citHeader("To cite GsymPoint in publications use:") citEntry(entry = "Article", title = "{GsymPoint}: An {R} Package to Estimate the Generalized Symmetry Point, an Optimal Cut-off Point for Binary Classification in Continuous Diagnostic Tests", author = personList(as.person("M{\\'o}nica L{\\'o}pez-Rat{\\'o}n"), as.person("Elisa M. Molanes-L{\\'o}pez"), as.person("Emilio Let{\\'o}n"), as.person("Carmen Cadarso Su{\\'a}rez")), journal = "The R Journal (accepted)", year = "2017", volume = "", number = "", pages = "", url = "", textVersion = paste("Monica Lopez-Raton, Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez, Carmen Cadarso Suarez, Francisco Gude Sampedro (2017).", "GsymPoint: An R Package to Estimate the Generalized Symmetry Point, an Optimal Cut-off Point for Binary Classification in Continuous Diagnostic Tests.", "The R Journal (accepted).") )