Raw File
Tip revision: a827578755d864df68b103c71048c7da7a00ce59 authored by HTDerekLiu on 09 August 2021, 18:36:04 UTC
add a faster example
Tip revision: a827578
#include "joint_lscm.h"

bool joint_lscm(
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
  const std::vector<int> & Nsv,
  const std::vector<int> & Ndv,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
  using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;
	bool verbose = false;
	bool isDebug = false;

  int nV = V_pre.rows();
	int infVIdx = -1;

	// Note:
	// Nsv[end] = E(e,0)
	// Ndv[end] = E(e,1)
	int e0, e1;
	if (Nsv[Nsv.size()-1] == vi)
		e0 = vi; e1 = vj;
	else if (Ndv[Ndv.size()-1] == vi)
		e1 = vi; e0 = vj;
	// count whether vi or vj are on boundary by checking whether Nsv or Ndv contains infVIdx
	VectorXi onBd(2);
		if (Nsv[Nsv.size()-1] == vj) // if E(e,0) == Nsv[end] == vj
			if(std::find(Nsv.begin(), Nsv.end(), infVIdx) != Nsv.end())
				onBd(0) = 1;
			if(std::find(Ndv.begin(), Ndv.end(), infVIdx) != Ndv.end())
				onBd(1) = 1;
		else if (Ndv[Ndv.size()-1] == vj) // if E(e,1) == Ndv[end] == vj
			if(std::find(Ndv.begin(), Ndv.end(), infVIdx) != Ndv.end())
				onBd(0) = 1;
			if(std::find(Nsv.begin(), Nsv.end(), infVIdx) != Nsv.end())
				onBd(1) = 1;
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish determining vi or vj on boundary\n";

	// check whether vi vj cut a flap
	bool isFlap = false;
		if (onBd.sum() == 2)
			int Nsv0 = Nsv[0];
			int Ndv0 = Ndv[0];
			int Nsv1 = Nsv[Nsv.size() - 2];
			int Ndv1 = Ndv[Ndv.size() - 2];
			if (Nsv0 == Ndv0 && Nsv0 == infVIdx)
				isFlap = false;
			else if (Nsv1 == Ndv1 && Nsv1 == infVIdx)
				isFlap = false;
				isFlap = true;
	if (isFlap)
		return false;

	// // is vi vj a edge of a flap, if not v_flapCorner = -1
	// int v_flapCorner = -1;
	// {
	// 	if (onBd.sum() == 2)
	// 	{
	// 		if (Nsv.size() == 3)
	// 			v_flapCorner = Ndv[Ndv.size() - 1];
	// 		else if (Ndv.size() == 3)
	// 			v_flapCorner = Nsv[Nsv.size() - 1];
	// 	}
	// }

	// check 3D triangle quality
	if (onBd.sum() > 0)
		double triangleQualityThreshold = 0.3;
			// PROFC_NODE("check triangle quality");
			// check UV_pre triangle quality
			for (int fIdx=0; fIdx<FUV_post.rows(); fIdx++)
				int v0 = FUV_post(fIdx,0);
				int v1 = FUV_post(fIdx,1);
				int v2 = FUV_post(fIdx,2);
				double l0 = (V_post.row(v0) - V_post.row(v1)).norm();
				double l1 = (V_post.row(v1) - V_post.row(v2)).norm();
				double l2 = (V_post.row(v2) - V_post.row(v0)).norm();
				double x = (l0+l1+l2) / 2;
				double delta = sqrt(x * (x-l0) * (x-l1) * (x-l2));
				double triQ = 4 * sqrt(3) * delta / (l0*l0 + l1*l1 + l2*l2); 
				if (triQ < triangleQualityThreshold || isnan(triQ)) 
					if (verbose)
						cout << "bad 3D triangle quality" << endl;
					return false;

	// compute ordered boundary loop
	VectorXi bdLoop;
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: get boundary");
		if (onBd.sum() == 0 || onBd.sum() == 1)
			// either vi vj are interior or both are interior
			bdLoop.resize(Nsv.size() + Ndv.size() - 4); 
			for (int ii=0; ii<Ndv.size()-2; ii++)
				if (Ndv[Ndv.size() - 3 - ii]  == infVIdx)
					bdLoop(ii) = e0;
					bdLoop(ii) = Ndv[Ndv.size() - 3 - ii];
			for (int ii=0; ii<Nsv.size()-2; ii++)
				if ( Nsv[ii+1] == infVIdx)
					bdLoop(ii+Ndv.size()-2) =  e1;
					bdLoop(ii+Ndv.size()-2) = Nsv[ii+1];
		else if (onBd.sum() == 2)
			// both vi vj are on boundary (general case)
			bdLoop.resize(Nsv.size() + Ndv.size() - 3); 
			for (int ii=0; ii<Ndv.size()-1; ii++)
				if (Ndv[Ndv.size() - 2 - ii]  == infVIdx)
					bdLoop(ii) = e0;
					bdLoop(ii) = Ndv[Ndv.size() - 2 - ii];
			if (Nsv[0] == infVIdx) // do not rewrite the first one
				for (int ii=0; ii<Nsv.size()-2; ii++)
					if (Nsv[ii] == infVIdx)
						bdLoop(ii+Ndv.size()-1) =  e1;
						bdLoop(ii+Ndv.size()-1) = Nsv[ii];
				for (int ii=0; ii<Nsv.size()-1; ii++)
					if (Nsv[ii] == infVIdx)
						bdLoop(ii+Ndv.size()-2) =  e1;
						bdLoop(ii+Ndv.size()-2) = Nsv[ii];
	if (verbose)
		cout << "bfLoop: " << bdLoop.transpose() << endl;
		cout << "finish computing boundary loop\n";

