// Geometric Tools, LLC
// Copyright (c) 1998-2012
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// File Version: 5.0.1 (2010/10/01)
#include "NURBSCurve.h"
#include "LineSegment.h"
namespace NURBS
template <typename Real>
NURBSCurve<Real>::NURBSCurve (
const Array1D_Vector3 & ctrlPoint, const Array1D_Real & ctrlWeight, int degree,
bool loop, bool open)
SingleCurve<Real>((Real)0, (Real)1),
int numCtrlPoints = ctrlPoint.size();
assertion(numCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= degree && degree <= numCtrlPoints-1, "Invalid input\n");
mNumCtrlPoints = numCtrlPoints;
mReplicate = (loop ? (open ? 1 : degree) : 0);
CreateControl(ctrlPoint, ctrlWeight);
mBasis.Create(mNumCtrlPoints + mReplicate, degree, open);
template <typename Real>
NURBSCurve<Real>::NURBSCurve (int numCtrlPoints,
const Array1D_Vector3 & ctrlPoint, const Array1D_Real & ctrlWeight, int degree,
bool loop, const Real* knot)
SingleCurve<Real>((Real)0, (Real)1),
assertion(numCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= degree && degree <= numCtrlPoints-1, "Invalid input\n");
mNumCtrlPoints = numCtrlPoints;
mReplicate = (loop ? 1 : 0);
CreateControl(ctrlPoint, ctrlWeight);
mBasis.Create(mNumCtrlPoints + mReplicate, degree, knot);
template <typename Real>
NURBSCurve<Real> NURBSCurve<Real>::createCurve( Vector3 from, Vector3 to, int steps )
std::vector<Vector3> ctrlPoint;
int degree = 3;
Vector3 delta = (to - from) / steps;
for(int i = 0; i <= steps; i++)
ctrlPoint.push_back(from + (delta * i));
std::vector<Real> ctrlWeight(ctrlPoint.size(), 1.0);
return NURBSCurve(ctrlPoint, ctrlWeight, degree, false, true);
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::CreateControl (const Array1D_Vector3 & ctrlPoint, const Array1D_Real & ctrlWeight)
int newNumCtrlPoints = mNumCtrlPoints + mReplicate;
newNumCtrlPoints = newNumCtrlPoints;
mCtrlPoint = ctrlPoint;
mCtrlWeight = ctrlWeight;
for (int i = 0; i < mReplicate; ++i)
mCtrlPoint[mNumCtrlPoints+i] = ctrlPoint[i];
mCtrlWeight[mNumCtrlPoints+i] = ctrlWeight[i];
template <typename Real>
int NURBSCurve<Real>::GetNumCtrlPoints () const
return mNumCtrlPoints;
template <typename Real>
int NURBSCurve<Real>::GetDegree () const
return mBasis.GetDegree();
template <typename Real>
bool NURBSCurve<Real>::IsOpen () const
return mBasis.IsOpen();
template <typename Real>
bool NURBSCurve<Real>::IsUniform () const
return mBasis.IsUniform();
template <typename Real>
bool NURBSCurve<Real>::IsLoop () const
return mLoop;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::SetControlPoint (int i, const Vector3& ctrl)
if (0 <= i && i < mNumCtrlPoints)
// Set the control point.
mCtrlPoint[i] = ctrl;
// Set the replicated control point.
if (i < mReplicate)
mCtrlPoint[mNumCtrlPoints+i] = ctrl;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::GetControlPoint (int i) const
if (0 <= i && i < mNumCtrlPoints)
return mCtrlPoint[i];
return Vector3(std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(),
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::SetControlWeight (int i, Real weight)
if (0 <= i && i < mNumCtrlPoints)
// Set the control weight.
mCtrlWeight[i] = weight;
// Set the replicated control weight.
