\name{connected.lpp} \alias{connected.lpp} \title{ Connected Components of a Point Pattern on a Linear Network } \description{ Finds the topologically-connected components of a point pattern on a linear network, when all pairs of points closer than a threshold distance are joined. } \usage{ \method{connected}{lpp}(X, R=Inf, \dots, dismantle=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{X}{ A linear network (object of class \code{"lpp"}). } \item{R}{ Threshold distance. Pairs of points will be joined together if they are closer than \code{R} units apart, measured by the shortest path in the network. The default \code{R=Inf} implies that points will be joined together if they are mutually connected by any path in the network. } \item{dismantle}{ Logical. If \code{TRUE} (the default), the network itself will be divided into its path-connected components using \code{\link{connected.linnet}}. } \item{\dots}{ Ignored. } } \details{ The function \code{connected} is generic. This is the method for point patterns on a linear network (objects of class \code{"lpp"}). It divides the point pattern \code{X} into one or more groups of points. If \code{R=Inf} (the default), then \code{X} is divided into groups such that any pair of points in the same group can be joined by a path in the network. If \code{R} is a finite number, then two points of \code{X} are declared to be \emph{R-close} if they lie closer than \code{R} units apart, measured by the length of the shortest path in the network. Two points are \emph{R-connected} if they can be reached by a series of steps between R-close pairs of points of \code{X}. Then \code{X} is divided into groups such that any pair of points in the same group is R-connected. If \code{dismantle=TRUE} (the default) the algorithm first checks whether the network is connected (i.e. whether any pair of vertices can be joined by a path in the network), and if not, the network is decomposed into its connected components. } \value{ A point pattern (of class \code{"lpp"}) with marks indicating the grouping, or a list of such point patterns. } \author{ \adrian. } \seealso{ \code{\link{thinNetwork}} } \examples{ ## behaviour like connected.ppp U <- runiflpp(20, simplenet) plot(connected(U, 0.15, dismantle=FALSE)) ## behaviour like connected.owin ## remove some edges from a network to make it disconnected plot(simplenet, col="grey", main="", lty=2) A <- thinNetwork(simplenet, retainedges=-c(3,5)) plot(A, add=TRUE, lwd=2) X <- runiflpp(10, A) ## find the connected components cX <- connected(X) plot(cX[[1]], add=TRUE, col="blue", lwd=2) } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{manip}