	// double check solution with igl function
	if (verbose)
		VectorXi bdLoop_igl;
		cout << "boundary loop (igl): " << bdLoop_igl.transpose() << endl;
		VectorXi bdLoop_igl_reordered, secondHalf, firstHalf;
		for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop_igl.size(); ii++)
			if (bdLoop_igl(ii) == bdLoop(0)) 
				VectorXi I1 = VectorXi::LinSpaced(bdLoop_igl.size()-ii, ii, bdLoop_igl.size()-1);

				VectorXi I2 = VectorXi::LinSpaced(ii, 0, ii-1);
				bdLoop_igl_reordered << firstHalf, secondHalf;
		cout << "boundary loop (igl reordered): " << bdLoop_igl_reordered.transpose() << endl;
		assert((bdLoop_igl_reordered - bdLoop).norm() == 0);

	// determine cases:
	// - 0: vi and vj are both intereor vertices
	// - 1: one of the vi or vj is on the boundary
	// - 2: (vi, vj) is an boundary edge and it is not a flap
	// - 3: (vi, vj) is an boundary edge and it is an edge of an ear face (faces with two boundary edges)
	// - 4: (vi, vj) is an interior edge, but both are boundary vertices, and it is an edge of an ear face 
	int whichCase;
	if (onBd.sum() == 0)
		whichCase = 0;
	else if (onBd.sum() == 1)
		whichCase = 1;
	else if (onBd.sum() == 2)
		whichCase = 2;
		cout << "found a new case\n";

	// cout << "whichCase: " << whichCase << endl; 
	switch (whichCase){
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
	// return true;
	return check_valid_UV_lscm(V_pre, UV_pre, FUV_pre, V_post, UV_post, FUV_post, vi, vj, Nsv, Ndv);

bool check_valid_UV_lscm(
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
	const std::vector<int> & Nsv,
  const std::vector<int> & Ndv)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;
	bool isDebug = false;
	bool verbose = false;

	// check whether UV contains NaN
		if (UV_pre.array().isNaN().sum() > 0 || UV_post.array().isNaN().sum() > 0) // contains nan
			if (verbose)
				cout << "UV contains NaN\n";
				cout << "UV_pre: \n" << UV_pre << endl;
				cout << "UV_post: \n" << UV_post << endl;
			return false;

	// check pre face normals flip or not
		// pre faces
		for (int ii=0; ii<FUV_pre.rows(); ii++)
      VectorXd v1 = UV_pre.row(FUV_pre(ii,1)) - UV_pre.row(FUV_pre(ii,0));
      VectorXd v2 = UV_pre.row(FUV_pre(ii,2)) - UV_pre.row(FUV_pre(ii,0));
      double signedArea = v1(0) * v2(1) - v1(1) * v2(0);
			// if (verbose)
			// 	cout << "pre face signed area: " << signedArea << endl;
      if (signedArea < 1e-10 || isnan(signedArea)) 
				if (verbose)
					cout << "pre flatten face normal flip" << endl;
				if (isDebug)
					// writeOBJ_UV("preflipface_UVpre.obj", UV_pre, FUV_pre);
					// writeOBJ_UV("preflipface_UVpost.obj", UV_post, FUV_post);
					igl::writeOBJ("preflipface_Vpre.obj", V_pre, FUV_pre);
					igl::writeOBJ("preflipface_Vpost.obj", V_post, FUV_post);
					// cout << "vi: " << vi << ", vj: " << vj << endl;

					// for(int ii = 0; ii < Nsv.size(); ii++)
					// 	std::cout << Nsv[ii] << ", ";
					// std::cout << "\n";

					// for(int ii = 0; ii < Ndv.size(); ii++)
					// 	std::cout << Ndv[ii] << ", ";
					// std::cout << "\n";
        return false;

	// check post face normals flip or not
		for (int ii=0; ii<FUV_post.rows(); ii++)
      VectorXd v1 = UV_post.row(FUV_post(ii,1)) - UV_post.row(FUV_post(ii,0));
      VectorXd v2 = UV_post.row(FUV_post(ii,2)) - UV_post.row(FUV_post(ii,0));
      double signedArea = v1(0) * v2(1) - v1(1) * v2(0);
			// if (verbose)
			// 	cout << "post face signed area: " << signedArea << endl;
      if (signedArea < 1e-10 || isnan(signedArea)) 
				if (verbose)
					cout << "post flatten face normal flip" << endl;
				if (isDebug)
					// writeOBJ_UV("postflipface_UVpre.obj", UV_pre, FUV_pre);
					// writeOBJ_UV("postflipface_UVpost.obj", UV_post, FUV_post);
					igl::writeOBJ("postflipface_Vpre.obj", V_pre, FUV_pre);
					igl::writeOBJ("postflipface_Vpost.obj", V_post, FUV_post);
					// cout << "vi: " << vi << ", vj: " << vj << endl;

					// for(int ii = 0; ii < Nsv.size(); ii++)
					// 	std::cout << Nsv[ii] << ", ";
					// std::cout << "\n";

					// for(int ii = 0; ii < Ndv.size(); ii++)
					// 	std::cout << Ndv[ii] << ", ";
					// std::cout << "\n";
        return false;

