Raw File
* File: TriangleFindingProblem.quantum
* Author: Chen-Fu Chiang @ USherbrooke
* Implementation of the triangle finding algorithm specified in the
* Quantum Computer Science Program @ Government Furnished Information document
* GFI Document date: June 20, 2011
* GFI Document Version: 1.0.0
* GFI Document Reversion number: 188
* Recent Update: Based on https://qcs.ornl.gov/trac/qcs-scaffold/ticket/3

* external files to include
* gates.h includes commonly used gates, including Toffoli
//#include "gates.h"
#include "math.h"
//#include "TFP_Oracle.scaffold"

* Global variables
#define n  15
#define N  32768	// N = 2 ^ n
#define r  9  		// r = (3/5)n
#define R  512		// R = 2 ^ r
#define RR1 130816	// RR1 = R(R-1)/2
#define rbar  6		// rbar = (2/5)n
#define Rbar  64	// Rbar = 2^rbar
#define CTR  11		// CRT = 2*rbar - 1
#define tm 64 		// Quantum walk iterations (floor of N/R)
#define tw 22		// Quantum walk step iterations (floor of sqrt(R))
#define tg  142 	// Grover iteration (pi/4)* (Sqrt(N))
#define tbarm 8		// R/Rbar
#define tbarw 8		// GFI originally had sqrt(R) but now changed to sqrt(Rbar)
#define cn 31		// cn = 2*n + 1

* Reduced Problem Size
#define n  10
#define N  1024	// N = 2 ^ n
#define r  6  		// r = (3/5)n
#define R  64		// R = 2 ^ r
#define RR1 504	// RR1 = R(R-1)/2
#define rbar  4		// rbar = (2/5)n
#define Rbar  16	// Rbar = 2^rbar
#define CTR  7		// CRT = 2*rbar - 1
#define tm 16 		// Quantum walk iterations (floor of N/R)
#define tw 8		// Quantum walk step iterations (floor of sqrt(R))
#define tg  24 	// Grover iteration (pi/4)* (Sqrt(N))
#define tbarm 4		// R/Rbar
#define tbarw 4		// GFI originally had sqrt(R) but now changed to sqrt(Rbar)
#define cn 21		// cn = 2*n + 1

* Further Reduced Problem Size

#define n  5
#define N  32	// N = 2 ^ n
#define r  3  		// r = (3/5)n
#define R  8		// R = 2 ^ r
#define RR1 28	// RR1 = R(R-1)/2
#define rbar  2		// rbar = (2/5)n
#define Rbar  4	// Rbar = 2^rbar
#define CTR  3		// CRT = 2*rbar - 1
#define tm 4 		// Quantum walk iterations (floor of N/R)
#define tw 2		// Quantum walk step iterations (floor of sqrt(R))
#define tg  4 	// Grover iteration (pi/4)* (Sqrt(N))
#define tbarm 2		// R/Rbar
#define tbarw 2		// GFI originally had sqrt(R) but now changed to sqrt(Rbar)
#define cn 11		// cn = 2*n + 1

// Define globals first to propagate
#include "TFP_Oracle.scaffold"

*	Data Structures : used in the Main Program
qstruct quNode
{ qbit reg[n];

qstruct quIntr
{ qbit reg[r];

qstruct GCQWRegs
	qbit  tau[r][Rbar];
	qbit  sigma[r];
	qbit  iota[rbar];
	qbit  Ew[Rbar];
	qbit  cTri[2*rbar-1];
	//qubit holding test results for the triangle in T
	qbit  triTestT[1];
	//qubit holding test results for the triangle in T and w
	qbit  triTestTw[1];

* External module : the Oracle
extern module EdgeORACLE(qbit node1[], int node1offset, qbit node2[], int node2offset, qbit result);

* Determine if a Node is a |00...0> and store the result in qubit
* Inverse of it must be run (after getting the final evaluation)
* to transform the input bits back
module ZeroNodeTest(qbit w[n], qbit dum[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	for(j = 0; j< n; j++)

	Toffoli( w[0], w[1],dum[0]);
	for(j = 1; j < n-2; j++)
		Toffoli( w[j+1], dum[j-1],dum[j]);

	Toffoli( w[n-1], dum[n-3],dum[n-2]);

module InvZeroNodeTest(qbit w[n], qbit dum[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	Toffoli( w[n-1], dum[n-3],dum[n-2]);

	for(j = n-3; j > 0; j--)
		Toffoli( w[j+1], dum[j-1],dum[j]);

	Toffoli( w[0], w[1],dum[0]);

	for(j = 0; j< n; j++)

*  Here we reuse the ancillae ctrbit[14] to see if input is an all 1s
*  or all 0 Register. If all-0 test, the flg bit would be 0; if all-1, flg = 1
*  We could have used length(input) to determine the "possible" value of k
*  However, since we reuse ctrbit2 a lot as input, which is of size n-1, that
*  is always greater than the value k (normally r or rbar).
module RegTest(qbit input[], qbit dum[], int k, int flg)
	int j = 0;

	if(flg == 0)
		for(j = 0; j< k; j++)

	Toffoli( input[0], input[1],dum[0]);
	for(j = 1; j < k-2; j++)
		Toffoli( input[j+1], dum[j-1],dum[j]);

  if (k>=3)
	  Toffoli( input[k-1], dum[k-3],dum[k-2]);

module InvRegTest(qbit input[], qbit dum[], int k, int flg)
	int j = 0;

  if (k>=3)
	  Toffoli( input[k-1], dum[k-3],dum[k-2]);

	for(j = k-3; j > 0; j--)
		Toffoli( input[j+1], dum[j-1],dum[j]);

