/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" #ifdef _UNICOS #include #endif int epsilon[4][4] = { /* Levi-Cita epsilon */ {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1,-1, 1}, {0,-1, 1,-1}, {0, 1,-1, 1} }; /* =========================================================== Iterative solver also using multigrid ........ =========================================================== */ #ifndef USE_CUDA int solve_del2_u(E,d0,F,acc,high_lev) struct All_variables *E; double **d0; double **F; double acc; int high_lev; { void assemble_del2_u(); void e_assemble_del2_u(); void n_assemble_del2_u(); void strip_bcs_from_residual(); void gauss_seidel(); double conj_grad(); double multi_grid(); double global_vdot(); void record(); void report(); int count,counts,cycles,convergent,valid; int i, neq, m; char message[200]; double CPU_time0(),initial_time,time; double residual,prior_residual,r0; double *D1[NCS], *r[NCS], *Au[NCS]; neq = E->lmesh.NEQ[high_lev]; for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;icontrol.NMULTIGRID) { /* conjugate gradient solution */ cycles = E->control.v_steps_low; residual = conj_grad(E,d0,F,acc,&cycles,high_lev); valid = (residual < acc)? 1:0; } else { /* solve using multigrid */ counts =0; if(E->parallel.me==0){ /* output */ snprintf(message,200,"resi = %.6e for iter %d acc %.6e",residual,counts,acc); record(E,message); report(E,message); } do { residual=multi_grid(E,d0,F,acc,high_lev); valid = (residual < acc)?1:0; counts ++; if(E->parallel.me==0){ /* output */ snprintf(message,200,"resi = %.6e for iter %d acc %.6e",residual,counts,acc); record(E,message); report(E,message); } } while (!valid && counts < E->control.max_mg_cycles); cycles = counts; } /* Convergence check ..... We should give it a chance to recover if it briefly diverges initially, and don't worry about slower convergence if it is close to the answer */ if((count > 0) && (residual > r0*2.0) || (fabs(residual-prior_residual) < acc*0.1 && (residual > acc * 10.0)) ) convergent=0; else { convergent=1; prior_residual=residual; } if(E->control.print_convergence&&E->parallel.me==0) { fprintf(E->fp,"%s residual (%03d) = %.3e from %.3e to %.3e in %5.2f secs \n", (convergent ? " * ":"!!!"),cycles,residual,r0,acc,CPU_time0()-initial_time); fflush(E->fp); } count++; E->monitor.momentum_residual = residual; E->control.total_iteration_cycles += count; E->control.total_v_solver_calls += 1; return(valid); } #endif /* !USE_CUDA */ /* ================================= recursive multigrid function .... ================================= */ double multi_grid(E,d1,F,acc,hl) struct All_variables *E; double **d1; double **F; double acc; int hl; /* higher level of two */ { double residual,AudotAu; void interp_vector(); void project_vector(); int m,i,j,Vn,Vnmax,cycles; double alpha,beta; void gauss_seidel(); void element_gauss_seidel(); void e_assemble_del2_u(); void strip_bcs_from_residual(); void n_assemble_del2_u(); double conj_grad(),global_vdot(); FILE *fp; char filename[1000]; int lev,ic,ulev,dlev; const int levmin = E->mesh.levmin; const int levmax = E->mesh.levmax; double time1,time,CPU_time0(); double *res[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*AU[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; double *vel[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*del_vel[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; double *rhs[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*fl[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; /* because it's recursive, need a copy at each level */ for(i=E->mesh.levmin;i<=E->mesh.levmax;i++) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { del_vel[i][m]=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[i]+1)*sizeof(double)); AU[i][m] = (double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[i]+1)*sizeof(double)); vel[i][m]=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[i]+1)*sizeof(double)); res[i][m]=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[i])*sizeof(double)); if (imesh.levmax) fl[i][m]=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[i])*sizeof(double)); } Vnmax = E->control.mg_cycle; /* Project residual onto all the lower levels */ project_vector(E,levmax,F,fl[levmax-1],1); strip_bcs_from_residual(E,fl[levmax-1],levmax-1); for(lev=levmax-1;lev>levmin;lev--) { project_vector(E,lev,fl[lev],fl[lev-1],1); strip_bcs_from_residual(E,fl[lev-1],lev-1); } /* Solve for the lowest level */ /* time=CPU_time0(); */ cycles = E->control.v_steps_low; gauss_seidel(E,vel[levmin],fl[levmin],AU[levmin],acc*0.01,&cycles,levmin,0); for(lev=levmin+1;lev<=levmax;lev++) { time=CPU_time0(); /* Utilize coarse solution and smooth at this level */ interp_vector(E,lev-1,vel[lev-1],vel[lev]); strip_bcs_from_residual(E,vel[lev],lev); if (lev==levmax) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(j=0;jlmesh.NEQ[lev];j++) res[lev][m][j]=F[m][j]; else for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(j=0;jlmesh.NEQ[lev];j++) res[lev][m][j]=fl[lev][m][j]; for(Vn=1;Vn<=Vnmax;Vn++) { /* Downward stoke of the V */ for (dlev=lev;dlev>=levmin+1;dlev--) { /* Pre-smoothing */ cycles=((dlev==levmax)?E->control.v_steps_high:E->control.down_heavy); ic = ((dlev==lev)?1:0); gauss_seidel(E,vel[dlev],res[dlev],AU[dlev],0.01,&cycles,dlev,ic); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;ilmesh.NEQ[dlev];i++) { res[dlev][m][i] = res[dlev][m][i] - AU[dlev][m][i]; } project_vector(E,dlev,res[dlev],res[dlev-1],1); strip_bcs_from_residual(E,res[dlev-1],dlev-1); } /* Bottom of the V */ cycles = E->control.v_steps_low; gauss_seidel(E,vel[levmin],res[levmin],AU[levmin],acc*0.01,&cycles,levmin,0); /* Upward stoke of the V */ for (ulev=levmin+1;ulev<=lev;ulev++) { cycles=((ulev==levmax)?E->control.v_steps_high:E->control.up_heavy); interp_vector(E,ulev-1,vel[ulev-1],del_vel[ulev]); strip_bcs_from_residual(E,del_vel[ulev],ulev); gauss_seidel(E,del_vel[ulev],res[ulev],AU[ulev],0.01,&cycles,ulev,1); AudotAu = global_vdot(E,AU[ulev],AU[ulev],ulev); alpha = global_vdot(E,AU[ulev],res[ulev],ulev)/AudotAu; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;ilmesh.NEQ[ulev];i++) { vel[ulev][m][i] += alpha*del_vel[ulev][m][i]; } if (ulev ==levmax) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;ilmesh.NEQ[ulev];i++) { res[ulev][m][i] -= alpha*AU[ulev][m][i]; } } } } for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(j=0;jlmesh.NEQ[levmax];j++) { F[m][j]=res[levmax][m][j]; d1[m][j]+=vel[levmax][m][j]; } residual = sqrt(global_vdot(E,F,F,hl)); for(i=E->mesh.levmin;i<=E->mesh.levmax;i++) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { free((double*) del_vel[i][m]); free((double*) AU[i][m]); free((double*) vel[i][m]); free((double*) res[i][m]); if (imesh.levmax) free((double*) fl[i][m]); } return(residual); } /* =========================================================== Conjugate gradient relaxation for the matrix equation Kd = f Returns the residual reduction after itn iterations ... =========================================================== */ double conj_grad(E,d0,F,acc,cycles,level) struct All_variables *E; double **d0; double **F; double acc; int *cycles; int level; { double *r0[NCS],*r1[NCS],*r2[NCS]; double *z0[NCS],*z1[NCS],*z2[NCS]; double *p1[NCS],*p2[NCS]; double *Ap[NCS]; double *shuffle[NCS]; int m,count,i,steps; double residual; double alpha,beta,dotprod,dotr1z1,dotr0z0; double CPU_time0(),time; void parallel_process_termination(); void