	// check pre UV face fold over
		MatrixXd internalAng;
		assert(FUV_pre.maxCoeff() < UV_pre.rows());
		igl::internal_angles(UV_pre, FUV_pre, internalAng);
		double angSum_b0 = 0;
		double angSum_b1 = 0;
		for (int r=0; r<FUV_pre.rows(); r++){
			for (int c=0; c<FUV_pre.cols(); c++){
				if (FUV_pre(r,c) == vi) angSum_b0 += internalAng(r,c);
				if (FUV_pre(r,c) == vj) angSum_b1 += internalAng(r,c);
		if ((angSum_b0 - 2*M_PI) > 1e-10 || (angSum_b1 - 2*M_PI) > 1e-10) 
			if (verbose)
				cout << "pre flatten self-overlap" << endl;
			if (isDebug)
				// writeOBJ_UV("prefoldover_UVpre.obj", UV_pre, FUV_pre);
				// writeOBJ_UV("prefoldover_UVpost.obj", UV_post, FUV_post);
				igl::writeOBJ("prefoldover_Vpre.obj", V_pre, FUV_pre);
				igl::writeOBJ("prefoldover_Vpost.obj", V_post, FUV_post);
				// cout << "vi: " << vi << ", vj: " << vj << endl;

				// for(int ii = 0; ii < Nsv.size(); ii++)
				// 	std::cout << Nsv[ii] << ", ";
				// std::cout << "\n";

				// for(int ii = 0; ii < Ndv.size(); ii++)
				// 	std::cout << Ndv[ii] << ", ";
				// std::cout << "\n";
			return false;

	// check post UV face fold over
		MatrixXd internalAng;
		assert(FUV_post.maxCoeff() < UV_post.rows());
		igl::internal_angles(UV_post, FUV_post, internalAng);
		double angSum_b0 = 0;
		double angSum_b1 = 0;
		for (int r=0; r<FUV_post.rows(); r++){
			for (int c=0; c<FUV_post.cols(); c++){
				if (FUV_post(r,c) == vi) angSum_b0 += internalAng(r,c);
				if (FUV_post(r,c) == vj) angSum_b1 += internalAng(r,c);
		if ((angSum_b0 - 2*M_PI) > 1e-10 || (angSum_b1 - 2*M_PI) > 1e-10) 
			if (verbose)
				cout << "post flatten self-overlap" << endl;
			if (isDebug)
				// writeOBJ_UV("postfoldover_UVpre.obj", UV_pre, FUV_pre);
				// writeOBJ_UV("postfoldover_UVpost.obj", UV_post, FUV_post);
				igl::writeOBJ("postfoldover_Vpre.obj", V_pre, FUV_pre);
				igl::writeOBJ("postfoldover_Vpost.obj", V_post, FUV_post);
				// cout << "vi: " << vi << ", vj: " << vj << endl;

				// for(int ii = 0; ii < Nsv.size(); ii++)
				// 	std::cout << Nsv[ii] << ", ";
				// std::cout << "\n";

				// for(int ii = 0; ii < Ndv.size(); ii++)
				// 	std::cout << Ndv[ii] << ", ";
				// std::cout << "\n";
			return false;

	double triangleQualityThreshold = 0.01;
	// check UV_pre triangle quality
    for (int ii=0; ii<FUV_pre.rows(); ii++)
      int v0 = FUV_pre(ii,0);
      int v1 = FUV_pre(ii,1);
      int v2 = FUV_pre(ii,2);
      double l0 = (UV_pre.row(v0) - UV_pre.row(v1)).norm();
      double l1 = (UV_pre.row(v1) - UV_pre.row(v2)).norm();
      double l2 = (UV_pre.row(v2) - UV_pre.row(v0)).norm();
      double x = (l0+l1+l2) / 2;
      double delta = sqrt(x * (x-l0) * (x-l1) * (x-l2));
      double triQ = 4 * sqrt(3) * delta / (l0*l0 + l1*l1 + l2*l2); 
      if (triQ < triangleQualityThreshold || isnan(triQ)) 
				if (verbose)
					cout << "pre LSCM bad UV triangle quality" << endl;
				if (isDebug)
					// writeOBJ_UV("preUVQuality_UVpre.obj", UV_pre, FUV_pre);
					// writeOBJ_UV("preUVQuality_UVpost.obj", UV_post, FUV_post);
					igl::writeOBJ("preUVQuality_Vpre.obj", V_pre, FUV_pre);
					igl::writeOBJ("preUVQuality_Vpost.obj", V_post, FUV_post);
        return false;

	// check UV_post triangle quality
    for (int ii=0; ii<FUV_post.rows(); ii++)
      int v0 = FUV_post(ii,0);
      int v1 = FUV_post(ii,1);
      int v2 = FUV_post(ii,2);
      double l0 = (UV_post.row(v0) - UV_post.row(v1)).norm();
      double l1 = (UV_post.row(v1) - UV_post.row(v2)).norm();
      double l2 = (UV_post.row(v2) - UV_post.row(v0)).norm();
      double x = (l0+l1+l2) / 2;
      double delta = sqrt(x * (x-l0) * (x-l1) * (x-l2));
      double triQ = 4 * sqrt(3) * delta / (l0*l0 + l1*l1 + l2*l2); 
      if (triQ < triangleQualityThreshold || isnan(triQ)) 
				if (verbose)
        	cout << "post LSCM bad UV triangle quality" << endl;
				if (isDebug)
					// writeOBJ_UV("postUVQuality_UVpre.obj", UV_pre, FUV_pre);
					// writeOBJ_UV("postUVQuality_UVpost.obj", UV_post, FUV_post);
					igl::writeOBJ("postUVQuality_Vpre.obj", V_pre, FUV_pre);
					igl::writeOBJ("postUVQuality_Vpost.obj", V_post, FUV_post);
        return false;

	return true;

void flatten(
	const Eigen::MatrixXd & Vjoint_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & Fjoint_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & Vjoint_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & Fjoint_post,
	const Eigen::VectorXi & b_UV,
	const Eigen::VectorXd & bc_UV,
	const int & nVjoint,
	const bool & isDebug,
	Eigen::VectorXd & UVjoint_flat)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;

