Raw File
Tip revision: da9badeb9444052b558b6b134b72df5fff0fc277 authored by liangzifei on 09 March 2022, 23:29:32 UTC
Tip revision: da9bade
%  Training data generation
%  The data is prepared from inital analyzed format dMRI data and saved in .mat file.

% Input:
% folder_dwi: the location of dmri analyzed image.
% ---default: work_folder = ['.\Train_Data\Subj\'];
%halfsize_input : the patchsize preparison paramter.
% --- default=1 means the pathsize is 2*1+1 = 3
% stride: the sample location of the training coordinates within a 3D brain
% grid.
% --- default =20 means sample on point every 20 pixels
% (User can further exclude pixels that are cracked or missed in Histology, espcially void ventrical pixels,
% to mitigate these noisy pixels influence to succeeding network training). 
% fluo_img: histology images working as training target.

% Output(saved):
% data: is a 3x3xMxN matrix that for nerual network input.
% label: is a 3x3xN matrix that for neurual network training target.
% Usage: [data,label] = MRH_trainingG(['.\Train_Data'],3,20,['.\AllenPathology2P60.img'])
%  - Zifei Liang (
% Using code please refer our work: 
% Inferring Maps of Cellular Structures from MRI Signals using Deep Learning 

function [data,label] = MRH_trainingPrep(folder_dwi, halfsize_input, stride0, fluo_img)
% folder_dwi =['R:\zhangj18lab\zhangj18labspace\Zifei_Data\HCP\DeepNetIdea\JesseGray\JesseGray20191223\Porcessed\C'];
%% start loop %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% halfsize_input = 1;
% size_label = 1;
% scale = 3;
% stride = 20;
file_list = dir(folder_dwi); file_list(1:2) = [];
% sample_num=[1,2,4,5];
%% loop over all training subjects
for sample_img = 1:length(file_list)
    %dwi2000 is the diffusion data scanned from b=2000
    dwi2000 = load_untouch_nii([folder_dwi,file_list(sample_img).name,'\rigidaffine_Lddm_dwi2000.img']);
    % dwi5000 is diffusion b=5000 data
    dwi5000 = load_untouch_nii([folder_dwi,file_list(sample_img).name,'\rigidaffine_Lddm_dwi5000.img']);
    t2MTONOFF = load_untouch_nii([folder_dwi,file_list(sample_img).name,'\rigidaffine_lddm_t2MTONOFF.img']);
    fa_img = load_untouch_nii([folder_dwi,file_list(sample_img).name,'\rigidaffine_Lddm_fa.img']);
    fa_mask = load_untouch_nii([folder_dwi,file_list(sample_img).name,'\Masked_outline.img']);
    % all MRI and AllenPathology registered in P60 here one target is used
    % as example. Please replace by self defined histology, for any other
    % data. voxel-wise data preparison dose not change pixel-wise
    % information by warping from subject to P60 template space.
%     fluo_img = load_untouch_nii(['R:\zhangj18lab\zhangj18labspace\Zifei_Data\HCP\DeepNetIdea\Allen_fluorescence',...
%         '\AllenPathology2TanzilP60.img']);
    % preprocess data before sampling. 
    dwi_data = cat(4,dwi2000.img,dwi5000.img,t2MTONOFF.img);
    fa_data=fa_img.img; fa_data(isnan(fa_data))=0; dwi_data(isnan(dwi_data))=0;
    mask_data = fa_mask.img; mask_data(isnan(mask_data))=0;
    fluo_data = fluo_img.img; fluo_data(isnan(fluo_data))=0;
    dwi_data=permute(dwi_data,[1,3,2,4]); fa_data=permute(fa_data,[1,3,2]);
    mask_data = 1- permute(mask_data,[1,3,2]); fluo_data = permute(fluo_data,[1,3,2]);
    figure;subplot(1,2,1);imshow(fluo_data(:,:,124),[]); subplot(1,2,2);imshow(fa_data(:,:,124),[]);
    %clear dwi_img fa_img;
    %% loop count samples %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    % 118:159---jplease change to coregistered MRI and histology slice numbers 
    for slice=118:159
        % sample training patches that are rational, we use fa data as a
        % reference, USER can define by self. 
        tempt = fa_data(:,:,slice);
        % stride refined to larger steps for slices contains more blank
        % background. small steps for less background slices.
        if sum_temp>1000
            stride = 6;
        elseif sum_temp<40000
            stride = 8;
            stride = stride0;
        for x = 1+halfsize_input : stride : hei-halfsize_input
            for y = 1+halfsize_input :stride : wid-halfsize_input
                % include all MRI contrasts [1:end], USER can select input
                % channels want to use here
                subim_input = dwi_data(x-halfsize_input : x+halfsize_input, y-halfsize_input : y+halfsize_input,slice,[1:end]);
                %% only diffusion MRI %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                subim_label = fluo_data(x-halfsize_input : x+halfsize_input, y-halfsize_input : y+halfsize_input,slice);
                flag = sum(sum(sum(subim_label))); sum_fa=sum(sum(sum(sum(logical(subim_label)))));
                % set registration to samples. here sample unit FA >=
                % 4. mask > 0. Patch non-zero value >= 30
                if (flag<30||isnan(flag)||sum_fa<4||mask_data(x,y,slice))
                    data(:, :, :, count) = permute(subim_input,[1,2,4,3]);
                    label(:, :, :, count) = subim_label;
% arrange the training patches in random oder.
order = randperm(count);
data = data(:, :, :,order);
label = label(:, :,:,  order);
save traindata.mat data label -v7.3;
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