if (i < mReplicate)
mCtrlWeight[mNumCtrlPoints+i] = weight;
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSCurve<Real>::GetControlWeight (int i) const
if (0 <= i && i < mNumCtrlPoints)
return mCtrlWeight[i];
return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::SetKnot (int i, Real knot)
mBasis.SetKnot(i, knot);
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSCurve<Real>::GetKnot (int i) const
return mBasis.GetKnot(i);
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::Get (Real t, Vector3* pos,
Vector3* der1, Vector3* der2, Vector3* der3)
int i, imin, imax;
if (der3)
mBasis.Compute(t, 0, imin, imax);
mBasis.Compute(t, 1, imin, imax);
mBasis.Compute(t, 2, imin, imax);
mBasis.Compute(t, 3, imin, imax);
else if (der2)
mBasis.Compute(t, 0, imin, imax);
mBasis.Compute(t, 1, imin, imax);
mBasis.Compute(t, 2, imin, imax);
else if (der1)
mBasis.Compute(t, 0, imin, imax);
mBasis.Compute(t, 1, imin, imax);
else // pos
mBasis.Compute(t, 0, imin, imax);
Real tmp;
// Compute position.
Vector3 X = Vector3_ZERO;
Real w = (Real)0;
for (i = imin; i <= imax; ++i)
tmp = mBasis.GetD0(i)*mCtrlWeight[i];
X += tmp*mCtrlPoint[i];
w += tmp;
Real invW = ((Real)1)/w;
Vector3 P = invW*X;
if (pos)
*pos = P;
if (!der1 && !der2 && !der3)
// Compute first derivative.
Vector3 XDer1 = Vector3_ZERO;
Real wDer1 = (Real)0;
for (i = imin; i <= imax; ++i)
tmp = mBasis.GetD1(i)*mCtrlWeight[i];
XDer1 += tmp*mCtrlPoint[i];
wDer1 += tmp;
Vector3 PDer1 = invW*(XDer1 - wDer1*P);
if (der1)
*der1 = PDer1;
if (!der2 && !der3)
// Compute second derivative.
Vector3 XDer2 = Vector3_ZERO;
Real wDer2 = (Real)0;
for (i = imin; i <= imax; ++i)
tmp = mBasis.GetD2(i)*mCtrlWeight[i];
XDer2 += tmp*mCtrlPoint[i];
wDer2 += tmp;
Vector3 PDer2 = invW*(XDer2 - ((Real)2)*wDer1*PDer1 - wDer2*P);
if (der2)
*der2 = PDer2;
if (!der3)
// Compute third derivative.
Vector3 XDer3 = Vector3_ZERO;
Real wDer3 = (Real)0;
for (i = imin; i <= imax; ++i)
tmp = mBasis.GetD3(i)*mCtrlWeight[i];
XDer3 += tmp*mCtrlPoint[i];
wDer3 += tmp;
if (der3)
*der3 = invW*(XDer3 - ((Real)3)*wDer1*PDer2 -
((Real)3)*wDer2*PDer1 - wDer3*P);
template <typename Real>
BSplineBasis<Real>& NURBSCurve<Real>::GetBasis ()
return mBasis;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::GetPosition (Real t)
Vector3 pos;
Get(t, &pos, 0, 0, 0);
return pos;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::GetFirstDerivative (Real t)
Vector3 der1;
Get(t, 0, &der1, 0, 0);
return der1;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::GetSecondDerivative (Real t)
Vector3 der2;
Get(t, 0, 0, &der2, 0);
return der2;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::GetThirdDerivative (Real t)
Vector3 der3;
Get(t, 0, 0, 0, &der3);
return der3;
template <typename Real>
std::vector<Vector3> NURBSCurve<Real>::getControlPoints()
return mCtrlPoint;
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSCurve<Real>::timeAt( const Vector3 & pos )
int segmentCount = 100;
std::vector<Real> times;
this->SubdivideByLengthTime(segmentCount, times);
int minIdx = 0;
double t = 0.0;
Vector3 d(0,0,0);
Scalar minDist = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
for(int i = 0; i < ((int)times.size()) - 1; i++)
