// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // #include "stdafx.h" #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS #include #include "HTKDataDeserializer.h" #include "ConfigHelper.h" #include "Basics.h" #include "StringUtil.h" // TODO: This will be removed when dependency on old code is eliminated. // Currently this fixes the linking. namespace msra { namespace asr { std::unordered_map htkfeatreader::parsedpath::archivePathStringMap; std::vector htkfeatreader::parsedpath::archivePathStringVector; }} namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { using namespace std; HTKDataDeserializer::HTKDataDeserializer( CorpusDescriptorPtr corpus, const ConfigParameters& cfg, bool primary) : m_verbosity(0), m_corpus(corpus), m_primary(primary) { // TODO: This should be read in one place, potentially given by SGD. m_frameMode = (ConfigValue)cfg("frameMode", "true"); m_verbosity = cfg(L"verbosity", 0); argvector inputs = cfg("input"); if (inputs.size() != 1) { InvalidArgument("HTKDataDeserializer supports a single input stream only."); } ConfigParameters input = inputs.front(); auto inputName = input.GetMemberIds().front(); std::wstring precision = cfg(L"precision", L"float"); m_expandToPrimary = cfg(L"expandToUtterance", false); if (m_expandToPrimary && m_primary) { InvalidArgument("Cannot expand utterances of the primary stream %ls, please change your configuration.", inputName.c_str()); } ConfigParameters streamConfig = input(inputName); ConfigHelper config(streamConfig); auto context = config.GetContextWindow(); m_elementType = AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, L"float") ? ElementType::tfloat : ElementType::tdouble; m_dimension = config.GetFeatureDimension(); m_dimension = m_dimension * (1 + context.first + context.second); InitializeChunkDescriptions(config.GetSequencePaths()); InitializeStreams(inputName); InitializeFeatureInformation(); InitializeAugmentationWindow(config.GetContextWindow()); } HTKDataDeserializer::HTKDataDeserializer( CorpusDescriptorPtr corpus, const ConfigParameters& feature, const wstring& featureName, bool primary) : m_corpus(corpus), m_primary(primary) { // The frame mode is currently specified once per configuration, // not in the configuration of a particular deserializer, but on a higher level in the configuration. // Because of that we are using find method below. m_frameMode = feature.Find("frameMode", "true"); ConfigHelper config(feature); config.CheckFeatureType(); m_verbosity = feature(L"verbosity", 0); auto context = config.GetContextWindow(); m_elementType = config.GetElementType(); m_dimension = config.GetFeatureDimension(); m_dimension = m_dimension * (1 + context.first + context.second); m_expandToPrimary = feature(L"expandToUtterance", false); if (m_expandToPrimary && m_primary) { InvalidArgument("Cannot expand utterances of the primary stream %ls, please change your configuration.", featureName.c_str()); } InitializeChunkDescriptions(config.GetSequencePaths()); InitializeStreams(featureName); InitializeFeatureInformation(); InitializeAugmentationWindow(config.GetContextWindow()); } void HTKDataDeserializer::InitializeAugmentationWindow(const std::pair& augmentationWindow) { m_augmentationWindow = augmentationWindow; // If not given explicitly, we need to identify the required augmentation range from the expected dimension // and the number of dimensions in the file. if (m_augmentationWindow.first == 0 && m_augmentationWindow.second == 0) { m_augmentationWindow.first = m_augmentationWindow.second = msra::dbn::augmentationextent(m_ioFeatureDimension, m_dimension); } } // Initializes chunks based on the configuration and utterance descriptions. void HTKDataDeserializer::InitializeChunkDescriptions(const vector& paths) { // Read utterance descriptions. vector utterances; utterances.reserve(paths.size()); size_t allUtterances = 0, allFrames = 0; for (const auto& u : paths) { UtteranceDescription description(move(msra::asr::htkfeatreader::parsedpath(u))); size_t numberOfFrames = description.GetNumberOfFrames(); if (m_expandToPrimary && numberOfFrames != 1) { RuntimeError("Expanded stream should only contain sequences of length 1, utterance '%s' has %d", description.GetKey().c_str(), (int)numberOfFrames); } // For logging, also account for utterances and frames that we skip allUtterances++; allFrames += numberOfFrames; string key = description.GetKey(); if (!m_corpus->IsIncluded(key)) { continue; } // No need to store key, releasing