Raw File
# Prerendering static pages

Angular Universal lets you prerender the pages of your application.
Prerendering is the process where a dynamic page is processed at build time generating static HTML.

## How to prerender a page

To prerender a static page make sure to add Server-Side Rendering (SSR) capabilities to your application.
For more information see the [universal guide](guide/universal).
Once SSR is added, run the following command:

<code-example format="shell" language="shell">

npm run prerender


### Build options for prerendering

When you add prerendering to your application, the following build options are available:

| Options         | Details |
|:---             |:---     |
| `browserTarget` | Specify the target to build.                                                                                                                       |
| `serverTarget`  | Specify the Server target to use for prerendering the application.                                                                                 |
| `routes`        | Define an array of extra routes to prerender.                                                                                                 |
| `guessRoutes`   | Whether builder should extract routes and guess which paths to render. Defaults to `true`.                                                          |
| `routesFile`    | Specify a file that contains a list of all routes to prerender, separated by newlines. This option is useful if you have a large number of routes. |
| `numProcesses`  | Specify the number of CPUs to be used while running the prerendering command.                                                                      |

### Prerendering dynamic routes

You can prerender dynamic routes.
An example of a dynamic route is `product/:id`, where `id` is dynamically provided.

To prerender dynamic routes, choose one from the following options:

*   Provide extra routes in the command line
*   Provide routes using a file
*   Prerender specific routes

#### Provide extra routes in the command line

While running the prerender command, you can provide extra routes.
For example:

<code-example format="shell" language="shell">

ng run &lt;app-name&gt;:prerender --routes /product/1 /product/2


#### Providing extra routes using a file

You can provide routes using a file to create static pages.
This method is useful if you have a large number of routes to create. For example, product details for an e-commerce application, which might come from an external source, like a Database or Content Management System (CMS).

To provide routes using a file, use the `--routes-file` option with the name of a `.txt` file containing the routes.

For example, you could create this file by using a script to extract IDs from a database and save them to a `routes.txt` file:

<code-example language="none" header="routes.txt">



When your `.txt` file is ready, run the following command to prerender the static files with dynamic values:

<code-example format="shell" language="shell">

ng run &lt;app-name&gt;:prerender --routes-file routes.txt


#### Prerendering specific routes

You can also pass specific routes to the prerender command.
If you choose this option, make sure to turn off the `guessRoutes` option.

<code-example format="shell" language="shell">

ng run &lt;app-name&gt;:prerender --no-guess-routes --routes /product/1 /product/2


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@reviewed 2022-02-28
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