Line segment(this->GetPosition(times[i]), this->GetPosition(times[i+1]));
segment.ClosestPoint(pos, t, d);
Scalar dist = (pos - d).norm();
if(dist < minDist){
minDist = dist;
minIdx = i;
Line closestSegment(this->GetPosition(times[minIdx]), this->GetPosition(times[minIdx+1]));
closestSegment.ClosestPoint(pos, t, d);
return qRanged(0.0, ((1-t) * times[minIdx]) + (t * times[minIdx+1]), 1.0);
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSCurve<Real>::fastTimeAt( const Vector3 & pos )
int segmentCount = 6;
std::vector<Real> times;
this->SubdivideByLengthTime(segmentCount, times);
int minIdx = 0;
double t = 0.0;
Vector3 d(0,0,0);
Scalar minDist = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
for(int i = 0; i < ((int)times.size()) - 1; i++){
Line segment(this->GetPosition(times[i]), this->GetPosition(times[i+1]));
segment.ClosestPoint(pos, t, d);
Scalar dist = (pos - d).norm();
if(dist < minDist){
minDist = dist;
minIdx = i;
Line closestSegment(this->GetPosition(times[minIdx]), this->GetPosition(times[minIdx+1]));
closestSegment.ClosestPoint(pos, t, d);
return qRanged(0.0, ((1-t) * times[minIdx]) + (t * times[minIdx+1]), 1.0);
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::translate( const Vector3 & delta )
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mCtrlPoint.size(); i++)
mCtrlPoint[i] += delta;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::scale( Scalar scaleFactor )
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mCtrlPoint.size(); i++)
mCtrlPoint[i] *= scaleFactor;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::scaleInPlace( Scalar scaleFactor, int placeCtrlPoint )
Vector3 delta = mCtrlPoint[placeCtrlPoint];
translate( -delta );
translate( delta );
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::translateTo( const Vector3 & newPos, int cpIDX )
Vector3d cp = mCtrlPoint[cpIDX];
Vector3d delta = newPos - cp;
for(int i = 0; i < GetNumCtrlPoints(); i++)
mCtrlPoint[i] += delta;
template <typename Real>
std::vector < std::vector<Vector3> > NURBSCurve<Real>::toSegments( Scalar resolution )
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > segments;
double firstTwoDist = (mCtrlPoint[0] - mCtrlPoint[1]).norm();
if(firstTwoDist < resolution * 0.0001){
return segments;
Scalar curveLength = this->GetLength(0,1);
// For singular cases
if(curveLength < resolution){
return segments;
// Get a curve polyline for given resolution
int np = 1 + (curveLength / resolution);
std::vector<Vector3> pts;
this->SubdivideByLength(np, pts);
for(int i = 0; i < np - 1; i++)
std::vector<Vector3> segment;
return segments;
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Real NURBSCurve<Real>::GetKnotVector(bool isInnerOnly)
int d = this->GetDegree();
Array1D_Real result(mBasis.mKnot.begin() + d, mBasis.mKnot.end() - d);
return result;
return this->mBasis.mKnot;
template <typename Real>
int NURBSCurve<Real>::findSpan(int n, int p, Real u, Array1D_Real U)
int low, high, mid;
if (u == U[n+1]) return(n);
low = p;
high = n+1;
mid = (int)(low+high)/2;
while (u < U[mid] || u >= U[mid+1])
if (u < U[mid])
high = mid;
else low = mid;
mid = (int)(low+high)/2;
return mid;
template <typename Real>
