#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -* # Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import argparse from pyuvdata import UVData, UVBeam, UVCal import os # setup argparse a = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=("Inspect attributes of pyuvdata objects.\n" "Example: pyuvdata_inspect.py -a=ant_array.shape," "Ntimes zen.xx.HH.omni.calfits zen.yy.HH.uvc"), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) a.add_argument("-a", "--attrs", dest="attrs", type=str, default='', help="attribute(s) of object to print. Ex: ant_array.shape,Ntimes") a.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', default=False, help="Send feedback to stdout.") a.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", action='store_true', default=False, help="Exit into a python interpretor with objects in memory as 'uv'.") a.add_argument("files", metavar="files", type=str, nargs='*', default=[], help="pyuvdata object files to run on") # parse arguments args = a.parse_args() # check for empty attributes if len(args.attrs) == 0 and args.interactive is False: raise Exception("no attributes fed...") if len(args.files) == 0: raise Exception("no files fed...") # pack data objects, their names, and read functions objs = [UVData, UVCal, UVBeam] ob_names = ['UVData', 'UVCal', 'UVBeam'] ob_reads = [['read', 'read_miriad', 'read_fhd', 'read_ms', 'read_uvfits', 'read_uvh5'], ['read_calfits', 'read_fhd_cal'], ['read_beamfits', 'read_cst_beam']] # iterate through files Nfiles = len(args.files) uv = [] exit_clean = True for i, f in enumerate(args.files): # check file exists if os.path.exists(f) is False: print("{0} doesn't exist".format(f)) if i == (Nfiles - 1): exit(1) else: continue opened = False filetype = None # try to open object for j, ob in enumerate(objs): for k, r in enumerate(ob_reads[j]): try: # instantiate data class and try to read file UV = ob() getattr(UV, r)(f) opened = True uv.append(UV) filetype = r.split('_')[-1] if args.verbose is True: print("opened {0} as a {1} file with the {2} pyuvdata object".format(f, filetype, ob_names[j])) except (IOError, KeyError, ValueError, RuntimeError): continue # exit loop if opened if opened is True: break if opened is True: break # if object isn't opened continue if opened is False: print("couldn't open {0} with any of the pyuvdata objects {1}".format(f, ob_names)) continue # print out desired attribute(s) of data object attrs = [x.split('.') for x in args.attrs.split(',')] for j, attr in enumerate(attrs): # try to get attribute try: Nnest = len(attr) this_attr = getattr(UV, attr[0]) for k in range(Nnest - 1): this_attr = getattr(this_attr, attr[k + 1]) # print to stdout print("{0} of {1} is: {2}".format('.'.join(attr), f, this_attr)) exit_clean = True except AttributeError: print("Couldn't access '{0}' from {1}".format('.'.join(attr), f)) exit_clean = False if args.interactive: if len(uv) == 1: uv = uv[0] try: from IPython import embed embed() except ImportError: import code code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals())) else: if exit_clean is True: exit(0) else: exit(1)