@string{Econmtca = "Econometrica"} @string{ContProbSt = "Contributions to Prob. and Stat. in Honour of Gunar Blom"} @string{StPrLet = "Stat. and Prob. Letters"} @string{STB = "Stata Technical Bulletin"} @string{StatSci = "Stat. Science"} @string{SqtlAnly = "Sequential Analysis"} @string{AnlsStat = "Annals of Stat."} @string{AnlsMStat = "Annals of Math. Stat."} @string{JEL = "J. of Economic Lit."} @string{EL = "Economics Letters"} @string{EE = "Empirical Economics"} @string{JLS = "J. of Legal Studies"} @string{JPE = "J. of Political Economy"} @string{JEH = "J. of Economic History"} @string{AER = "American Economic Review"} @string{ILRR = "Ind. and Labor Relations Rev."} @string{CandJSt = "Canadian J. of Stat."} @string{ScandJSt = "Scand. J. of Stat."} @string{CmpStDA = "Comp. Stat. and Data Anal."} @string{ET = "Econometric Theory"} @string{EnvrMtrc = "Environmetrics"} @string{JHumRec = "J. of Human Resources"} @string{EcLet = "Economics Letters"} @string{JASA = "J. of Am. Stat. Assoc."} @string{JMA = "J. Mult. Analysis."} @string{JEx = "J. Econometrics"} @string{JAPEx = "J. Applied Econometrics"} @string{AsymptStat5 = "Asymptotic Statistics: Proceedings of the 5th Prague Symposium"} @string{Biomtrka = "Biometrika"} @string{MatSb = "Matematiceskii Sbornik"} @string{JRSS-B = "J. Royal Stat. Soc. (B)"} @string{JRSSA = "J. Royal Stat. Soc. (A)"} @string{ApStat = "Applied Stat."} @string{ProbFields = "Prob. Theory and Related Fields"} @string{ThProbAp = "Theory of Prob. and its Apps"} @string{JNnparSt = "J. of Nonparametric Stat."} @string{JCGS = "J. of Computation and Graphical Stat."} @string{CommStA = "Communications in Stat. (A)"} @string{SV = "Springer-Verlag"}