	Toffoli( input[0], input[1],dum[0]);

	if(flg == 0)
		for(j = 0; j< k; j++)

* CompareIndex
* See if two indices are the same (could be r or rbar in size)
* Para: ireg and treg are the two indices we are comparing
*		dum is the global ctrbit2[14] we can reuse
*		each bit comparison is written to dum array
module CompareIndex(qbit ireg[], int iregOffset, qbit treg[], int tregOffset, qbit dum[], int j)
	int i = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
		CNOT( ireg[iregOffset+i],treg[tregOffset+i]);
		CNOT( treg[tregOffset+i],dum[i]);

* InvCompareIndex
* Inverse of CompareIndex
* Para: ireg and treg are the two indices we are comparing
*		dum is the global ctrbit2[14] we can reuse and it
*		records the bit-wise comparison
module InvCompareIndex(qbit ireg[], int iregOffset, qbit treg[], int tregOffset, qbit dum[], int j)

	int i = 0;

	for (i = j-1; i > -1; i--)
	 	CNOT( treg[tregOffset+i],dum[i]);
		CNOT( ireg[iregOffset+i],treg[tregOffset+i]);

* CompareIJ
* Para: quantum integer ireg, array index idxIJ (note here
* the idxIJ is an element of type quIntr, not an array of quIntr)
* Calls CompareIndex to get the bitwise comparision of indices
* Calls RegTest to see if the bitwise comparison is all 1
* Because of this module is called by many elementary comparison
* operations, such as FetchT, FetchE, and etc. Hence,
* we need to pass those parameters (idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit)
* to many modules, even these parameters are not specified in the
* GFI document
module CompareIJ(qbit ireg[], int iregOffset, qbit idxIJ[], int idxOffset, qbit ctrbit2[], qbit ctrbit[], int len)
	CompareIndex(ireg, iregOffset, idxIJ, idxOffset, ctrbit2, len);
	RegTest(ctrbit2, ctrbit, len, 1);

module InvCompareIJ(qbit ireg[], int iregOffset, qbit idxIJ[r], int idxOffset, qbit ctrbit2[], qbit ctrbit[], int len)
 	InvRegTest(ctrbit2, ctrbit, len, 1);
 	InvCompareIndex(ireg, iregOffset, idxIJ, idxOffset, ctrbit2, len);

* ctrCTRincr
* Increment the cTri by 1; considering element at
* location 0 is the least significant bit. So we are
* starting from the most significant bit  The reverse of
* this operation would be a decrement.
* Assuming that overflow case will not occur
module ctrCTRincr(qbit cTri[], qbit ctrQ, qbit ctrbit2[], int k)
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;

	* the value of if the first t elements (0 till t-1) in cTri are all 1s is stored at
	* ctrbit2[t] where t should be greater than 1

	CNOT( ctrQ,ctrbit2[0]);

	for(i = 1; i < k; i++)
		Toffoli( cTri[i-1], ctrbit2[i-1],ctrbit2[i]);

	for(i = k-1; i > 0; i--)
		CNOT( ctrbit2[i],cTri[i]);
		// uncompute ctrbit2 array
		Toffoli( cTri[i-1], ctrbit2[i-1],ctrbit2[i]);

	CNOT( ctrbit2[0],cTri[0]);

	// uncompute
	CNOT( ctrQ,ctrbit2[0]);

* ctrCTRdecr
* decrement the cTri by 1; similar to increment case but
* we have to test the all 0s case, instead of all 1s case.
* Assuming that overflow case will not occur
module ctrCTRdecr(qbit cTri[], qbit ctrQ, qbit ctrbit2[], int k)
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;

	for(i = 0; i < k-1; i++)
		* have to do so because we want to do an all zero test by using Toffoli
		* the most significant bit does not need to be included

	* the value of if the first t elements (0 till t-1) in cTri are all 0s is stored at
	* ctrbit2[t] where t should be greater than 1
	CNOT( ctrQ,ctrbit2[0]);

	for(i = 1; i < k; i++)
		Toffoli( cTri[i-1], ctrbit2[i-1],ctrbit2[i]);

	for(i = k-1; i > 0; i--)
		CNOT( ctrbit2[i],cTri[i]);

		// correctly undo X operation on cTri (restore)

		// uncompute ctrbit2 array
		Toffoli( cTri[i-1], ctrbit2[i-1],ctrbit2[i]);

	// restoring element at location 0

	CNOT( ctrbit2[0],cTri[0]);

	// uncompute
	CNOT( ctrQ,ctrbit2[0]);

* Controlled Toffoli (for 4 control bits)
module ctrEvaluate16(qbit target, qbit ctr3, qbit ctr2, qbit ctr1)
	qbit tmp[1];
	Toffoli( ctr1, ctr2,tmp[0]);
	Toffoli( tmp[0], ctr3,target);

	// uncompute
	Toffoli( ctr1, ctr2,tmp[0]);

* Measure a node
module nodeMeasure(qbit w[n], cbit ret[n])
	int i;

	for(i = 0; i < n ; i++)
		ret[i] = MeasX(w[i]);

