# DIP-Project-Semantic-Aware-Colour-Transfer * Implementation of the paper : Sky is Not the Limit: Semantic-Aware Sky Replacement * Github Link: https://github.com/SaumyaRawat/DIP-Project-Semantic-Aware-Colour-Transfer.git * Report to the project can be found in the repo. ## Pipeline * Label Images with FCN model * Retrieve images with diverse sky appearances and similar semantic content for replacement * Replace the sky from the selected image to the target * Transfer colour between target and source-sky images to match with the new sky ## References * Paper : http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~kalyans/research/skyreplace/SkyReplacement_SIG16.pdf * Optprop Toolbox : https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/13788-optprop-a-color-properties-toolbox ## Datasets * Dataset of the paper : http://vllab.ucmerced.edu/ytsai/SIGGRAPH16/database.zip ##NOTE : Code * Code requires caffe-cpu * Mat files present in mat_files (on git-lfs) are required to run the code * main.m consists of the pipeline execution, name of input image from the dataset provided in the dataset folder is added to file1. * The large files are present in the google drive : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Z3CBsZVuvVMU5NYkMwS200RDQ These MUST be downloaded for the code to run.