assemble_del2_u(); void strip_bcs_from_residual(); double global_vdot(); const int mem_lev=E->mesh.levmax; const int high_neq = E->lmesh.NEQ[level]; steps = *cycles; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { r0[m] = (double *)malloc(E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev]*sizeof(double)); r1[m] = (double *)malloc(E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev]*sizeof(double)); r2[m] = (double *)malloc(E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev]*sizeof(double)); z0[m] = (double *)malloc(E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev]*sizeof(double)); z1[m] = (double *)malloc(E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev]*sizeof(double)); p1[m] = (double *)malloc((1+E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev])*sizeof(double)); p2[m] = (double *)malloc((1+E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev])*sizeof(double)); Ap[m] = (double *)malloc((1+E->lmesh.NEQ[mem_lev])*sizeof(double)); } for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;i acc) && (count < steps)) || count == 0) { for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;iBI[level][m][i] * r1[m][i]; dotr1z1 = global_vdot(E,r1,z1,level); if (0==count) for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { shuffle[m] = r0[m]; r0[m] = r1[m]; r1[m] = r2[m]; r2[m] = shuffle[m]; shuffle[m] = z0[m]; z0[m] = z1[m]; z1[m] = shuffle[m]; shuffle[m] = p1[m]; p1[m] = p2[m]; p2[m] = shuffle[m]; } count++; /* end of while-loop */ } *cycles=count; strip_bcs_from_residual(E,d0,level); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { free((double*) r0[m]); free((double*) r1[m]); free((double*) r2[m]); free((double*) z0[m]); free((double*) z1[m]); free((double*) p1[m]); free((double*) p2[m]); free((double*) Ap[m]); } return(residual); } /* ======================================================================================== An element by element version of the gauss-seidel routine. Initially this is a test platform, we want to know if it handles discontinuities any better than the node/equation versions =========================================================================================*/ void element_gauss_seidel(E,d0,F,Ad,acc,cycles,level,guess) struct All_variables *E; double **d0; double **F,**Ad; double acc; int *cycles; int level; int guess; { int count,i,j,k,l,m,ns,nc,d,steps,loc; int p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3; int e,eq,node,node1; int element,eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,eqn11,eqn12,eqn13; void e_assemble_del2_u(); void n_assemble_del2_u(); void strip_bcs_from_residual(); double U1[24],AD1[24],F1[24]; double w1,w2,w3; double w11,w12,w13; double w[24]; double *dd[NCS],*elt_k; int *vis[NCS]; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; const int ends=enodes[dims]; const int n=loc_mat_size[E->mesh.nsd]; const int neq=E->lmesh.NEQ[level]; const int nel=E->lmesh.NEL[level]; const int nno=E->lmesh.NNO[level]; steps=*cycles; for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { dd[m] = (double *)malloc(neq*sizeof(double)); vis[m] = (int *)malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(int)); } elt_k=(double *)malloc((24*24)*sizeof(double)); if(guess){ e_assemble_del2_u(E,d0,Ad,level,1); } else { for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=1;i<=nno;i++) vis[m][i]=0; for(e=1;e<=nel;e++) { elt_k = E->elt_k[level][m][e].k; for(i=1;i<=ends;i++) { node=E->IEN[level][m][e].node[i]; p1=(i-1)*dims; w[p1] = w[p1+1] = w[p1+2] = 1.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node] & VBX) w[p1] = 0.