* Measure array of nodes and store the value
module TMeasure(qbit T[R*n], cbit res[R*n])
	int i;
	int j;

	for(i = 0; i < R ; i++)
		for(j = 0; j< n; j++)
			res[i*n+j] = MeasX(T[i*n+j]);

* Measure array of edge connection and store the value
module EMeasure(qbit E[RR1], cbit fin[RR1])
	int i;

	for(i = 0; i < RR1 ; i++)
			fin[i] = MeasX(E[i]);

* Algorithms 2 - 20 that are summoned by Algorithm 1 (QWTFP).
* I reordered where the algorithms appear to avoid compilation haphazard.
* Hence, they do not appear in their numerical (2-20) order.
* Here is the order 2-5, 7-14, 6, 16-17, 19-20, 18, 15, 1.
* QWTFP (algorithm 1) is moved to the botoom of this program.
* 	Algorithm 2: ZERO
*	Initializes the qubits in a register to 0
*	Para: qbit reg[] of size n
module ZERO(qbit reg)

* 	Algorithm 3: INITIALIZE
*	Sets each qubit in the n-qubit register reg to 0 and
*	then calls the Hadamard gate to place reg into superpostion
*	Para: qbit reg[] of size 1
*	Comment: Along with a loop, we can use this module for
*	to perform INITIALIZE work on input register of size greater than 1.

 module INITIALIZE(qbit reg)

* 	Algorithm 4: HADAMARD
*	Applies the Hadamard primitive to each qubit in the register
*	Para: qbit reg[] of size n
* 	Comment: This modules applies the Hadamard primitive to each
* 	qubit in the register, that is a combination of for loop
*	of size n and n uses of Hadamard primitive. Whenever we
*	encounter the invocation of this module, we directly
*	use a combination of for loop along with the Hadamard
* 	primitive (H) to perform such a task.

* 	Algorithm 5: SETUP
*	Para: E a (R(R-1)/2)-qubit reg
*         T a quNode[R]register:
*	      T[j] a quNote for j = 0,1,..., R-1
module SETUP(qbit E[RR1], qbit T[R*n])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;
	int jk = 0;
	int l = 0;
	for(l = 0; l < RR1; l++)

	//Comment: This step seems redundant since previous step already ZERO all elements
	for(j = 0; j < R-1; j++)
		for(k=j+1; k < R; k++)
			jk = ((k*(k-1))/2) + j;

			// Note: In Oracle implementation, the oracle takes 3 parameters;
			// hence, we have 3 parameters here.
			//EdgeORACLE(T[j], T[k], E[jk]);
			EdgeORACLE(T, j*n, T, k*n , E[jk]);

* 	Algorithm 7
*	Para: w a quNode
*		  qbit ctrbit
module DIFFUSENode(qbit w[n], qbit ctrbit[])
	int j = 0;
	qbit tmpphase[1];

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
		// get a minus sign for the state

		//now need to reset the minus sign if the stat is |000...0>
		ZeroNodeTest(w, ctrbit);
		CNOT( ctrbit[n-2],tmpphase[0]);
		InvZeroNodeTest(w, ctrbit);

	// uncompute tmpphase

	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)

* 	Algorithm 7-1
*	Para: alpha: quNode of size n
*		  beta: quantum registers of size r
*		  qbit ctrbit2
*		  qbit ctrbit
// perform Diffuse on two registers of size n (this is quNode) and r, respectively
module DIFFUSEVI(qbit alpha[n], qbit beta[r], qbit ctrbit2[], qbit ctrbit[])
	// a, b are always n - 1
	int j = 0;
	int i = 0;
	qbit tmpphase[1];

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	// since quNode is always of size n
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)

	for(i = 0; i < r; i++)


	ZeroNodeTest(alpha, ctrbit);
	// ctrbit2 is also of size n-1, hence, we have extra n-r = 6 bits left after Zero RegTest
	RegTest(beta, ctrbit2, r, 0);
	Toffoli( ctrbit[n-2], ctrbit2[r-2],ctrbit2[r-1]);
	CNOT( ctrbit2[r-1],tmpphase[0]);

	Toffoli( ctrbit[n-2], ctrbit2[r-2],ctrbit2[r-1]);
	InvRegTest(beta, ctrbit2, r, 0);
	InvZeroNodeTest(alpha, ctrbit);

	// uncompute tmpphase

	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)

	for(i = 0; i < r; i++)

* 	Algorithm 7-2
*	Para: ta, ma:  are quantum registers(iota and sigma) of GCQWRegs
*		  qbit ctrbit2
*		  qbit ctrbit
// perform Diffuse on two registers of size rbar and r, respectively
module DIFFUSEGC(qbit ta[rbar], qbit ma[r],  qbit ctrbit2[], qbit ctrbit[])
	int i  = 0;
	int j = 0;
	qbit tmpphase[1];

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	for(i = 0; i < rbar; i++)

	for(j = 0; j < r; j++)

	// get minus sign for all states

	// remove minus sign for |00..0>
	RegTest(ta, ctrbit, rbar, 0);
	// ctrbit2 is also of size n-1, hence, we have extra n-r = 6 bits left after RegTest
	RegTest(ma, ctrbit2, r, 0);
	Toffoli( ctrbit[rbar-2], ctrbit2[r-2],ctrbit2[r-1]);
	CNOT( ctrbit2[r-1],tmpphase[0]);

	Toffoli( ctrbit[rbar-2], ctrbit2[r-2],ctrbit2[r-1]);
	InvRegTest(ma, ctrbit2, r, 0);
	InvRegTest(ta, ctrbit, rbar,0);