it. description.ClearLogicalPath(); size_t id = m_corpus->KeyToId(key); description.SetId(id); utterances.push_back(description); m_totalNumberOfFrames += numberOfFrames; } // TODO: We should be able to configure IO chunks based on size. // distribute utterances over chunks // We simply count off frames until we reach the chunk size. // Note that we first randomize the chunks, i.e. when used, chunks are non-consecutive and thus cause the disk head to seek for each chunk. // We have 100 frames in a second. const size_t FramesPerSec = 100; // A chunk constitutes of 15 minutes const size_t ChunkFrames = 15 * 60 * FramesPerSec; // number of frames to target for each chunk m_chunks.resize(0); m_chunks.reserve(m_totalNumberOfFrames / ChunkFrames); ChunkIdType chunkId = 0; foreach_index(i, utterances) { // if exceeding current entry--create a new one // I.e. our chunks are a little larger than wanted (on av. half the av. utterance length). if (m_chunks.empty() || m_chunks.back().GetTotalFrames() > ChunkFrames) { m_chunks.push_back(HTKChunkDescription(chunkId++)); } // append utterance to last chunk HTKChunkDescription& currentChunk = m_chunks.back(); if (!m_primary) { // Have to store key <-> utterance mapping for non primary deserializers. m_keyToChunkLocation[utterances[i].GetId()] = make_pair(currentChunk.GetChunkId(), currentChunk.GetNumberOfUtterances()); } currentChunk.Add(move(utterances[i])); } fprintf(stderr, "HTKDataDeserializer::HTKDataDeserializer: " "selected %" PRIu64 " utterances grouped into %" PRIu64 " chunks, " "average chunk size: %.1f utterances, %.1f frames " "(for I/O: %.1f utterances, %.1f frames)\n", utterances.size(), m_chunks.size(), utterances.size() / (double)m_chunks.size(), m_totalNumberOfFrames / (double)m_chunks.size(), allUtterances / (double)m_chunks.size(), allFrames / (double)m_chunks.size()); if (utterances.empty()) { RuntimeError("HTKDataDeserializer: No utterances to process."); } } // Describes exposed stream - a single stream of htk features. void HTKDataDeserializer::InitializeStreams(const wstring& featureName) { StreamDescriptionPtr stream = make_shared(); stream->m_id = 0; stream->m_name = featureName; stream->m_sampleLayout = make_shared(m_dimension); stream->m_elementType = m_elementType; stream->m_storageType = StorageType::dense; m_streams.push_back(stream); } // Reading information about the features from the first file. // This information is used later to check that all features among all files have the same properties. void HTKDataDeserializer::InitializeFeatureInformation() { msra::util::attempt(5, [&]() { msra::asr::htkfeatreader reader; reader.getinfo(m_chunks.front().GetUtterance(0)->GetPath(), m_featureKind, m_ioFeatureDimension, m_samplePeriod); fprintf(stderr, "HTKDataDeserializer::HTKDataDeserializer: determined feature kind as %d-dimensional '%s' with frame shift %.1f ms\n", (int)m_ioFeatureDimension, m_featureKind.c_str(), m_samplePeriod / 1e4); }); } // Gets information about available chunks. ChunkDescriptions HTKDataDeserializer::GetChunkDescriptions() { ChunkDescriptions chunks; chunks.reserve(m_chunks.size()); for (ChunkIdType i = 0; i < m_chunks.size(); ++i) { auto cd = make_shared(); cd->m_id = i; cd->m_numberOfSamples = m_chunks[i].GetTotalFrames(); // In frame mode, each frame is represented as sequence. // The augmentation is still done for frames in the same sequence only, please see GetSequenceById method. cd->m_numberOfSequences = m_frameMode ? m_chunks[i].GetTotalFrames() : m_chunks[i].GetNumberOfUtterances(); chunks.push_back(cd); } return chunks; } // Gets sequences for a particular chunk. // This information is used by the randomizer to fill in current windows of sequences. void HTKDataDeserializer::GetSequencesForChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId, vector& result) { const HTKChunkDescription& chunk = m_chunks[chunkId]; result.reserve(m_frameMode ? chunk.GetTotalFrames() : chunk.GetNumberOfUtterances()); size_t offsetInChunk = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < chunk.GetNumberOfUtterances(); ++i) { auto utterance = chunk.GetUtterance(i); // Currently we do not support common prefix, so simply assign the minor to the key. size_t sequence = utterance->GetId(); if (m_frameMode) { // Because it is a frame mode, creating a sequence for each frame. for (size_t k = 0; k < utterance->GetNumberOfFrames(); ++k) { SequenceDescription f; f.m_chunkId = chunkId; f.m_key.m_sequence = sequence; f.m_key.m_sample = k; f.m_id = offsetInChunk++; f.m_numberOfSamples = 1; result.push_back(f); } } else { // Creating sequence description per utterance. SequenceDescription f; f.m_chunkId = chunkId; f.m_key.m_sequence = sequence; f.m_key.m_sample = 0; f.m_id = offsetInChunk++; if (SEQUENCELEN_MAX < utterance->GetNumberOfFrames()) { RuntimeError("Maximum number of samples per sequence exceeded"); } f.m_numberOfSamples = (uint32_t) utterance->GetNumberOfFrames(); result.push_back(f); } } } // A wrapper around a matrix that views it as a vector of column vectors. // Does not have any memory associated. class MatrixAsVectorOfVectors { public: MatrixAsVectorOfVectors(msra::dbn::matrixbase& m) : m_matrix(m) { } size_t size() const { return m_matrix.cols(); } const_array_ref operator[](size_t j) const { return array_ref(&m_matrix(0, j), m_matrix.rows()); } private: DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(MatrixAsVectorOfVectors); msra::dbn::matrixbase& m_matrix; }; // Represents a chunk data in memory. Given up to the randomizer. // It is up to the randomizer to decide when to release a particular chunk. class HTKDataDeserializer::HTKChunk : public Chunk { public: HTKChunk(HTKDataDeserializer* parent, ChunkIdType chunkId) : m_parent(parent), m_chunkId(chunkId) { auto& chunkDescription = m_parent->m_chunks[chunkId]; // possibly distributed read // making several attempts msra::util::attempt(5, [&]() { chunkDescription.RequireData(m_parent->m_featureKind, m_parent->m_ioFeatureDimension, m_parent->m_samplePeriod, m_parent->m_verbosity); }); } // Gets data for the sequence. virtual void GetSequence(size_t sequenceId, vector& result) override { m_parent->GetSequenceById(m_chunkId, sequenceId, result); } // Unloads the data from memory. ~HTKChunk() { auto& chunkDescription = m_parent->m_chunks[m_chunkId]; chunkDescription.ReleaseData(m_parent->m_verbosity); } private: DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(HTKChunk); HTKDataDeserializer* m_parent; ChunkIdType m_chunkId; }; // Gets a data chunk with the specified chunk id. ChunkPtr HTKDataDeserializer::GetChunk(ChunkIdType chunkId) { return make_shared(this, chunkId); }; // A matrix that stores all samples of a sequence without padding (differently from ssematrix). // The number of columns equals the number of samples in the sequence. // The number of rows equals the size of the feature vector of a sample (= dimensions). class FeatureMatrix { public: FeatureMatrix(size_t numRows, size_t numColumns) : m_numRows(numRows), m_numColumns(numColumns) { m_data.resize(m_numRows * m_numColumns); } // Returns a reference to the column. inline array_ref col(size_t column) { return array_ref(m_data.data() + m_numRows * column, m_numRows); } // Gets pointer to the data. inline float* GetData() { return m_data.data(); } // Gets the number of columns. It equals the number of samples in the sequence/utterance. inline size_t GetNumberOfColumns() const { return m_numColumns; } // Gets total size in elements of stored features. inline size_t GetTotalSize() const { return m_data.size(); } private: // Features std::vector m_data; // Number of rows = dimension of the feature size_t m_numRows; // Number of columns = number of samples in utterance. size_t m_numColumns; }; // This class stores sequence data for HTK for floats. struct HTKFloatSequenceData : DenseSequenceData { HTKFloatSequenceData(FeatureMatrix&& data) : m_buffer(data) { m_numberOfSamples = (uint32_t)data.GetNumberOfColumns(); if (m_numberOfSamples != data.GetNumberOfColumns()) { RuntimeError("Maximum number of samples per sequence exceeded."); } } const void* GetDataBuffer() override { return m_buffer.GetData(); } private: FeatureMatrix m_buffer; }; // This class stores sequence data for HTK for doubles. struct HTKDoubleSequenceData : DenseSequenceData { HTKDoubleSequenceData(FeatureMatrix& data) : m_buffer(data.GetData(), data.GetData() + data.GetTotalSize()) { m_numberOfSamples = (uint32_t)data.GetNumberOfColumns(); if (m_numberOfSamples != data.GetNumberOfColumns()) { RuntimeError("Maximum number of samples per sequence exceeded."); } } const void* GetDataBuffer() override { return m_buffer.data(); } private: std::vector m_buffer; }; // Copies a source into a destination with the specified destination offset. static void CopyToOffset(const const_array_ref& source, array_ref& destination, size_t offset) { size_t sourceSize = source.size() * sizeof(float); memcpy_s((char*)destination.begin() + sourceSize * offset, sourceSize, &source.front(), sourceSize); } // TODO: Move augmentation to the separate class outside of deserializer. // TODO: Check the CNTK Book why different left and right extents are not supported. // Augments a frame with a given index with frames to the left and right of it. static void AugmentNeighbors(const MatrixAsVectorOfVectors& utterance, size_t frameIndex, const size_t leftExtent, const size_t rightExtent, array_ref& destination) { CopyToOffset(utterance[frameIndex], destination, leftExtent); for (size_t currentFrame = frameIndex, n = 1; n <= leftExtent; n++) { if (currentFrame > 0) currentFrame--; // index does not move beyond boundary CopyToOffset(utterance[currentFrame], destination, leftExtent - n); } for (size_t currentFrame = frameIndex, n = 1; n <= rightExtent; n++) { if (currentFrame + 1 < utterance.size()) currentFrame++; // index does not move beyond boundary CopyToOffset(utterance[currentFrame], destination, leftExtent + n); } } // Get a sequence by its chunk id and sequence id. // Sequence ids are guaranteed to be unique inside a chunk. void HTKDataDeserializer::GetSequenceById(ChunkIdType chunkId, size_t id, vector& r) { const auto& chunkDescription = m_chunks[chunkId]; size_t utteranceIndex = m_frameMode ? chunkDescription.GetUtteranceForChunkFrameIndex(id) : id; const UtteranceDescription* utterance = chunkDescription.GetUtterance(utteranceIndex); auto utteranceFrames = chunkDescription.GetUtteranceFrames(utteranceIndex); // wrapper that allows m[j].size() and m[j][i] as required by augmentneighbors() MatrixAsVectorOfVectors utteranceFramesWrapper(utteranceFrames); size_t utteranceLength = m_frameMode ? 1 : (m_expandToPrimary ? utterance->GetExpansionLength() : utterance->GetNumberOfFrames()); FeatureMatrix features(m_dimension, utteranceLength); if (m_frameMode) { // For frame mode augment a single frame. size_t frameIndex = id - chunkDescription.GetStartFrameIndexInsideChunk(utteranceIndex); auto fillIn = features.col(0); AugmentNeighbors(utteranceFramesWrapper, frameIndex, m_augmentationWindow.first, m_augmentationWindow.second, fillIn); } else if (m_expandToPrimary) // Broadcast a single frame to the complete utterance. { for (size_t resultingIndex = 0; resultingIndex < utterance->GetExpansionLength(); ++resultingIndex) { auto fillIn = features.col(resultingIndex); AugmentNeighbors(utteranceFramesWrapper, 0, m_augmentationWindow.first, m_augmentationWindow.second, fillIn); } } else // Augment the complete utterance. { for (size_t frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < utterance->GetNumberOfFrames(); ++frameIndex) { auto fillIn = features.col(frameIndex); AugmentNeighbors(utteranceFramesWrapper, frameIndex, m_augmentationWindow.first, m_augmentationWindow.second, fillIn); } } // Copy features to the sequence depending on the type. DenseSequenceDataPtr result; if (m_elementType == ElementType::tdouble) { result = make_shared(features); } else if (m_elementType == ElementType::tfloat) { result = make_shared(std::move(features)); } else { LogicError("Currently, HTK Deserializer supports only double and float types."); } r.push_back(result); } // Gets sequence description by its key. bool HTKDataDeserializer::GetSequenceDescription(const SequenceDescription& primary, SequenceDescription& d) { assert(!m_primary); auto iter = m_keyToChunkLocation.find(primary.m_key.m_sequence); if (iter == m_keyToChunkLocation.end()) { return false; } auto chunkId = iter->second.first; auto utteranceIndexInsideChunk = iter->second.second; auto& chunk = m_chunks[chunkId]; auto utterance = chunk.GetUtterance(utteranceIndexInsideChunk); d.m_chunkId = (ChunkIdType)chunkId; // TODO: When we move frame mode from deserializer, expanding should go away and be done on the higher level. // TODO: Currently for the frame mode the secondary deserializer does not know the size of the full utterance, // becase each frame has its own sequence description. So we get the length by the max sample we have seen. if (m_expandToPrimary) { // Expanding for sequence length/or max seen frame. size_t maxLength = max(primary.m_numberOfSamples, (uint32_t)primary.m_key.m_sample + 1); if (utterance->GetExpansionLength() < maxLength) { utterance->SetExpansionLength(maxLength); } d.m_id = utteranceIndexInsideChunk; } else { d.m_id = m_frameMode ? chunk.GetStartFrameIndexInsideChunk(utteranceIndexInsideChunk) + primary.m_key.m_sample : utteranceIndexInsideChunk; } d.m_numberOfSamples = m_frameMode ? 1 : (uint32_t)utterance->GetNumberOfFrames(); return true; } }}}