SetParam", m, Storing=Storing, PrintLevel=PrintLevel, PracticalRange=PracticalRange, pch=pch, PACKAGE="RandomFields") Storing <- x$Storing PrintLevel <- x$PrintLevel PracticalRange <- x$PracticalRange pch <- x$pch .C("SetParamDecision", m, stationary.only, exactness, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamCircEmbed", m, CE.force, CE.tolRe, CE.tolIm, CE.trials, CE.mmin, CE.userfft, CE.strategy, CE.maxmem, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamLocal", m, cutoff.a, intrinsic.r, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamTBMCE", m, TBMCE.force, TBMCE.tolRe, TBMCE.tolIm, TBMCE.trials, TBMCE.mmin, TBMCE.userfft, TBMCE.strategy, TBMCE.maxmem, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamTBM2", m, TBM2.lines, TBM2.linesimufactor, TBM2.linesimustep, TBM2.every, TBM2.num, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamTBM3D2", m, TBM3D2.lines, TBM3D2.linesimufactor, TBM3D2.linesimustep, TBM3D2.every, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamTBM3D3", m, TBM3D3.lines, TBM3D3.linesimufactor, TBM3D3.linesimustep, TBM3D3.every, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamTBM", m, TBM.method, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamSpectral", m, spectral.lines, spectral.grid, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamDirectGauss", m, direct.method, direct.checkprecision, direct.requiredprecision, direct.bestvariables, direct.maxvariables, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetMPP", m, MPP.approxzero, add.MPP.realisations, MPP.radius, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) .C("SetParamHyperplane", m, hyper.superpos, hyper.maxlines, hyper.mar.distr, hyper.mar.param, NA.OK=TRUE, DUP=FALSE) .C("SetExtremes", m, maxstable.maxGauss, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) if (length(parameters)==0) return(c(list( PracticalRange=if (PracticalRange<=1) as.logical(PracticalRange) else PracticalRange, PrintLevel=PrintLevel, pch=pch, Storing=as.logical(Storing), stationary.only = (if(stationary.only==-1) NA else as.logical(stationary.only)), exactness = if(exactness==-1) NA else as.logical(exactness), CE.force=as.logical(CE.force), CE.mmin=CE.mmin, CE.strategy=CE.strategy, CE.maxmem=CE.maxmem, CE.tolIm=CE.tolIm, CE.tolRe=CE.tolRe, CE.trials=CE.trials, CE.userfft=as.logical(CE.userfft), cutoff.a=cutoff.a, intrinsic.r=intrinsic.r, direct.checkprecision=as.logical(direct.checkprecision), direct.bestvariables=direct.bestvariables, direct.maxvariables=direct.maxvariables, direct.method=direct.method, direct.requiredprecision=direct.requiredprecision, spectral.grid=as.logical(spectral.grid), spectral.lines=spectral.lines, TBM.method=.methods[TBM.method+1], TBM2.every=TBM2.every, TBM2.lines=TBM2.lines, TBM2.linesimufactor=TBM2.linesimufactor, TBM2.linesimustep=TBM2.linesimustep, TBM2.num=as.logical(TBM2.num), TBM3D2.every=TBM3D2.every, TBM3D2.lines=TBM3D2.lines, TBM3D2.linesimufactor=TBM3D2.linesimufactor, TBM3D2.linesimustep=TBM3D2.linesimustep, TBM3D3.every=TBM3D3.every, TBM3D3.lines=TBM3D3.lines, TBM3D3.linesimufactor=TBM3D3.linesimufactor, TBM3D3.linesimustep=TBM3D3.linesimustep, TBMCE.force=as.logical(TBMCE.force), TBMCE.mmin=TBMCE.mmin, TBMCE.strategy=TBMCE.strategy, TBMCE.maxmem = TBMCE.maxmem, TBMCE.tolIm=TBMCE.tolIm, TBMCE.tolRe=TBMCE.tolRe, TBMCE.trials=TBMCE.trials, TBMCE.userfft=as.logical(TBMCE.userfft), add.MPP.realisations=add.MPP.realisations, MPP.approxzero=MPP.approxzero, MPP.radius=MPP.radius, hyper.superpos=hyper.superpos, hyper.maxlines=hyper.maxlines, hyper.mar.distr=hyper.mar.distr, hyper.mar.param=hyper.mar.param, maxstable.maxGauss=maxstable.maxGauss, ), if (!no.readonly) list( covmaxchar=.p$covmaxchar, covnr=.p$covnr, distrmaxchar=.p$distrmaxchar, distrnr=.p$distrnr, maxdim=.p$maxdim, maxmodels=.p$maxmodels, methodmaxchar=.p$methodmaxchar, methodnr=.p$methodnr, ) ) ) if (m==0) return(invisible(parameters)) ## set to 0 since only one part of each pair might be non-zero ## this is then checked in, SetParamLines TBM2.linesimufactor <- as.double(0) TBM2.linesimustep <- as.double(0) TBM3D2.linesimufactor <- as.double(0) TBM3D2.linesimustep <- as.double(0) TBM3D3.linesimufactor <- as.double(0) TBM3D3.linesimustep <- as.double(0) <- names(parameters) if (is.null( || ([1]=="")) { txt <- "either a single unnamed list must be given or the parameters should be referenced by names" if ((length(parameters)!=1)) stop(txt) parameters <- parameters[[1]] <- names(parameters) if ((length(parameters) != sum(!="") || (length(parameters)==0))) stop(txt) } name <- arg.list[pmatch(, arg.list)] if (any( stop("the following parameter(s) could not be matched: ", paste([], collapse=", ")) names(parameters) <- name for (i in 1:length(parameters)) { type <- storage.mode(get(name[i])) ## parameters[i] is not sufficient since user give expression, ## which have type "language" v <- parameters[[i]] if (name[i]=="TBM.method") v <- pmatch(v, .methods) - 1 if (name[i]=="stationary.only" && v <- -1 if (name[i]=="exactness" && v <- -1 if (switch(type, character = !is.character(v), integer = !is.finite(v) || (v != as.integer(v)), double = !is.numeric(v))) stop(paste("`",[i], "' is not ", type, sep="")) len <- length(get(name[i])) if (length(v) > len) stop(paste("`",[i], "' is a too long vector", sep="")) assign(name[i], rep(v, length=len)) eval(parse(text=paste("storage.mode(",name[i],") <- type"))) } stopifnot(PracticalRange %in% c(FALSE, TRUE, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13)) } } "PrintModelList" <-function () { .C("PrintModelList", PACKAGE="RandomFields") invisible() } "PrintMethodList" <-function () { .C("PrintMethods", PACKAGE="RandomFields") invisible() } parameter.range <- function(model, dim){ if (length(model)==0) stop("model not given") stopifnot(is.character(model)) nr <- .C("GetModelNr", as.character(model), as.integer(1), nr=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr if (nr < 0) { .C("PrintModelList", PACKAGE="RandomFields") stop("given model cannot be (uniquely) identified from the above list") } storage.mode(nr) = "integer" storage.mode(dim) = "integer" l <- as.integer(4 * .C("GetNrParameters", nr, as.integer(1), k=integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$k) r <- list() r$theoretical <- list() r$practical <- list() index <- as.integer(1) while (index>0) { R <- double(l) index.orig <- as.integer(index) ## without index.orig points to index, ## what is a bug in R -- do report! -- Check if bug is still there .C("GetRange", nr, dim, index, R, l, PACKAGE="RandomFields", DUP=FALSE) R <- matrix(R, nrow=4) r$theoretical[[index.orig]] <- R[1:2, , drop=FALSE] r$practical[[index.orig]] <- R[3:4, ,drop=FALSE] } if (index <= -2) { if (index==-2) r <- NaN ## stop("dimension not correct") else stop(paste("error: inform maintainer (error nr.",index,")")) } return(if (is.list(r) && ncol(r$theoretical[[1]])==0) NULL else r) }