LLVM_VER = 6.0.1 LLVM_BB_REL = 3 PCRE_VER = 10.30 DSFMT_VER = 2.2.3 LAPACK_VER = 3.5.0 SUITESPARSE_VER = 4.4.5 UNWIND_VER = 1.1-julia2 OSXUNWIND_VER = 0.0.5 GMP_VER = 6.1.2 MPFR_VER = 4.0.2 PATCHELF_VER = 0.9 MBEDTLS_VER = 2.6.0 CURL_VER = 7.56.0 # Specify the version of the Mozilla CA Certificate Store to obtain. # The versions of cacert.pem are identified by the date (YYYY-MM-DD) of their changes. # See https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html for more details. MOZILLA_CACERT_VERSION := 2019-01-23