\name{vec2distm} \alias{vec2distm} \alias{vec2dist} \alias{lower2upper.tri.inds} \alias{diag.off} \alias{clus2memship} \alias{memship2clus} \title{ Various utility functions} \description{ \code{vec2distm} converts a vector to a distance matrix. \code{vec2dist} converts a vector to a \code{dist} structure. \code{lower2upper.tri.inds} is the same as \code{lower.to.upper.tri.inds} from package cluster. It computes an index vector for extracting or reordering a lower triangular matrix that is stored as a contiguous vectors. \code{diag.off} returns a vector of off-diagonal elements of a matrix. \code{off} specifies the distance above the main (0) diagonal. \code{clus2memship} converts a list whose ith element contains the indices of objects in the ith cluster into a vector whose ith element gives the cluster number of the ith object. \code{memship2clus} converts a vector whose ith element gives the cluster number of the ith object into a list whose ith element contains the indices of objects in the ith cluster. } \usage{ vec2distm(vec) vec2dist(vec) lower2upper.tri.inds(n) diag.off(m,off=1) clus2memship(clusters) memship2clus(memship) } \arguments{ \item{vec}{is a vector. } \item{n}{is an integer > 1. } \item{m} {is a matrix.} \item{clusters}{is a list whose ith element contains the indices of the objects belonging to the ith cluster.} \item{off}{is an integer specifying the distance above the main (0) diagonal.} \item{memship}{is a vector whose ith element gives the cluster number of the ith object.} } \author{ Catherine B. Hurley} %\note{ ~~further notes~~ } \seealso{ \code{\link{dist}}, \code{\link{diag}}. } \examples{ vec <- 1:15 vec2distm(vec) vec2dist(vec) diag.off(vec2distm(vec)) lower2upper.tri.inds(5) clus2memship(list(c(1,3,5),c(2,6),4)) memship2clus(c(1,3,4,2,1,4,2,3,2,3)) } \keyword{cluster}