	// uncompute tmpphase

	for(i = 0; i < rbar; i++)

	for(j = 0; j < r; j++)

* 	Algorithm 8
*	Para: I	quIntr
*	      T an array of R quNodes
*	      Td a quNode register (that is n qubits)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module FetchT(qbit I[], int Ioffset, qbit T[R*n], qbit Td[n], qbit idxIJ[R*r], qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, Ioffset, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);

		    for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
				Toffoli( ctrbit[r-2], T[j*n+k],Td[k]);
		InvCompareIJ(I, Ioffset, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);


* 	Algorithm 8-1
*	Para: I	an arry of r qubits
*	      T an array of R qubits
*	      Td an array of Rbar qubits
*         b integer (in this case it is 1)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module FetchTr1(qbit I[], int Ioffset, qbit T[R], qbit Td, int b, qbit idxIJ[R*r], qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, Ioffset, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
		for(k = 0; k < b; k++)
				// in this case, k is always 0
				Toffoli( ctrbit[r-2], T[j],Td);
		InvCompareIJ(I, Ioffset, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);


* 	Algorithm 8-2
*	Para: iota	an arry of rbar qubits
*	      tau an array of R qubits
*	      Td an array of Rbar qubits
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module FetchTrbarr(qbit iota[rbar], qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit Td[r], qbit idxIJ[R*r], qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		CompareIJ(iota, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
			for(k = 0; k < r; k++)
				Toffoli( ctrbit[rbar-2], tau[j*r+k],Td[k]);
		InvCompareIJ(iota, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);

* 	Algorithm 9
*	Para: i	an array of r qubits
*	      T an array of R quNodes
*	      Td a quNode register (that is n qubits)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module StoreT(qbit I[r], qbit T[R*n], qbit Td[n], qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
			for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
				Toffoli( ctrbit[r-2], Td[k],T[j*n+k]);
		InvCompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);


* 	Algorithm 9-1
*	Para: i	an array of rbar qubits
*	      T an array of Rbar quIntr
*	      Td  r qubits
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module StoreTrbarr(qbit I[rbar], qbit T[Rbar*r], qbit Td[r], qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
			for(k = 0; k < r; k++)
				Toffoli( ctrbit[rbar-2], Td[k],T[j*r+k]);
		InvCompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);

* 	Algorithm 10
*	Para: i	an array of rbar qubits
*	      T an array of R quNodes
*	      Td a quNode register (that is n qubits)
*	      b integer	(given) [cannot use the global variable n]
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
*	Comment: As seen in later function calls, the parameter b
*	could be of values other than n or r.
module FetchStoreT(qbit I[rbar], qbit T[Rbar], qbit Td, int b,  qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
			for(k = 0; k < b; k++)
				// Here it is only one bit, hence, do not use SWAP but Swap
				// Throughout the whole program, when this module is summoned, the parameter b is always 1
				// Since b is always 1, k is always 0
				ctrSwap(T[j], Td, ctrbit[rbar-2]);
		InvCompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);

* 	Algorithm 11
*	Para: i	an array of r qubits
*	      E qbit[] of size (R(R-1)/2)
*	      Ed qbit[] of size R
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module FetchE(qbit I[], int Ioffset, qbit E[RR1], qbit Ed[R], qbit idxIJ[R*r], qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;

	int k = 0;
	int kj = 0;
	int jk = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, Ioffset, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
			for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
				kj = ((j*(j-1))/2) + k;
				Toffoli( ctrbit[r-2], E[kj],Ed[k]);

			for(k = j+1; k < R ; k++)
				jk = ((k*(k-1))/2) + j;
				Toffoli( ctrbit[r-2], E[jk],Ed[k]);
		InvCompareIJ(I, Ioffset, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);

* 	Algorithm 12
*	Para: I qubit array of size r
*	      E qbit[] of size (R(R-1)/2)
*	      Ed qbit[] of size R
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module FetchStoreE(qbit I[], qbit E[RR1], qbit Ed[R], qbit idxIJ[R*r], qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;
	int kj = 0;
	int jk = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
		CompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);
			for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
				kj = ((j*(j-1))/2) + k;
				//Note: only 1 bit change, should be Swap, not SWAP(given in GFI document)
				// depreciated; because of ctrNode; Swap(E[kj], Ed[k]);
				ctrSwap(E[kj], Ed[k], ctrbit[r-2]);

			for(k = j+1; k < R ; k++)
				// Maybe we can reuse the variable kj without using variable jk
				jk = ((k*(k-1))/2) + j;
				//Note: only 1 bit change, should be Swap, not SWAP(given in GFI document)
				// depreciated; because of ctrNode; Swap(E[jk], Ed[k]);
				ctrSwap(E[jk], Ed[k], ctrbit[r-2]);
		InvCompareIJ(I, 0, idxIJ, j*r, ctrbit2, ctrbit, r);

* 	Algorithm 13
*	Para: T quNode[R] register
*	      Td a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*	      Ed qbit[] of size R
module UPDATE(qbit T[R*n], qbit Td[n], qbit Ed[R])
	int j = 0;

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
		EdgeORACLE(T, j*n, Td, 0, Ed[j]);