int NURBSCurve<Real>::findSpan(Real u)
return findSpan(this->mCtrlPoint.size() - 1, GetDegree(), u, GetKnotVector() );
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Vector3 NURBS::NURBSCurve<Real>::midPointRefined()
Array1D_Vector3 newCtrlPoints;
Array1D_Real Ubar;
computeMidPointRefine(newCtrlPoints, Ubar);
return newCtrlPoints;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::computeMidPointRefine( Array1D_Vector3 & Qw, Array1D_Real & Ubar )
std::vector<Real> insknts;
Array1D_Real oldKnotVec = GetKnotVector(true);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)oldKnotVec.size() - 1; i++){
double range = (oldKnotVec[i+1] - oldKnotVec[i]);
insknts.push_back( (0.5 * range) + oldKnotVec[i] );
refine(insknts, Qw, Ubar);
template <typename Real>
void NURBSCurve<Real>::refine(Array1D_Real & insknts, Array1D_Vector3 & Qw, Array1D_Real & Ubar )
// Input
Array1D_Real X = insknts;
Array1D_Vector3 Pw = this->mCtrlPoint;
Array1D_Real U = GetKnotVector();
int s = insknts.size();
int order = this->GetDegree() + 1;
int p = order - 1;
int n = Pw.size() - 1;
int r = X.size() - 1;
int m = n+p+1;
// Output
Qw.resize ( n+s+1, Vector3(0,0,0) );
Ubar.resize ( m+s+1, 0 );
int a = findSpan(n,p,X[0],U);
int b = findSpan(n,p,X[r],U) + 1;
int j = 0;
for(j=0 ; j<=a-p; j++) Qw[j] = Pw[j];
for(j=b-1; j<=n ; j++) Qw[j+r+1] = Pw[j];
for(j=0 ; j<=a ; j++) Ubar[j] = U[j];
for(j=b+p; j<=m ; j++) Ubar[j+r+1] = U[j];
int i = b+p-1;
int k = b+p+r;
Real alfa = 0;
for (int j=r; j>=0; j--)
while (X[j] <= U[i] && i > a) {
Qw[k-p-1] = Pw[i-p-1];
Ubar[k] = U[i];
k = k - 1;
i = i - 1;
Qw[k-p-1] = Qw[k-p];
for (int l=1; l<=p; l++)
int ind = k-p+l;
alfa = Ubar[k+l] - X[j];
if (fabs(alfa) == 0.0)
Qw[ind-1] = Qw[ind];
alfa = alfa / (Ubar[k+l] - U[i-p+l]);
Qw[ind-1] = alfa * Qw[ind-1] + (1.0 - alfa) * Qw[ind];
Ubar[k] = X[j];
k = k - 1;
/* @param u Parametric coordinate of breaking point
@param k Knot index of insertion point
@param s Knot multiplicity at k
@param r Number of times a knot should be inserted */
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Real NURBSCurve<Real>::insertKnot(Real u, int k, int s, int r, Array1D_Vector3 & Qw, int * uq)
Array1D_Real UP = GetKnotVector();
Array1D_Vector3 Pw = mCtrlPoint;
Array1D_Real UQ;
Array1D_Vector3 Rw;
Scalar alpha;
int L = 0;
int order = this->GetDegree() + 1;
int p = order - 1;
int np = Pw.size() - 1;
int mp = np+p+1;
int nq = np+r;
// Define array
// Load new knot vector
for (int i=0; i<=k; i++) UQ[i] = UP[i];
for (int i=1; i<=r; i++) UQ[k+i] = u;
for (int i=k+1; i<=mp; i++) UQ[i+r] = UP[i];
// Save unaltered control points
for (int i=0; i<=k-p; i++) Qw[i] = Pw[i];
for (int i=k-s; i<=np; i++) Qw[i+r] = Pw[i];
for (int i=0; i<=p-s; i++) Rw[i] = Pw[k-p+i];
// Insert the knot r times
for (int j=1; j<=r; j++)
L = k-p+j;
for (int i=0; i<=p-j-s; i++)
alpha = (u-UP[L+i])/(UP[i+k+1]-UP[L+i]);
Rw[i] = alpha*Rw[i+1] + (1.0 - alpha) * Rw[i];
Qw[L] = Rw[0];
Qw[k+r-j-s] = Rw[p-j-s];
// Load remaining control points
for (int i=L+1; i<k-s; i++)
Qw[i] = Rw[i-L];
if(uq) *uq = k-p+1;
return UQ;
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::simpleRefine( int k )
if(k <= 0) return this->mCtrlPoint;
NURBSCurve<Real> curCurve = *this;
