function [] = sim_qualitycheck(rdmfile)
% excludes participants with low reliability on training RDM
% plots & saves reliability using different metrics
% input: file with rdm and training data
% output: none (saves updated input file)
% DC Dima 2020 (
%load data
%get path to save figures
[fpath,~,~] = fileparts(rdmfile);
fpath = fullfile(fpath,'figures');
if ~exist(fpath,'dir'), mkdir(fpath); end
%if the script is being rerun take the full rdm
if exist('full','var')
rdm = full.rdm;
qc = full.qc;
%save the data prior to exclusions
full.qc = qc;
full.rdm = rdm;
%first check reliability of training data - use Kendall's tau-A
qc_nc = sim_reliability(qc.rdm, fpath, 'Training RDM before exclusions',[]);
qc_looK = qc_nc.looK;
%get participants with too low reliability on training data
threshold = mean(qc_looK)-2*std(qc_looK);
unreliable_idx = qc_looK<=threshold;
fprintf('\n%d participants out of %d below threshold\n', sum(unreliable_idx),size(qc.rdm,1));
qc.rdm(unreliable_idx,:,:) = [];
rdm(unreliable_idx,:,:) = [];
%final reliability plots for training data & full data
close all
qc_nc = sim_reliability(qc.rdm, fpath, 'Training RDM', [0.5 0.8 0.7]); = qc_nc;
nc = sim_reliability(rdm, fpath, 'Full RDM' , []);