* 	Algorithm 14
*	Para: Td a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*	      v a quNode: qbit[] of size n
module SWAP(qbit Td[n], qbit v[n] )
	int j = 0;
	for(j = 0; j < n-1; j++)
		// three CNOT is a simple bit-wise Swap
		CNOT( v[j],Td[j]);
		CNOT( Td[j],v[j]);
		CNOT( v[j],Td[j]);

* 	Algorithm 6
*	Para: T an array of quNodes
*	      i a register of size r
*	      v a quNode register (that is n qubits)
*	      E a (R(R-1)/2)-qubit register
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module QWSH(qbit T[R*n], qbit i[r], qbit v[n], qbit E[RR1], qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1])
	qbit Td[n];
	qbit Ed[R];
	int j;

	for(j = 0; j< n; j++)

	//Diffuse on i and v registers

	DIFFUSEVI(v, i, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchT(i, 0, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchStoreE(i, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	UPDATE(T, Td, Ed);

	StoreT(i, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	SWAP(Td, v);

	StoreT(i, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	UPDATE(T, Td, Ed);

	FetchStoreE(i, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchT(i, 0, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

* ASK: For Alg 16-17, we dunno know if test[0] would be 0 or 1 when it is passed in
* the OR function is not reversible. If test[0] is always 0 when passed in,
* then we can simply follow the suggestion. I assume it is always a 0 when passed in

* 	Algorithm 16
*	Para: E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  test: qbit[1]
module TriangleTestT(qbit E[RR1], qbit test)
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;
	int ij = 0;
	int ik = 0;
	int jk = 0;
	qbit dum[1];
	qbit triCnt[3*r];
	qbit lctrbit[3*r];

	for(i=0; i < R; i ++)
		for (j = i+1; j < R; j++)
			ij = i + (j*(j-1))/2;
				for (k = j+1; k < R; k++)
					ik = i + (k*(k-1))/2;
					jk = j + (k*(k-1))/2;

					ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[jk], E[ij], E[ik]);

					// increment triCnt based on the value of dum[0]
					ctrCTRincr(triCnt, dum[0], lctrbit, 3*r);

					// uncompute dum[0]
					ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[jk], E[ij], E[ik]);

	// if triCnt is all 0, then we do not need to set test[0] to 1
	RegTest(triCnt, lctrbit, 3*r, 0);
	CNOT( lctrbit[3*r-2],test);
	InvRegTest(triCnt, lctrbit, 3*r, 0);

	// uncompute triCnt
	for(i=0; i < R; i ++)
		for (j = i+1; j < R; j++)
			ij = i + (j*(j-1))/2;
				for (k = j+1; k < R; k++)
					ik = i + (k*(k-1))/2;
					jk = j + (k*(k-1))/2;

					ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[jk], E[ij], E[ik]);

					// deccrement triCnt based on the value of dum[0]
					ctrCTRdecr(triCnt, dum[0], lctrbit, 3*r);

					// uncompute dum[0]
					ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[jk], E[ij], E[ik]);


* 	Algorithm 17
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  test: qbit[1]
module TriangleTestTw(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], qbit test)
	qbit Ed[R];
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	int ij = 0;
	qbit dum[1];
	qbit triCnt[3*r];
	qbit lctrbit[3*r];


	for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
		// Store value into Ed register
		EdgeORACLE(T,  i*n, w, 0, Ed[i]);

	for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
		for (j = i+1; j < R; j++)
			ij = i + (j*(j+1))/2;

            ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[ij], E[i], E[j]);

            // increment triCnt based on the value of dum[0]
            ctrCTRincr(triCnt, dum[0], lctrbit, 3*r);

            // uncompute dum[0]
            ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[ij], E[i], E[j]);

	// if triCnt is all 0, then we do not need to set test[0] to 1
	RegTest(triCnt, lctrbit, 3*r, 0);
	CNOT( lctrbit[3*r-2],test);
	InvRegTest(triCnt, lctrbit, 3*r, 0);

	for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
		for (j = i+1; j < R; j++)
			ij = i + (j*(j+1))/2;

            ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[ij], E[i], E[j]);

            // increment triCnt based on the value of dum[0]
            ctrCTRdecr(triCnt, dum[0], lctrbit, 3*r);

            // uncompute dum[0]
            ctrEvaluate16(dum[0], E[ij], E[i], E[j]);

	for(i = 0; i < R; i++)
		// Uncompute Ed register
	   EdgeORACLE(T, i*n, w, 0, Ed[i]);

* 	Algorithm 20
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  GCQWRegs (Graph Collision Workspace Registers)
* 		  Td: quNode (that is qbit[n])
*		  Ed: qbit[R]
*		  taud: qbit[r]
*		  Ewd: 	qbit
* 		  Edd:  qbit[Rbar]
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]

module GCQWalkStep(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], /*GCQWRegs GC,*/ qbit Td[n], qbit Ed[R],
				  qbit taud[r], qbit Ewd, qbit Edd[Rbar], qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1],
                  qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit sigma[r], qbit iota[rbar], qbit Ew[Rbar], qbit cTri[2*rbar-1], qbit triTestT,
                  qbit triTestTw)
	int j;

	//Perform the Diffuse function on iota and sigma
	DIFFUSEGC(iota , sigma, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	* Prepare data register for SWAP and Update
	* Computing taud
	FetchTrbarr(iota, tau, taud, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	//Computig Td
	FetchT(taud, 0, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchStoreT(iota, Ew, Ewd, 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	//Computing Ed
	FetchE(taud, 0, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	// Fetching and computing Edd
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		FetchTr1(tau, j*r, Ed, Edd[j], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	// Update cTri using current edge values in Ewd
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		Toffoli( Ew[j], Ewd,ctrbit[0]);
		Toffoli( Edd[j], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);

		ctrCTRdecr(cTri, ctrbit[1], ctrbit2, 2*rbar-1);

