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% Please edit documentation in R/QC_wrappers.r
\title{Class markers}
defineClassMarkers(datRef, onClasses, offClasses, numMarkers = 50)
\item{datRef}{a matrix (rows=genes x columns=samples) of gene expression data
(e.g., scRNA-seq)}
\item{onClasses}{a character (or factor) vector indicated the on class for each
sample in datRef}
\item{offClasses}{a character (or factor) vector indicated the off class for
each sample in datRef}
\item{numMarkers}{number of markers per class to return (default = 50)}
a 3 x count matrix of the top confused pairs of clusters with the three
columns corresponding to mapped cluster, assigned cluster, and fraction of
cells incorrectly mapped, respectively.
This function identifies both on and off markers genes for classes for use
with patchSeqQC library. 'On markers, are genes that are highly expressed
in the cell type of interest with enriched expression relative to other cell
types. The second class, Off markers, are expected to be expressed at low levels
in a given patch-seq cell type.' Note that these markers are based on a relevant
reference data set.