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node] & VBY) w[p1+1] = 0.0; if(E->NODE[level][m][node] & VBZ) w[p1+2] = 0.0; } for(i=1;i<=ends;i++) { node=E->IEN[level][m][e].node[i]; if(!vis[m][node]) continue; eqn1=E->ID[level][m][node].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][node].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][node].doff[3]; p1=(i-1)*dims*n; p2=p1+n; p3=p2+n; /* update Au */ for(j=1;j<=ends;j++) { node1=E->IEN[level][m][e].node[j]; eqn11=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[1]; eqn12=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[2]; eqn13=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[3]; q1=(j-1)*3; Ad[m][eqn11] += w[q1]*(elt_k[p1+q1] * dd[m][eqn1] + elt_k[p2+q1] * dd[m][eqn2] + elt_k[p3+q1] * dd[m][eqn3]); Ad[m][eqn12] += w[q1+1]*(elt_k[p1+q1+1] * dd[m][eqn1] + elt_k[p2+q1+1] * dd[m][eqn2] + elt_k[p3+q1+1] * dd[m][eqn3]); Ad[m][eqn13] += w[q1+2]*(elt_k[p1+q1+2] * dd[m][eqn1] + elt_k[p2+q1+2] * dd[m][eqn2] + elt_k[p3+q1+2] * dd[m][eqn3]); } } for(i=1;i<=ends;i++) { node=E->IEN[level][m][e].node[i]; if(vis[m][node]) continue; eqn1=E->ID[level][m][node].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][node].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][node].doff[3]; p1=(i-1)*dims*n; p2=p1+n; p3=p2+n; /* update dd, d0 */ d0[m][eqn1] += (dd[m][eqn1] = w[(i-1)*dims]*(F[m][eqn1]-Ad[m][eqn1])*E->BI[level][m][eqn1]); d0[m][eqn2] += (dd[m][eqn2] = w[(i-1)*dims+1]*(F[m][eqn2]-Ad[m][eqn2])*E->BI[level][m][eqn2]); d0[m][eqn3] += (dd[m][eqn3] = w[(i-1)*dims+2]*(F[m][eqn3]-Ad[m][eqn3])*E->BI[level][m][eqn3]); vis[m][node]=1; /* update Au */ for(j=1;j<=ends;j++) { node1=E->IEN[level][m][e].node[j]; eqn11=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[1]; eqn12=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[2]; eqn13=E->ID[level][m][node1].doff[3]; q1=(j-1)*3; q2=q1+1; q3=q1+2; Ad[m][eqn11] += w[q1]*(elt_k[p1+q1] * dd[m][eqn1] + elt_k[p2+q1] * dd[m][eqn2] + elt_k[p3+q1] * dd[m][eqn3]); Ad[m][eqn12] += w[q2]*(elt_k[p1+q2] * dd[m][eqn1] + elt_k[p2+q2] * dd[m][eqn2] + elt_k[p3+q2] * dd[m][eqn3]); Ad[m][eqn13] += w[q3]*(elt_k[p1+q3] * dd[m][eqn1] + elt_k[p2+q3] * dd[m][eqn2] + elt_k[p3+q3] * dd[m][eqn3]); } } } /* end for el */ } /* end for m */ (E->solver.exchange_id_d)(E, Ad, level); (E->solver.exchange_id_d)(E, d0, level); /* completed cycle */ count++; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { free((double*) dd[m]); free((int*) vis[m]); } free((double*) elt_k); return; } /* ============================================================================ Multigrid Gauss-Seidel relaxation scheme which requires the storage of local information, otherwise some other method is required. NOTE this is a bit worse than real gauss-seidel because it relaxes all the equations for a node at one time (Jacobi at a node). It does the job though. ============================================================================ */ void gauss_seidel(E,d0,F,Ad,acc,cycles,level,guess) struct All_variables *E; double **d0; double **F,**Ad; double acc; int *cycles; int level; int guess; { int count,i,j,k,l,m,ns,steps; int *C; int eqn1,eqn2,eqn3; void parallel_process_termination(); void n_assemble_del2_u(); double U1,U2,U3,UU; double sor,residual,global_vdot(); higher_precision *B1,*B2,*B3; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; const int ends=enodes[dims]; const int n=loc_mat_size[E->mesh.nsd]; const int neq=E->lmesh.NEQ[level]; const int num_nodes=E->lmesh.NNO[level]; const int nox=E->lmesh.NOX[level]; const int noz=E->lmesh.NOY[level]; const int noy=E->lmesh.NOZ[level]; const int max_eqn=14*dims; const double zeroo = 0.0; steps=*cycles; sor = 1.3; if(guess) { n_assemble_del2_u(E,d0,Ad,level,1); } else