		Toffoli( Edd[j], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);
		Toffoli( Ew[j], Ewd,ctrbit[0]);

	// Erase current edge values in Ewd
	EdgeORACLE(Td, 0, w, 0, Ewd);

	// Prepare data register for SWAP
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
	{	// Uncompute Edd
		FetchTr1(tau, j*r, Ed, Edd[j], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchE(taud, 0, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit); 					// Uncompute Ed

	FetchT(taud, 0, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit); 					// Uncompute Td

	StoreTrbarr(iota, tau, taud, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	for(j = 0; j < r; j++)
		Swap(taud[j], sigma[j]);

	// Uncompute data registers after SWAP operation
	StoreTrbarr(iota, tau, taud, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchT(taud, 0, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchE(taud, 0, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		FetchTr1(tau, j*r, Ed, Edd[j], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	// Compute new edge info in Ewd
	EdgeORACLE(Td, 0, w, 0, Ewd);

	// Update Ewd and cTri using  any new triangles involving Ewd
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		Toffoli( Ew[j], Ewd,ctrbit[0]);
		Toffoli( Edd[j], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);

		ctrCTRdecr(cTri, ctrbit[1], ctrbit2, 2*rbar-1);

		Toffoli( Edd[j], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);
		Toffoli( Ew[j], Ewd,ctrbit[0]);

	// Restore data and data registers to initial state
	for(j  = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		FetchTr1(tau, j*r, Ed, Edd[j], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchE(taud, 0, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);
	FetchStoreT(iota, Ew, Ewd, 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchT(taud, 0, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	FetchTrbarr(iota, tau, taud, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

* 	Algorithm 19
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  GCQWRegs (Graph Collision Workspace Registers)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module GCQWalk(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], /*GCQWRegs GC,*/  qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1],
        qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit sigma[r], qbit iota[rbar], qbit Ew[Rbar], qbit cTri[2*rbar-1], qbit triTestT, qbit triTestTw)
	qbit Td[n];
	qbit Ed[R];
	qbit taud[r];
	qbit Ewd[1];
	qbit Edd[Rbar];
	qbit tmpphase[1];

	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar ; j++)
		for(k = 0; k < r; k++)

	//Apply Hadamard to Walk Registers
	for(j = 0; j < rbar ; j++)

	for(j = 0; j < r ; j++)

	// Zero the workspace registers
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
	{PrepZ(Td[j],0); }

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
	{PrepZ(Ed[j],0); }

	* In GFI, it comments that Ew and cTri should be 0
	* and those two operations are not included in the pesudocode
	* ASK: to be included?
    * CUT HERE
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
	{PrepZ(Ew[j],0); }

	for(j = 0; j < 2*rbar-1; j++)
	{PrepZ(cTri[j],0); }
    * CUT HERE
	for(j = 0; j < r; j++)
	{ PrepZ(taud[0],0); }


	for(j = 0; j <Rbar; j++)
	{ PrepZ(Edd[j],0); }

	//Set up the walk state
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		FetchT(tau, j*r, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

		// can directly write result into Ew since it is initialized in 0
		EdgeORACLE(Td, 0, w, 0, Ew[j]);
		FetchT(tau, j*r, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	for(j=0; j < Rbar; j++)
		FetchE(tau, j*r, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);
		for(k = j+1; k < Rbar; k++)
			FetchTr1(tau, k*r, Ed, Edd[k], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

			Toffoli( Ew[k], Ew[j],ctrbit[0]);
			Toffoli( Edd[k], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);

			ctrCTRincr(cTri, ctrbit[1], ctrbit2, 2*rbar-1);

			// uncompute
			Toffoli( Edd[k], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);
			Toffoli( Ew[k], Ew[j],ctrbit[0]);

			FetchTr1(tau, k*r, Ed, Edd[k], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);
		FetchE(tau, j*r, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	//Execute the Graph Collision Random Walk
	for(j = 0; j < tbarm; j++)
		RegTest(cTri, ctrbit, CTR,0);
		Toffoli( triTestT, ctrbit[CTR-2],ctrbit[CTR-1]);

		//phase flip
		CNOT( ctrbit[CTR-1],tmpphase[0]);

		Toffoli( triTestT, ctrbit[CTR-2],ctrbit[CTR-1]);
		InvRegTest(cTri, ctrbit, CTR,0);

		// uncompute tmpphase

		for(k = 0; k<tbarw; k++)
			GCQWalkStep(T, E, w, /*GC,*/ Td, Ed, taud, Ewd[0], Edd, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT, triTestTw);

* 	Algorithm 19i
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  GCQWRegs (Graph Collision Workspace Registers)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module InvGCQWalk(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], /*GCQWRegs GC,*/  qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1],
        qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit sigma[r], qbit iota[rbar], qbit Ew[Rbar], qbit cTri[2*rbar-1], qbit triTestT, qbit
	qbit Td[n];
	qbit Ed[R];
	qbit taud[r];
	qbit Ewd[1];
	qbit Edd[Rbar];
	qbit tmpphase[1];

	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar ; j++)
		for(k = 0; k < r; k++)

