\name{errorbar} \alias{errorbar} \title{ Plot Error Bars } \description{ Draws symmetric error bars in x- and/or y-direction. } \usage{ errorbar(x, y, xerr = NULL, yerr = NULL, bar.col = "red", bar.len = 0.01, grid = TRUE, with = TRUE, add = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x, y}{x-, y-coordinates} \item{xerr, yerr}{length of the error bars, relative to the x-, y-values.} \item{bar.col}{color of the error bars; default: red} \item{bar.len}{length of the cross bars orthogonal to the error bars; default: 0.01.} \item{grid}{logical; should the grid be plotted?; default: true} \item{with}{logical; whether to end the error bars with small cross bars.} \item{add}{logical; should the error bars be added to an existing plot?; default: false.} \item{...}{additional plotting parameters that will be passed to the \code{plot} function.} } \details{ \code{errorbar} plots \code{y} versus \code{x} with symmetric error bars, with a length determined by \code{xerr} resp. \code{yerr} in x- and/or y-direction. If \code{xerr} or \code{yerr} is \code{NULL} error bars in this direction will not be drawn. A future version will allow to draw unsymmetric error bars by specifying upper and lower limits when \code{xerr} or \code{yerr} is a matrix of size \code{(2 x length(x))}. } \value{ Generates a plot, no return value. } \author{ HwB email: } \seealso{ \code{plotrix::plotCI}, \code{Hmisc::errbar} } \examples{ \dontrun{ x <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 20) y <- sin(x) xe <- 0.1 ye <- 0.1 * y errorbar(x, y, xe, ye, type = "l", with = FALSE) cnt <- round(100*randn(20, 3)) y <- apply(cnt, 1, mean) e <- apply(cnt, 1, sd) errorbar(1:20, y, yerr = e, bar.col = "blue") } } \keyword{ graphs }