	// get matrices
	// SparseMatrix<double> Q;
	MatrixXd Q;
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: get matrices");
		MatrixXd A_pre, A_post;

		// Assemble the area matrix (note that A is #Vx2 by #Vx2)

		// Assemble the cotan laplacian matrix for UV
		MatrixXd L_pre, L_post, LUV_pre, LUV_post;

		// LUV_pre = [L_pre, 0; 0, L_pre]
		LUV_pre.resize(2*L_pre.rows(), 2*L_pre.cols());
		LUV_pre.block(0,0,L_pre.rows(), L_pre.cols()) = L_pre;
		LUV_pre.block(L_pre.rows(), L_pre.cols(), L_pre.rows(), L_pre.cols()) = L_pre;

		// LUV_post = [L_post, 0; 0, L_post]
		LUV_post.resize(2*L_post.rows(), 2*L_post.cols());
		LUV_post.block(0,0,L_post.rows(), L_post.cols()) = L_post;
		LUV_post.block(L_post.rows(), L_post.cols(), L_post.rows(), L_post.cols()) = L_post;

		// get matrix for quadratics
		Q = -LUV_pre + 2.*A_pre - LUV_post + 2.*A_post;

	// solve UV jointly
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
		const VectorXd RHS = VectorXd::Zero(nVjoint*2);
		mqwf_dense_data data;

		if (isDebug)
			cout << "UVjoint_flat: " << UVjoint_flat.transpose() << endl;
			for (int ii = 0; ii<UVjoint_flat.size(); ii++)

	// // avoid lscm mistakenly turns the mesh 90 degrees
  // double diff = std::abs(bc(0,0) - UV(b(0),0)) + 
  //               std::abs(bc(0,1) - UV(b(0),1));
  // double diff_reverse = std::abs(bc(0,1) - UV(b(0),0)) + 
  //                       std::abs(bc(0,0) - UV(b(0),1));
  // if (diff > diff_reverse){
  //   MatrixXd tmp = UV.col(0);
  //   UV.col(0) = UV.col(1);
  //   UV.col(1)= tmp;
  // }

void joint_lscm_case0( // both vi and vj are interior
	const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
  const Eigen::VectorXi & bdLoop,
	const bool & verbose,
	const bool & isDebug, 
	const Eigen::VectorXi & onBd,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;

	int nV = V_pre.rows();
	int infVIdx = -1;

	// create joint mesh
	MatrixXd Vjoint_pre,Vjoint_post;
	MatrixXi Fjoint_pre, Fjoint_post;
	int vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_post;
	VectorXi b_UV;
	VectorXd bc_UV;
	int nVjoint;
		nVjoint = nV + 1;

		// cout << "start create joint mesh\n";
		// compute Vjoint = [V_pre; V_post.row(vi)]
		MatrixXd Vjoint;

		VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);
		Vjoint.row(nV) = V_post.row(vi);

		Vjoint_post = Vjoint;
		Vjoint_pre = Vjoint;

		// compute Fjoint
		Fjoint_pre = FUV_pre;
		Fjoint_post = FUV_post;
		for (int r=0; r<Fjoint_post.rows(); r++){
			for (int c=0; c<Fjoint_post.cols(); c++){
				if (Fjoint_post(r,c) == vi)
					Fjoint_post(r,c) = nV;
		// cout << "finish create joint mesh\n";

		// assign vi vj
		vi_pre = vi;
		vj_pre = vj;
		vi_post = nV;

		// get boundary conditions for the global solve
		// for case 0: vi_pre = (0,0), vj_pre = (1,0)
		b_UV << vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_pre+nVjoint, vj_pre+nVjoint;
		bc_UV << 0, 1, 0, 0;
		if (verbose)
			cout << "finish reindexing \n";

	// solve UV jointly
	VectorXd UVjoint_flat;
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
	// cout << "UVjoint_flat \n" << UVjoint_flat.transpose() << endl;
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish solving \n";
	// reshape UV
		// get UVjoint 
		MatrixXd UVjoint(nVjoint, 2);
		for (unsigned i=0;i<UVjoint.cols();++i)
			UVjoint.col(UVjoint.cols()-i-1) = UVjoint_flat.block(UVjoint.rows()*i,0,UVjoint.rows(),1);

		// assign to UV_pre
		VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);

		// get UV_post
		UV_post = UV_pre;
		UV_post.row(vi) = UVjoint.row(vi_post);

void joint_lscm_case1( // one of vi or vj is on boundary
	const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
  const Eigen::VectorXi & bdLoop,
	const bool & verbose,
	const bool & isDebug, 
	const Eigen::VectorXi & onBd,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;

	int nV = V_pre.rows();
	int infVIdx = -1;

	// create joint mesh
	MatrixXd Vjoint_pre,Vjoint_post;
	MatrixXi Fjoint_pre, Fjoint_post;
	int vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_post;
	VectorXi b_UV;
	VectorXd bc_UV;
	int nVjoint;
		// cout << "start case 1\n";

		nVjoint = nV;

		int v_bd;
		if (onBd(0) == 1)
			v_bd = vi;
			v_bd = vj;

		// cout << "start create joint mesh\n";
		// compute Vjoint = V_pre, but Vjoint.row(v_bd) = V_post.row(vi)
		Vjoint_pre.resize(nVjoint, 3);
		Vjoint_pre = V_pre;
		Vjoint_post.resize(nVjoint, 3);
		Vjoint_post = V_pre;
		Vjoint_post.row(v_bd) = V_post.row(vi);