for(int i = 0; i < k ; i++)
int segment = 0;
double maxDist = -DBL_MAX;
// Find longest segment
for(int j = 0; j < (int)(curCurve.mCtrlPoint.size() - 1); j++)
double dist = (curCurve.mCtrlPoint[j+1] - curCurve.mCtrlPoint[j]).norm();
if(dist > maxDist){
maxDist = dist;
segment = j;
// Insert knot at middle of longest segment
Array1D_Real U = curCurve.GetKnotVector(true);
double t = double(segment) / (curCurve.mCtrlPoint.size()-2);
int idx = t * (U.size()-2);
double range = U[idx+1] - U[idx];
double u = (0.5 * range) + U[idx];
Array1D_Vector3 newPnts;
Array1D_Real Ubar;
Array1D_Real insk = Array1D_Real(1,u);
curCurve.refine(insk, newPnts, Ubar);
// Update control points
curCurve = NURBSCurve<Real>::createCurveFromPoints(newPnts);
return Array1D_Vector3(curCurve.mCtrlPoint.begin(),curCurve.mCtrlPoint.end());
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSCurve<Real>::KnotRemovalError( int r, int s )
Array1D_Real U = GetKnotVector();
Array1D_Vector3 P = mCtrlPoint;
Array1D_Vector3 temp(P.size(), Vector3(0,0,0)) ;
int deg_ = GetDegree();
int ord = deg_+1 ;
int last = r-s ;
int first = r-deg_ ;
int off ;
int i,j,ii,jj ;
Real alfi,alfj ;
Real u ;
u = U[r] ;
off = first-1;
temp[0] = P[off] ;
temp[last+1-off] = P[last+1] ;
i=first ; j=last ;
ii=1 ; jj=last-off ;
alfi = (u-U[i])/(U[i+ord]-U[i]) ;
alfj = (u-U[j])/(U[j+ord]-U[j]) ;
temp[ii] = (P[i]-(1.0-alfi)*temp[ii-1])/alfi ;
temp[jj] = (P[j]-alfj*temp[jj+1])/(1.0-alfj) ;
++i ; ++ii ;
--j ; --jj ;
return (temp[ii-1]-temp[jj+1]).norm() ;
alfi=(u-U[i])/(U[i+ord]-U[i]) ;
return (P[i]-alfi*temp[ii+1]+(1.0-alfi)*temp[ii-1]).norm() ;
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Vector3 NURBSCurve<Real>::removeKnots(int iterations)
NURBSCurve<Real> curCurve = *this;
for(int itr = 0; itr < iterations; itr++)
Array1D_Real U = curCurve.GetKnotVector();
Array1D_Vector3 P = curCurve.mCtrlPoint;
int p = curCurve.GetDegree();
QMap<Real, int> errors;
for(int i = p + 1; i < (int)U.size() - 1; i++)
if(U[i] < U[i+1])
errors[ curCurve.KnotRemovalError(i, 1) ] = i;
int r = errors.values().at(itr); // Knot to remove
int num = 1;
int s = 1;
int deg_ = curCurve.GetDegree();
int m = U.size() ;
int ord = deg_+1 ;
int fout = (2*r-s-deg_)/2 ;
int last = r-s ;
int first = r-deg_ ;
Real alfi, alfj ;
int i,j,k,ii,jj,off ;
Real u ;
Array1D_Vector3 temp( 2*deg_+1, Vector3(0,0,0) ) ;
u = U[r] ;
int t;
off = first-1 ;
temp[0] = P[off] ;
temp[last+1-off] = P[last+1] ;
i = first; j = last ;
ii = 1 ; jj = last-off ;
while(j-i > t){
alfi = (u-U[i])/(U[i+ord+t]-U[i]) ;
alfj = (u-U[j-t])/(U[j+ord]-U[j-t]) ;
temp[ii] = (P[i]-(1.0-alfi)*temp[ii-1])/alfi ;
temp[jj] = (P[j]-alfj*temp[jj+1])/(1.0-alfj) ;
++i ; ++ii ;
--j ; --jj ;
i = first ; j = last ;
P[i] = temp[i-off] ;
P[j] = temp[j-off] ;
++i; --j ;
--first ; ++last ;
if(t == 0)
return P;
for(k=r+1; k<m ; ++k)
U[k-t] = U[k] ;
j = fout ; i=j ; // Pj thru Pi will be overwritten
for(k=1; k<t; k++)
if( (k%2) == 1)
++i ;
--j ;
for(k=i+1; k<(int)P.size() ; k++) {// Shift
P[j++] = P[k] ;
P.resize(P.size() - t);
curCurve = createCurveFromPoints(P);
return curCurve.mCtrlPoint;
// Explicit instantiation.
//class NURBSCurve<float>;
class NURBSCurve<double>;