	//Apply Hadamard to Walk Registers
	for(j = 0; j < rbar ; j++)

	for(j = 0; j < r ; j++)

	// Zero the workspace registers
	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
	{PrepZ(Td[j],0); }

	for(j = 0; j < R; j++)
	{PrepZ(Ed[j],0); }

	* In GFI, it comments that Ew and cTri should be 0
	* and those two operations are not included in the pesudocode
	* ASK: to be included?
    * CUT HERE
	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
	{PrepZ(Ew[j],0); }

	for(j = 0; j < 2*rbar-1; j++)
	{PrepZ(cTri[j],0); }
    * CUT HERE
	for(j = 0; j < r; j++)
	{ PrepZ(taud[0],0); }


	for(j = 0; j <Rbar; j++)
	{ PrepZ(Edd[j],0); }

	//Execute the Graph Collision Random Walk
	for(j = tbarm-1; j >= 0; j--)
		for(k = tbarw-1; k>=0; k--)
			GCQWalkStep(T, E, w, /*GC,*/ Td, Ed, taud, Ewd[0], Edd, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT, triTestTw);

		// uncompute tmpphase

		InvRegTest(cTri, ctrbit, CTR,0);
		Toffoli( triTestT, ctrbit[CTR-2],ctrbit[CTR-1]);

		//phase flip
		CNOT( ctrbit[CTR-1],tmpphase[0]);

		Toffoli( triTestT, ctrbit[CTR-2],ctrbit[CTR-1]);
		RegTest(cTri, ctrbit, CTR,0);

	for(j=Rbar-1; j >= 0; j--)
		FetchE(tau, j*r, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);
		for(k = Rbar-1; k >= j+1; k--)
			FetchTr1(tau, k*r, Ed, Edd[k], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

			Toffoli( Ew[k], Ew[j],ctrbit[0]);
			Toffoli( Edd[k], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);

			ctrCTRincr(cTri, ctrbit[1], ctrbit2, 2*rbar-1);

			// uncompute
			Toffoli( Edd[k], ctrbit[0],ctrbit[1]);
			Toffoli( Ew[k], Ew[j],ctrbit[0]);

			FetchTr1(tau, k*r, Ed, Edd[k], 1, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);
		FetchE(tau, j*r, E, Ed, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	//Set up the walk state
	for(j = Rbar-1; j >= 0; j--)
		FetchT(tau, j*r, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

		// can directly write result into Ew since it is initialized in 0
		EdgeORACLE(Td, 0, w, 0, Ew[j]);
		FetchT(tau, j*r, T, Td, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

* 	Algorithm 18
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  GCQWRegs (Graph Collision Workspace Registers)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
module TriangleEdgeSearch(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], /*GCQWRegs GC,*/ qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1],
        qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit sigma[r], qbit iota[rbar], qbit Ew[Rbar], qbit cTri[2*rbar-1], qbit triTestT, qbit
	int i = 0;
	qbit tmpphase[1];

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	// Grover Search on w using graph collision to T, w
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

	for(i = 0; i < tg; i++)
		GCQWalk(T,E, w, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT, triTestTw);

		RegTest(cTri, ctrbit, CTR, 0);
		Toffoli( triTestT, ctrbit[CTR-2],ctrbit[CTR-1]);
		// phase kickback
		CNOT( ctrbit[CTR-1],tmpphase[0]);

		// uncompute
		Toffoli( triTestT, ctrbit[CTR-2],ctrbit[CTR-1]);
		InvRegTest(cTri, ctrbit, CTR, 0);

		//TODO: Assume the inverse function will be present when provided the original circuit
		InvGCQWalk(T,E, w, /*GC,*/ idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT, triTestTw);

		// Diffuse on the node
		DIFFUSENode(w, ctrbit);


	// uncompute tmpphase

* 	Algorithm 15
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  GCQWRegs (Graph Collision Workspace Registers)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
*	Comment: triTestT set to 1 is T contains the triangle from G
*			 triTestTw set to 1 when w is a node of the triangle with the other edge in T
module TestTriangleEdges(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], /*GCQWRegs GC,*/ qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1],
        qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit sigma[r], qbit iota[rbar], qbit Ew[Rbar], qbit cTri[2*rbar-1], qbit triTestT, qbit
	* set triTestT to 1 if T contains the triangle
	TriangleTestT(E, triTestT);

	* Grover with Graph collision
	* Mistake in the GFI document; TriangleEdgeSearch function does not need
	* triTestT parameter as it is embeded in GC register; here I removed that
	* parameter from the code
	TriangleEdgeSearch(T,E,w, /*GC,*/ idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT, triTestTw);

 	* Marking T, w and copy that value
	* The data structure of GCQWRegs misses the field "iota" in statement of algorithm 15
 	TriangleTestTw(T,E,w, triTestTw);

* 	Algorithm 15i
*	Para: T: a quNode[R] register
*		  E: qbit[(R(R-1))/2]
*		  w: a quNode: qbit[] of size n
*		  GCQWRegs (Graph Collision Workspace Registers)
*		  qbit idxIJ[r][R]
*		  qbit ctrbit2[n-1]
*		  qbit ctrbit[n-1]
*	Comment: Inverts the TestTriangleEdges function for additional processing
module InvTestTriangleEdges(qbit T[R*n], qbit E[RR1], qbit w[n], /*GCQWRegs GC,*/ qbit idxIJ[R*r],qbit ctrbit2[n-1], qbit ctrbit[n-1],
        qbit tau[Rbar*r], qbit sigma[r], qbit iota[rbar], qbit Ew[Rbar], qbit cTri[2*rbar-1], qbit triTestT, qbit triTestTw)
 	TriangleTestTw(T,E,w, triTestTw);
	TriangleEdgeSearch(T,E,w, /*GC,*/ idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT, triTestTw);
	TriangleTestT(E, triTestT);