		Fjoint_pre = FUV_pre;
		Fjoint_post = FUV_post;
		for (int r=0; r<Fjoint_post.rows(); r++){
			for (int c=0; c<Fjoint_post.cols(); c++){
				if (Fjoint_post(r,c) == vi)
					Fjoint_post(r,c) = v_bd;
		// cout << "finish create joint mesh\n";

		// assign vi vj
		vi_pre = vi;
		vj_pre = vj;
		vi_post = v_bd;

		// get boundary conditions for the global solve
		// for case 0: vi_pre = (0,0), vj_pre = (1,0)
		b_UV << vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_pre+nVjoint, vj_pre+nVjoint;
		bc_UV << 0, 1, 0, 0;
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish reindexing\n";

	VectorXd UVjoint_flat;
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
	// cout << "UVjoint_flat \n" << UVjoint_flat.transpose() << endl;
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish solving \n";
	// reshape UV
		// get UVjoint 
		MatrixXd UVjoint(nVjoint, 2);
		for (unsigned i=0;i<UVjoint.cols();++i)
			UVjoint.col(UVjoint.cols()-i-1) = UVjoint_flat.block(UVjoint.rows()*i,0,UVjoint.rows(),1);

		// assign to UV_pre
		UV_pre = UVjoint;

		// get UV_post
		UV_post = UV_pre;
		UV_post.row(vi) = UVjoint.row(vi_post);

void joint_lscm_case2( // both vi and vj are on boundary, (vi,vj) is a boundary edge of a flap
	const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
  const Eigen::VectorXi & bdLoop,
	const bool & verbose,
	const bool & isDebug, 
	const Eigen::VectorXi & onBd,
	// int & snapIdx,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;

	// snap to vi
	MatrixXd UV_pre_vi, UV_post_vi;

	VectorXd error_pre_vi, error_post_vi;
	double objVal_snap_vi = error_pre_vi.norm() + error_post_vi.norm();
	if (isnan(objVal_snap_vi))
		objVal_snap_vi = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
	// cout << "objVal_snap_vi: " << objVal_snap_vi << endl; 
	// {
	// 	writeOBJ_UV("case2_vi_pre.obj", UV_pre_vi, FUV_pre);
	// 	writeOBJ_UV("case2_vi__post.obj", UV_post_vi, FUV_post); 
	// }

	// snap vj
	MatrixXd UV_pre_vj, UV_post_vj;

	VectorXd error_pre_vj, error_post_vj;
	double objVal_snap_vj = error_pre_vj.norm() + error_post_vj.norm();
	if (isnan(objVal_snap_vj))
		objVal_snap_vj = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
	// cout << "objVal_snap_vj: " << objVal_snap_vj << endl; 
	// {
	// 	writeOBJ_UV("case2_vj_pre.obj", UV_pre_vj, FUV_pre);
	// 	writeOBJ_UV("case2_vj_post.obj", UV_post_vj, FUV_post); 
	// }

	MatrixXd UV_pre_nosnap, UV_post_nosnap;

	VectorXd error_pre_n, error_post_n;
	double objVal_no_snap = error_pre_n.norm() + error_post_n.norm();
	if (isnan(objVal_no_snap))
		objVal_no_snap = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
	// cout << "objVal_no_snap: " << objVal_no_snap << endl; 
	// {
	// 	writeOBJ_UV("case2_nosnap_pre.obj", UV_pre_nosnap, FUV_pre);
	// 	writeOBJ_UV("case2_nosnap_post.obj", UV_post_nosnap, FUV_post); 
	// }

	if (objVal_snap_vi <= objVal_snap_vj && objVal_snap_vi <= objVal_no_snap) // objVal_snap_vi is min
		UV_pre.resize(UV_pre_vi.rows(), UV_pre_vi.cols()); 
		UV_pre = UV_pre_vi; 
		UV_post.resize(UV_post_vi.rows(), UV_post_vi.cols()); 
		UV_post = UV_post_vi;
	else if (objVal_snap_vj <= objVal_snap_vi && objVal_snap_vj <= objVal_no_snap) // objVal_snap_vj is min
		UV_pre.resize(UV_pre_vj.rows(), UV_pre_vj.cols()); 
		UV_pre = UV_pre_vj; 
		UV_post.resize(UV_post_vj.rows(), UV_post_vj.cols()); 
		UV_post = UV_post_vj;
	else // objVal_no_snap is min
		UV_pre.resize(UV_pre_nosnap.rows(), UV_pre_nosnap.cols()); 
		UV_pre = UV_pre_nosnap; 
		UV_post.resize(UV_post_nosnap.rows(), UV_post_nosnap.cols()); 
		UV_post = UV_post_nosnap;

void case2_constraint3_snap1(
	const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
  const Eigen::VectorXi & bdLoop,
	const bool & verbose,
	const bool & isDebug, 
	const Eigen::VectorXi & onBd,
	const int & snapIdx,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;

	assert((snapIdx == vi) || (snapIdx == vj));
	// // determine whether ui is going to snap to vi or vj
	// if (snapIdx == -1)
	// {
	// 	double dist2vi = (V_post.row(vi) - V_pre.row(vi)).norm();
	// 	double dist2vj = (V_post.row(vi) - V_pre.row(vj)).norm();
	// 	if (dist2vi < dist2vj)
	// 		snapIdx = vi;
	// 	else
	// 		snapIdx = vj;
	// }

	int nV = V_pre.rows();
	int infVIdx = -1;