for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;isphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(j=0;j<=E->lmesh.NEQ[level];j++) E->temp[m][j] = zeroo; for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) Ad[m][neq] = zeroo; for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[level];i++) if(E->NODE[level][m][i] & OFFSIDE) { eqn1=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; E->temp[m][eqn1] = (F[m][eqn1] - Ad[m][eqn1])*E->BI[level][m][eqn1]; E->temp[m][eqn2] = (F[m][eqn2] - Ad[m][eqn2])*E->BI[level][m][eqn2]; E->temp[m][eqn3] = (F[m][eqn3] - Ad[m][eqn3])*E->BI[level][m][eqn3]; E->temp1[m][eqn1] = Ad[m][eqn1]; E->temp1[m][eqn2] = Ad[m][eqn2]; E->temp1[m][eqn3] = Ad[m][eqn3]; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[level];i++) { eqn1=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; C=E->Node_map[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; B1=E->Eqn_k1[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; B2=E->Eqn_k2[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; B3=E->Eqn_k3[level][m]+(i-1)*max_eqn; /* Ad on boundaries differs after the following operation, but no communications are needed yet, because boundary Ad will not be used for the G-S iterations for interior nodes */ for(j=3;jtemp[m][C[j]]; Ad[m][eqn1] += B1[j]*UU; Ad[m][eqn2] += B2[j]*UU; Ad[m][eqn3] += B3[j]*UU; } if (!(E->NODE[level][m][i]&OFFSIDE)) { E->temp[m][eqn1] = (F[m][eqn1] - Ad[m][eqn1])*E->BI[level][m][eqn1]; E->temp[m][eqn2] = (F[m][eqn2] - Ad[m][eqn2])*E->BI[level][m][eqn2]; E->temp[m][eqn3] = (F[m][eqn3] - Ad[m][eqn3])*E->BI[level][m][eqn3]; } /* Ad on boundaries differs after the following operation */ for(j=0;jtemp[m][eqn1] + B2[j]*E->temp[m][eqn2] + B3[j]*E->temp[m][eqn3]; d0[m][eqn1] += E->temp[m][eqn1]; d0[m][eqn2] += E->temp[m][eqn2]; d0[m][eqn3] += E->temp[m][eqn3]; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[level];i++) if(E->NODE[level][m][i] & OFFSIDE) { eqn1=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; Ad[m][eqn1] -= E->temp1[m][eqn1]; Ad[m][eqn2] -= E->temp1[m][eqn2]; Ad[m][eqn3] -= E->temp1[m][eqn3]; } (E->solver.exchange_id_d)(E, Ad, level); for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NNO[level];i++) if(E->NODE[level][m][i] & OFFSIDE) { eqn1=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[1]; eqn2=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[2]; eqn3=E->ID[level][m][i].doff[3]; Ad[m][eqn1] += E->temp1[m][eqn1]; Ad[m][eqn2] += E->temp1[m][eqn2]; Ad[m][eqn3] += E->temp1[m][eqn3]; } count++; /* for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=0;i3) printf("Error, no cofactors for matrix more than 3x3\n"); p=q=1; for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { if(k==i) continue; for(l=1;l<=n;l++) { if (l==j) continue; B[p][q]=A[k][l]; q++ ; } q=1;p++; } return(epsilon[i][j]*determinant(B,n-1)); } /* Fast (conditional) determinant for 3x3 or 2x2 ... otherwise calls general routine */ double determinant(A,n) double A[4][4]; int n; { double gen_determinant(); switch (n) { case 1: return(A[1][1]); case 2: return(A[1][1]*A[2][2]-A[1][2]*A[2][1]); case 3: return(A[1][1]*(A[2][2]*A[3][3]-A[2][3]*A[3][2])- A[1][2]*(A[2][1]*A[3][3]-A[2][3]*A[3][1])+ A[1][3]*(A[2][1]*A[3][2]-A[2][2]*A[3][1])); default: return(1); /* return(gen_determinant(A,n)); */ } } /* recursive function to determine matrix determinant */ double gen_determinant(A,n) double **A; int n; { double det; double cofactor(); int i; if(n==1) return(A[1][1]); /* need a way to break the recursion */ det=0.0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) det += A[1][i]*cofactor(A,1,i,n); return(det); } long double lg_pow(long double a, int n) { /* compute the value of "a" raised to the power of "n" */ long double b = 1.0; int i; for(i=0; i