*	Algorithm 1: QWTFP (the core module that summons other modules)
*	Return:  Yes/No if the graph has a triangle
//module QWTFP(int ret[n], int res[R][n], int fin[RR1], int *testTMeasure)
int main ()
	cbit testTMeasure[1];
	cbit ret[n];
	cbit res[R*n];
	cbit fin[RR1];

	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;
	int l = 0;

	// Required quantum registers (the initial circuit input)
	// Suppose n = 15 then
	// T: 512 * 15 ; v:15; E:130816; w:15 (1 extra bit for phase);
	// testTEdge: 1; test: 1; GC: 678
	// Hence, the total initial quantum circuit input is approx 145000

	qbit T[R*n];
	qbit i[r];
	qbit v[n];
	qbit E[RR1];
	qbit w[n];
	qbit testTEdge[1];
	qbit test[1];
	qbit TEPhase[1];

	// now we declare with size 14. It should be sufficient for cases where n is not greater than 15
	qbit ctrbit[14];
	qbit ctrbit2[14];

	* used for index matching
	* each element inside idxIJ (let say idxIJ[k]) is physically wired
	* close to the quNode T[k] such that when and index i is given,
	* we compare i and idxIJ[k] for k = 0 ... 511 until we find a match
	* Once match is found, we continue with the corresponding T[k] to
	* proceed with corresonding operation.
	* The initialization of this index, in physical implementation, is not
	* needed because we can just hardwire the NOT gates (to turn 0 to 1)
	* to let idxIJ[k] to represent the number k (in binary presentation).
	* However, in simulation, we need to do the initialization.
	qbit idxIJ[R*r];

	// used for initializing idxIJ from 0 to 511
	int bin[r];

	// the quotient
	int quo = 0;

	// Graph Collision Register
	/*GCQWRegs GC;*/
	qbit  tau[Rbar*r];
	qbit  sigma[r];
	qbit  iota[rbar];
	qbit  Ew[Rbar];
	qbit  cTri[2*rbar-1];
	//qubit holding test results for the triangle in T
	qbit  triTestT[1];
	//qubit holding test results for the triangle in T and w
	qbit  triTestTw[1];


	for( j = 0; j < R; j++)
		for(l = 0; l < r; l++)
			bin[l] = 0;

		for(k = 0; k < n; k++)

		// get the binary presentation of the number j
		//quo = j;

		//for(l = 0; l < r; l++)
		//	bin[l] = quo%2;
		//	quo = quo/2;
		//	if(quo==0)
		//	{break;}

		* Initialize idxIJ[j]; this loop could have been merged with previous loop
		*  used for the binary presentation but for readability, we separate them.
		for(l = 0; l < r; l++) 
			if( (j & (int)pow(2,l)) == 1)

	for(j=0; j<r; j++)

	for(j = 0; j<n; j++)

	for(j = 0; j < n; j++)

	for(j = 0; j < Rbar; j++)
		for(k = 0; k < r; k++)

	for(j = 0; j < rbar; j++)
	{ PrepZ(iota[j],0);}

	for(j = 0; j < r; j++)
	{ PrepZ(sigma[j],0);}

	for(j = 0; j< Rbar; j++)

	for(j = 0; j < 2*rbar-1; j++)


	// Set up E with the edget information for T

	// To generate the (|0>-|1>)/sqrt(2) state for recording phase later

	// Quantum Walk on the Hamming Graph
	for(j = 0; j < tm; j++)
		// Test T for triangle edges
		TestTriangleEdges(T,E,w, /*GC,*/ idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT[0], triTestTw[0]);

		* Phase flip for TE
		* and undo the X operation during the EvaluateOR
		EvaluateOR(TEPhase[0], triTestT[0], triTestTw[0]);

		//TODO: Assume the inverse function will be present when provided the original circuit
		InvTestTriangleEdges(T,E,w, /*GC,*/  idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT[0], triTestTw[0]);

		// Quantum Walk on H(V,R)
		for(k = 0; k < tw; k++)
			QWSH(T, i, v, E, idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit);

	// Final Check for triangle edges in T
	TestTriangleEdges(T,E,w, /*GC,*/ idxIJ, ctrbit2, ctrbit, tau, sigma, iota, Ew, cTri, triTestT[0], triTestTw[0]);

	// if triTestTw is 1, then testTMeasure should be set to 1
	// Because EvaluateOR applies X on the control bits and normally we need to uncompute
	// But here we are close to the end of the program and we do not need triTestT, triTestTw anymore.
	// Hence, we can skip the step of finding a dummy qubit to do InvEvaluateOR
	EvaluateOR(testTEdge[0], triTestT[0], triTestTw[0]);
	testTMeasure[0] = MeasX(testTEdge[0]);

	// Get the triangle information if the testTMeasure is 1 (there is a triangle)

  // removed condition on cbit -- perform measurements anyway, but results are only valid
  // if a triangle is present (testTMeasure ==1)
		//meansure T, E and w
		nodeMeasure(w, ret);
		TMeasure(T, res);
		EMeasure(E, fin);

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