	// create joint mesh
	MatrixXd Vjoint_pre,Vjoint_post;
	MatrixXi Fjoint_pre, Fjoint_post;
	int vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_post;
	VectorXi b_UV;
	VectorXd bc_UV;
	int nVjoint;
		nVjoint = nV;

		// cout << "start create joint mesh\n";
		// compute Vjoint = [V_pre; V_post.row(vi)]
		Vjoint_pre.resize(nVjoint, 3);
		Vjoint_pre = V_pre;
		Vjoint_post.resize(nVjoint, 3);
		Vjoint_post = V_pre;
		Vjoint_post.row(snapIdx) = V_post.row(vi);

		Fjoint_pre = FUV_pre;
		Fjoint_post = FUV_post;
		for (int r=0; r<Fjoint_post.rows(); r++){
			for (int c=0; c<Fjoint_post.cols(); c++){
				if (Fjoint_post(r,c) == vi)
					Fjoint_post(r,c) = snapIdx;

		// get the vertex that needs to be on the straight line (snapIdx -- (vi or vj) -- vk)
		int vk = -1;
			for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop.size(); ii++)
				if (bdLoop(ii) == snapIdx)
					// check whether (vi/vj) is on the left
					int preIdx = (ii-1+bdLoop.size()) % bdLoop.size();
					if (bdLoop(preIdx) == vi || bdLoop(preIdx) == vj) // if on the left 
						int prepreIdx = (ii-2+bdLoop.size()) % bdLoop.size();
						vk = bdLoop(prepreIdx);
					// check whether (vi/vj) is on the right
					int postIdx = (ii+1) % bdLoop.size();
					if (bdLoop(postIdx) == vi || bdLoop(postIdx) == vj) // if on the right 
						int postpostIdx = (ii+2) % bdLoop.size();
						vk = bdLoop(postpostIdx);
				cout << "vk: " << vk << endl;
			assert(vk != -1);

		// assign vi vj
		vi_pre = vi;
		vj_pre = vj;
		vi_post = snapIdx;

		// get boundary conditions for the global solve
		// for case 2: vi_pre = (0,0), vj_pre = (1,0), and all bIdx = (?,0)

		b_UV << vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_pre+nVjoint, vj_pre+nVjoint, vk+nVjoint;
		bc_UV << 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish reindexing \n";

	VectorXd UVjoint_flat;
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish solving \n";
	// reshape UV
		// get UVjoint 
		MatrixXd UVjoint(nVjoint, 2);
		for (unsigned i=0;i<UVjoint.cols();++i)
			UVjoint.col(UVjoint.cols()-i-1) = UVjoint_flat.block(UVjoint.rows()*i,0,UVjoint.rows(),1);

		// assign to UV_pre
		VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);

		// get UV_post
		UV_post = UV_pre;
		UV_post.row(vi) = UVjoint.row(vi_post);

void case2_constraint4(
	const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
  const int & vi,
  const int & vj,
  const Eigen::VectorXi & bdLoop,
	const bool & verbose,
	const bool & isDebug, 
	const Eigen::VectorXi & onBd,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
	using namespace Eigen;
	using namespace std;

	int nV = V_pre.rows();
	int infVIdx = -1;

	// create joint mesh
	MatrixXd Vjoint_pre,Vjoint_post;
	MatrixXi Fjoint_pre, Fjoint_post;
	int vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_post;
	VectorXi b_UV;
	VectorXd bc_UV;
	int nVjoint;
		nVjoint = nV + 1;

		// cout << "start create joint mesh\n";
		// compute Vjoint = [V_pre; V_post.row(vi)]
		MatrixXd Vjoint;

		VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);
		Vjoint.row(nV) = V_post.row(vi);

		Vjoint_post = Vjoint;
		Vjoint_pre = Vjoint;

		// compute Fjoint
		Fjoint_pre = FUV_pre;
		Fjoint_post = FUV_post;
		for (int r=0; r<Fjoint_post.rows(); r++){
			for (int c=0; c<Fjoint_post.cols(); c++){
				if (Fjoint_post(r,c) == vi)
					Fjoint_post(r,c) = nV;

		// assign vi vj
		vi_pre = vi;
		vj_pre = vj;
		vi_post = nV;

		// get the constrained vertices
		VectorXi bIdx;
			// get boundary loop of the post mesh
			VectorXi bdLoop_post;
				bdLoop_post = bdLoop;
				for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop_post.size(); ii++)
					if (bdLoop_post(ii) == vj)
						remove_vector_element(ii, bdLoop_post);
			if (verbose)
				cout << "bdLoop_post: " << bdLoop_post.transpose() <<endl;
				cout << "finish getting post boundary loop\n";

			// check boundary loop
			if (verbose)
				VectorXi bdLoop_post_tmp;
				cout << "bdLoop_post_tmp: " << bdLoop_post_tmp.transpose() <<endl;

				// compare
				VectorXi bdLoop_post_reordered, secondHalf, firstHalf;
				for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop_post.size(); ii++)
					if (bdLoop_post_tmp(ii) == bdLoop_post(0)) 
						VectorXi I1 = VectorXi::LinSpaced(bdLoop_post_tmp.size()-ii, ii, bdLoop_post_tmp.size()-1);

						VectorXi I2 = VectorXi::LinSpaced(ii, 0, ii-1);
						bdLoop_post_reordered << firstHalf, secondHalf;
				cout << "boundary loop (post reordered): " << bdLoop_post_reordered.transpose() << endl;
				assert((bdLoop_post_reordered - bdLoop_post).norm() == 0);
			// get the neighboring vIdx of vi 
			VectorXi neighbor_to_vi(3);
			for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop_post.size(); ii++)
				if (bdLoop_post(ii) == vi)
					int preIdx = (ii-1+bdLoop_post.size()) % bdLoop_post.size();
					neighbor_to_vi(0) = bdLoop_post(preIdx);

					neighbor_to_vi(1) = vi;

					int postIdx = (ii+1) % bdLoop_post.size();
					neighbor_to_vi(2) = bdLoop_post(postIdx);

			// get other vertices that should not be in the constraint set
			VectorXi freeVIdx, useless;
			igl::setdiff(bdLoop_post, neighbor_to_vi, freeVIdx, useless);
			igl::setdiff(bdLoop, freeVIdx, bIdx, useless);

		// get boundary conditions for the global solve
		// for case 2: vi_pre = (0,0), vj_pre = (1,0), and all bIdx = (?,0)
		b_UV.resize(bIdx.size() + 2 + 1,1);
		bc_UV.resize(bIdx.size() + 2 + 1,1);
		b_UV(0) = vi_pre;
		b_UV(1) = vj_pre;
		b_UV(2) = vi_post+nVjoint;
		bc_UV(1) = 1.0;
		for (int ii=0; ii<bIdx.size(); ii++)
			b_UV(ii+3) = bIdx(ii)+nVjoint;

	VectorXd UVjoint_flat;
		// PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
	if (verbose)
		cout << "finish solving \n";
	// reshape UV
		// get UVjoint 
		MatrixXd UVjoint(nVjoint, 2);
		for (unsigned i=0;i<UVjoint.cols();++i)
			UVjoint.col(UVjoint.cols()-i-1) = UVjoint_flat.block(UVjoint.rows()*i,0,UVjoint.rows(),1);

		// assign to UV_pre
		VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);

		// get UV_post
		UV_post = UV_pre;
		UV_post.row(vi) = UVjoint.row(vi_post);

// void joint_lscm_case2( // both vi and vj are on boundary (no flap)
// 	const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_pre,
//   const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_pre,
//   const Eigen::MatrixXd & V_post,
//   const Eigen::MatrixXi & FUV_post,
//   const int & vi,
//   const int & vj,
//   const Eigen::VectorXi & bdLoop,
// 	const bool & verbose,
// 	const bool & isDebug, 
// 	const Eigen::VectorXi & onBd,
//   Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_pre,
//   Eigen::MatrixXd & UV_post)
// {
// 	using namespace Eigen;
// 	using namespace std;

// 	int nV = V_pre.rows();
// 	int infVIdx = -1;

// 	// determine whether ui is going to snap to vi or vj
// 	int snapIdx;
// 	{
// 		double dist2vi = (V_post.row(vi) - V_pre.row(vi)).norm();
// 		double dist2vj = (V_post.row(vi) - V_pre.row(vj)).norm();
// 		if (dist2vi < dist2vj)
// 			snapIdx = vi;
// 		else
// 			snapIdx = vj;
// 	}

// 	// create joint mesh
// 	MatrixXd Vjoint_pre,Vjoint_post;
// 	MatrixXi Fjoint_pre, Fjoint_post;
// 	int vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_post;
// 	VectorXi b_UV;
// 	VectorXd bc_UV;
// 	int nVjoint;
// 	{
// 		nVjoint = nV;

// 		// cout << "start create joint mesh\n";
// 		// compute Vjoint = [V_pre; V_post.row(vi)]
// 		Vjoint_pre.resize(nVjoint, 3);
// 		Vjoint_pre = V_pre;
// 		Vjoint_post.resize(nVjoint, 3);
// 		Vjoint_post = V_pre;
// 		Vjoint_post.row(snapIdx) = V_post.row(vi);

// 		Fjoint_pre = FUV_pre;
// 		Fjoint_post = FUV_post;
// 		for (int r=0; r<Fjoint_post.rows(); r++){
// 			for (int c=0; c<Fjoint_post.cols(); c++){
// 				if (Fjoint_post(r,c) == vi)
// 					Fjoint_post(r,c) = snapIdx;
// 			}
// 		}

// 		// get the vertex that needs to be on the straight line (snapIdx -- (vi or vj) -- vk)
// 		int vk = -1;
// 		{
// 			for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop.size(); ii++)
// 			{
// 				if (bdLoop(ii) == snapIdx)
// 				{
// 					// check whether (vi/vj) is on the left
// 					int preIdx = (ii-1+bdLoop.size()) % bdLoop.size();
// 					if (bdLoop(preIdx) == vi || bdLoop(preIdx) == vj) // if on the left 
// 					{
// 						int prepreIdx = (ii-2+bdLoop.size()) % bdLoop.size();
// 						vk = bdLoop(prepreIdx);
// 					}
// 					// check whether (vi/vj) is on the right
// 					int postIdx = (ii+1) % bdLoop.size();
// 					if (bdLoop(postIdx) == vi || bdLoop(postIdx) == vj) // if on the right 
// 					{
// 						int postpostIdx = (ii+2) % bdLoop.size();
// 						vk = bdLoop(postpostIdx);
// 					}
// 				}
// 			}
// 			cout << "vk: " << vk << endl;
// 			assert(vk != -1);
// 		}

// 		// assign vi vj
// 		vi_pre = vi;
// 		vj_pre = vj;
// 		vi_post = snapIdx;

// 		// get boundary conditions for the global solve
// 		// for case 2: vi_pre = (0,0), vj_pre = (1,0), and all bIdx = (?,0)
// 		b_UV.resize(5);
// 		bc_UV.resize(5);
// 		bc_UV.setZero();

// 		b_UV << vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_pre+nVjoint, vj_pre+nVjoint, vk+nVjoint;
// 		bc_UV << 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
// 	}
// 	cout << "finish reindexing \n";

// 	VectorXd UVjoint_flat;
// 	{
// 		PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
// 		flatten(Vjoint_pre,Fjoint_pre,Vjoint_post,Fjoint_post,b_UV,bc_UV,nVjoint,isDebug,UVjoint_flat);
// 	}
// 	if (verbose)
// 		cout << "finish solving \n";
// 	// reshape UV
// 	{
// 		// get UVjoint 
// 		MatrixXd UVjoint(nVjoint, 2);
// 		for (unsigned i=0;i<UVjoint.cols();++i)
// 			UVjoint.col(UVjoint.cols()-i-1) = UVjoint_flat.block(UVjoint.rows()*i,0,UVjoint.rows(),1);

// 		// assign to UV_pre
// 		VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);
// 		igl::slice(UVjoint,I,1,UV_pre);

// 		// get UV_post
// 		UV_post.resize(nV,2);
// 		UV_post = UV_pre;
// 		UV_post.row(vi) = UVjoint.row(vi_post);
// 	}
// }


	// // determine whether ui is going to snap to vi or vj
	// if (snapIdx == -1)
	// {
	// 	double dist2vi = (V_post.row(vi) - V_pre.row(vi)).norm();
	// 	double dist2vj = (V_post.row(vi) - V_pre.row(vj)).norm();
	// 	if (dist2vi < dist2vj)
	// 		snapIdx = vi;
	// 	else
	// 		snapIdx = vj;
	// }

	// int nV = V_pre.rows();
	// int infVIdx = -1;

	// // create joint mesh
	// MatrixXd Vjoint_pre,Vjoint_post;
	// MatrixXi Fjoint_pre, Fjoint_post;
	// int vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_post;
	// VectorXi b_UV;
	// VectorXd bc_UV;
	// int nVjoint;
	// {
	// 	nVjoint = nV;

	// 	// cout << "start create joint mesh\n";
	// 	// compute Vjoint = [V_pre; V_post.row(vi)]
	// 	Vjoint_pre.resize(nVjoint, 3);
	// 	Vjoint_pre = V_pre;
	// 	Vjoint_post.resize(nVjoint, 3);
	// 	Vjoint_post = V_pre;
	// 	Vjoint_post.row(snapIdx) = V_post.row(vi);

	// 	Fjoint_pre = FUV_pre;
	// 	Fjoint_post = FUV_post;
	// 	for (int r=0; r<Fjoint_post.rows(); r++){
	// 		for (int c=0; c<Fjoint_post.cols(); c++){
	// 			if (Fjoint_post(r,c) == vi)
	// 				Fjoint_post(r,c) = snapIdx;
	// 		}
	// 	}

	// 	// get the vertex that needs to be on the straight line (snapIdx -- (vi or vj) -- vk)
	// 	int vk = -1;
	// 	{
	// 		for (int ii=0; ii<bdLoop.size(); ii++)
	// 		{
	// 			if (bdLoop(ii) == snapIdx)
	// 			{
	// 				// check whether (vi/vj) is on the left
	// 				int preIdx = (ii-1+bdLoop.size()) % bdLoop.size();
	// 				if (bdLoop(preIdx) == vi || bdLoop(preIdx) == vj) // if on the left 
	// 				{
	// 					int prepreIdx = (ii-2+bdLoop.size()) % bdLoop.size();
	// 					vk = bdLoop(prepreIdx);
	// 				}
	// 				// check whether (vi/vj) is on the right
	// 				int postIdx = (ii+1) % bdLoop.size();
	// 				if (bdLoop(postIdx) == vi || bdLoop(postIdx) == vj) // if on the right 
	// 				{
	// 					int postpostIdx = (ii+2) % bdLoop.size();
	// 					vk = bdLoop(postpostIdx);
	// 				}
	// 			}
	// 		}
	// 		cout << "vk: " << vk << endl;
	// 		assert(vk != -1);
	// 	}

	// 	// assign vi vj
	// 	vi_pre = vi;
	// 	vj_pre = vj;
	// 	vi_post = snapIdx;

	// 	// get boundary conditions for the global solve
	// 	// for case 2: vi_pre = (0,0), vj_pre = (1,0), and all bIdx = (?,0)
	// 	b_UV.resize(5);
	// 	bc_UV.resize(5);
	// 	bc_UV.setZero();

	// 	b_UV << vi_pre, vj_pre, vi_pre+nVjoint, vj_pre+nVjoint, vk+nVjoint;
	// 	bc_UV << 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
	// }
	// cout << "finish reindexing \n";

	// VectorXd UVjoint_flat;
	// {
	// 	PROFC_NODE("lscm: solve");
	// 	double energyVal = flatten(Vjoint_pre,Fjoint_pre,Vjoint_post,Fjoint_post,b_UV,bc_UV,nVjoint,isDebug,UVjoint_flat);
	// }
	// if (verbose)
	// 	cout << "finish solving \n";
	// reshape UV
	// {
	// 	// get UVjoint 
	// 	MatrixXd UVjoint(nVjoint, 2);
	// 	for (unsigned i=0;i<UVjoint.cols();++i)
	// 		UVjoint.col(UVjoint.cols()-i-1) = UVjoint_flat.block(UVjoint.rows()*i,0,UVjoint.rows(),1);

	// 	// assign to UV_pre
	// 	VectorXi I = VectorXi::LinSpaced(nV, 0, nV-1);
	// 	igl::slice(UVjoint,I,1,UV_pre);

	// 	// get UV_post
	// 	UV_post.resize(nV,2);
	// 	UV_post = UV_pre;
	// 	UV_post.row(vi) = UVjoint.row(vi_post);
	// }
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